Not consciously choose to be born here, it happened by chance or of the will of God.
My parents with their income taxes or paid maternity and to the birth record.
Throughout my childhood and adolescence I lived in the back of my grandmother's house after maternal and paternal.
A participant of the MST can even be "proud" to be in Brazil because "the state gave property", but for my family the State never gave anything.
Although pride does not fit well when we won something it has more to do with Conquest, then we can say that the MST can be proud of invading land and stay with them, the state also did not give them the land was conquered by them.
Paid to build the apartment, paid record in office, paid rates that do not even know they were paid property tax, garbage fee, lighting ...
Anyway, paid to live in Brazil and another country would be the same thing then this story beloved country does not make sense to me.
The light of reason patriotism is one of the greatest stupidities I know.
The boundaries between people who do not recognize are those established in the maps, but their degree of civility.
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I think Switzerland should not accept without restriction an immigrant Brazil, we have no
same level of civilization, as an immigrant Australian or German would not have major restrictions besides criminal records, everyone should be careful with the monsters they are born in any region.
In short, I classify people by the quality of its democracy, the quality of life of its people.
A Dutch according to my classification has reason to be proud of the people they belong because they constructed and maintained a good place to live.
So be proud of a flag, an anthem, speak the same language, have been born in the same region on a map, all representing patriotism, love of country, in my mind is something like a flying elephant or a plant talking very strange, does not make sense.
I want to know good schools, good hospitals, security, opportunities, income distribution ... yes that would be goals to be independent OBTAINED I was born in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela.
If we took the entire population of Brazil and transferíssemos to the region where the entire population of Canada and Canada to Brazil shortly Canadians return to the first world and Brazilians such which would continue trying to cross the Mexican border with the U.S..
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Of course this is not definitive. Countries like Chile and South Korea are proof that with awareness we can change the destination / civility of a people, a nation.
I do what I can and always invite everyone to be part of this army of good men, is I have been a little lonely, but I will not do like my friend Diogenes who went out with a flashlight looking for honest men, I have the Internet.
My friend said that Diogenes was neither Athenian nor Greek, "was a citizen of the world."
I'm about as cynical as the world my friend Diogenes our friendship was not higher because we disagree irreconcilably on the plan PLEASURE thinking, this is our watershed.
I admire one Norwegian, one Dutch and one Diogenes admire India an Nepal.
I do not see why I should give up my pleasures in pursuit of army men good!?
Diogenes never met his, I might never find my [ie accepted by them]then I see no logic in worship SUFFERING.
So I saw my friend Diogenes event horizon fading into solitude and becoming solid again, with time you get used to the one-man army ...
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