Friday, December 28, 2012


  “What Calvinist doctrine teaches? Teaches that salvation is entirely of God, the man has nothing to do with your salvation. God gives salvation to whom He wills and ready. According to this doctrine, when a person repents, is entirely the attractive power of the Holy Spirit. For Calvinists, predestination is the decree of God, through which He decided who would be saved or not. People who follow the theories of John Calvin taught that Christ came not to die for everyone, but for those who are part of His Church. These will be saved because they were predestined to salvation. This theory is this: If it were true that Jesus came to die for all people, would be helpless before a God who was able to make the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth and the oceans. . . but he was unable to save the man. " [Temas Biblicos]
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 I was of the Presbyterian Church and Sunday school and also in services was said that God knew all things and knew who would be saved or not.

God will not interfere with my "free will", but he already knows before hand if I accept Jesus' sacrifice.

Lets see if I can make it clearer.

I know my daughter and if I let her choose a pet to bring home a puppy will know that, note that I am not imposing anything, I'm not interfering with the will of my daughter, I am not demanding that she prefers a kitten, to find a laptop much more useful, but I know that she will choose the puppy.

But let us leave that aside for the moment, this leads to a very complex philosophy that I believe very few would follow.

What is important is that it OBSERVE holds us in an equation "circular" which we can not escape, the reasons it is HER SAME.

These types of structures of thought are beatiful because dogmas develop more efficient, those who have no way contest using the REASON.

If I am in the Presbyterian Church William then I'm the chosen one of God, because if I was not "predestined" to be saved would not have heard his call.

If I left the Presbyterian Church William is because I am not a chosen one, God knew that I would hear the word, but would not understand it or accept it.

Thus I have no way to challenge rationally predestination. God desires that I want the notebook, but know that I'll pick the puppy, because if I was a chosen one would be attracted to the notebook.

Now I really can not see any logic in the sacrifice of Jesus, is not that I do not want to, I CAN NOT.

If God created me he put me in this failure, I did not wish it, I did not ask for it. Ladies and gentlemen "break the circle", if God determined my whole NATURE he determined a "sequence of events". WHAT WE CHOOSE NOT FEEL.

God decided from the beginning that William will go to hell, thinking is my nature, I did not ask this, not that I wished if I could calaria my thoughts, they never brought anything good, but I CAN NOT.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, if any of you is a chosen one ... congratulations!

For all other ...

WE SEE IN HELL For now just enjoy life, it is long and prosper,


Wednesday, December 26, 2012


"Man is born only when it dies completely." [Franklin]
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  I also sometimes have this impression, I mean that the face of all that I see is a very plausible theory.

The friend Franklin was very religious and certainly our vision of the afterlife is divergent, but I think he refiria the intensity of a "spiritual life." Perhaps our final form as the caterpillar and the butterfly.

He was a Freemason and Calvinist, had as dogmas: Predestination of the soul; Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement; Vocation effective (or Irresistible Grace); Perseverance of the saints.

And everyone knows that I have no dogmas.

My, say, distrust of this earthly life came just when I realized the interference and found that they were not necessarily good. That would take a good interference Hitler to power?

Note that in the case of Pharaoh deliberately provoked an interference DELAY.

Exodus-7: 2 Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel from their land.

3 And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply in Egypt my signs and my wonders.

The "delay" can have two meanings, the fun or training. Remembering that all is not interference, most of the time things run loose even more when it comes to creatures. In the Abyss have not found any theory that doth take away from the equation.

I mean to stumble on a rock does not mean without a shadow of doubt that some hidden force to put it there for you to stumble. The stone can simply be there for whatever reason, some sequence of events no, you did not see it and stumbled.

So paying attention and using intelligence can avoid many unpleasant things, but not all, because we have little power over INTERFERENCE and can be victims of a sad CHANCE [can also be happy, as both Random Interference].

We live life or just really are in a simulacrum, a labor?


"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


"My husband stopped to notice that I cut his hair, which was new lingerie. He did not ask anything in my life, of my day. I started to feel like crap, totally neglected. Betray an escape was to prove to myself that I was not as insignificant as well, "
Rio said a doctor, 35, who betrayed her husband once. "This man I met said he dreamed with the smell of my hair. I was fully delivered, "he says. 
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  The above case does not characterize the loophole by which I get, but serves as a transition. This woman says she felt neglected however it seems it is more a "created reality". She wants her husband to behave like an eternal boyfriend and I have spoken about this misses the observable pattern. As with Tempra, is not that her hair is not pleasant to her husband, with the passage of time no longer triggers a uncontrollable passion, do not control what you feel.

My bike is high has a good pattern, of course I like her, but not her dream a reality because she is very approachable, someone who does not have my bike can dream it, you want it intensely. I happen to have the bike, now I can go somewhere with it, no need to DREAM.

Many men come to despise their wives, so get used to it it's like to always be there always available. The time wears his desire and how he thinks the measure of all things, believes all men desire for his partner was worn, what happens to another man there this a DIFFERENT woman, someone he had never had sex and even the smell of your hair charms ...

I will not generalize, but women are masochists in varying degrees [not that they want to be or have consciousness]. It is easier for a man gum lose the love of a woman that the man that despises.

Then the woman still loves the man who despises but delivery "lunchbox out" to the man who appreciate ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You know, the woman "rationalizes" thus: "Oh! I know the pain of being ignored and no one deserves to suffer what I suffer. Oh! God, how unhappy I am, God forgive me, but I will "give" a little joy to one who wishes me well, also deserve to be happy, even for a few moments ... (10 pages later) ... only to return to my life contempt and suffering alongside him who despises me. Oh God ...

Monday, December 24, 2012


"If you can not change partners then swap everything around you, but it does not fool the brain of some women ..."
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IDOLATRY: Well, there's this "we create reality", words fail in the Abyss. If our brain can be fooled very deeply the illusion becomes a reality. NO! Not that reality logic, but a sensible reality.

My brain can not be fooled that the Sun of Madrid is different because there is a sun of Madrid, there is a sun that illuminates the whole earth, this is the reality LOGIC. There brains that have a profound illusion that the sunset in Venice is special then this becomes a sensible reality, citizens FEELS that he for the Sun is different in a way so profound that for practical purposes ends up being. A created reality.

I do not have sexual fantasies, no matter the setting, no matter the lingerie, no matter clothes nun, a woman is no different, so I have to lower my libido because I was absorbed by the sex that would indeed have several women My wife stopped ... involve both with the time I spend writing, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Actually logic my life does not depend on other life except that I am a Siamese. When we are in the womb, our life depends on our mother, but after childbirth if she dies will continue to live.

A man idolize a woman can only be a "created reality". Of course he can live without it, your life can and will continue. A woman can be proud and satisfied at the beginning of this relationship with idolatry, but over time begins to choke, that individual sticks it more than gum.

Not that women do not like to be idolized, 99% of them do not support the price, that fellow driver who distrusts even their own shadow. The "heart is cold" and remember what happens under pressure? Squeeze the water and she escapes by going to the fingers.

The guy does so much pressure on it sickens his companion, no longer loves him and heart free, free pussy ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! [Real easy to be occupied by another]

When you hear of a woman "- My boyfriend gets really on my foot, I can not stand this anymore." Yeah real easy. Maybe not exactly for you, but someone will get along and not the boyfriend ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Friday, December 21, 2012


When "talked" with his friend Franklin in this regard said that beauty is not diminished nor increased the possibility of female betrayal I elencaria 3 things that weigh more: Character, Idolatry and Contempt.
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  CHARACTER: For some women however good your partner is he will never be able to satisfy it for long because his desire needs a certain variety, needs new.

Let's talk about cars, I have no attachment for automobiles, but it's amazing how they serve to exemplify the philosophical theories. It is an object common to us all and serves to establish a common denominator, I used to speak a language that everyone can understand.

These days I was near a Fiat Tempra and remembered that at the time of its release was one of the most beautiful cars I have ever seen, the Vectra was also fantastic.

The designe of Tempra today arouses passion in anyone I know. If it were made today with the same designe still a fantastic car technologically, but ENJOAMOS him. It's strange sometimes exchange one thing or another does not wish for it to be better, but only because it is DIFFERENT.

Then a guy married to Gisele after a few years can "experience" the Regina Case just for being different.

Then that woman married to a handsome businessman and thin tract can hang with the chauffeur just to be different.

We have no control over what we feel is our "nature" is our "frequency".

Remember FRACTAL? We have a bit of ALL of us, if you "autofilosofar" see this very different taste for yourself. [Before throwing stones at the woman "bad character" ... hahahahahahahaha!]

Much of the sexual fantasies of this need arise again, so we changed positions, create some scenarios, some even fantasize of nurses, firefighters, priests, bunnies, kangaroo legged ...

If you can not change partners then swap everything around you, but it does not fool the brain of some women, the environment can even stay the same, but the partner has to be DIFFERENT.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

About Treason

"You can not pluck roses without fear of thorns, nor enjoy a beautiful wife without danger of horns." [Franklin] 
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 One of the complexities that life is more difficult to deal with sexual desire.

If we develop this desire is very difficult to remain true regardless of being male or female.

Can you make a comparison with gluttony, an obese person likes to eat, but varying the menu.

I came to the conclusion that we have a commitment and we remain faithful we must develop methods to lower the libido.

My wife complained that I spend a lot of time writing or meditating. One day "discussing the relationship" gave examples of things that absorb the attention of men: football, sex, drinking [addictions in general] work.

Taking the philosophy I would be left to be absorbed by sex. He liked football, but playing not watching, my breath is no longer the same, play ball brings pain and suffering the next day. I have nothing against those who drink or use drugs moderately however is not my thing, I feel bad not being lucid. And work, if I did something like that could even be, but I never had this blessing.

My wife and all women [remember the "fractal"?] Like I was engrossed in it, addicted to it, it happens that women ask for it and despise it, do not try to understand just accept for now.

When "talked" with his friend Franklin in this regard said that beauty is not diminished nor increased the possibility of female betrayal I elencaria 3 things that weigh more: Character, Idolatry and Contempt.

To be continued ...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

About Luck

"The rancher Bumlai is a mystical person. Like saying that owns 99,999 head of cattle, brand his herd with the number 9 and your mobile number has seven digits 9. He likes to tell friends that once, during a dream, a voice told him to approach the then candidate Lula. In the 2002 campaign, through the former governor Zeca do PT, Bumlai met the future president and gave one of his farms for recording the electoral program. They are friends since then. " [Veja - 02/03/2011] 
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I'm not talking about the dirty tricks of the past government, were so many and the support with a clear majority of the people so that was scary. ["And God hardened Pharaoh's heart."]

Let's talk about interference?

In 2002 it was not certain that Lula would win, the race was well balanced and had more chances José Serra. This gentleman was shot because he heard voices, body and soul in a presidential campaign that for your type of activity could cost you dearly. If Lula lost many doors would be closed for the entrepreneur.

Interference occurred voice and his fortune was multiplied many times. I see many thinkers say that superstition is a thing of desperate poor and unprepared, sometimes we can not speak of it Bumlai.

I see many thinkers say that the result of a prayer is illusion, though I wish I had this illusion of Mr. Bumlai in my bank account ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You ladies and gentlemen, I am not a chosen'm not someone played by luck then could do the chorus who say it does not exist and what sort of excuse is failed, but "ideas do not correspond to the facts."

Despite not observe fortunate in my life and have come from a dysfunctional family well, live well, live well and am fairly well the employee who accredit me even more to join the chorus of those who say that luck is a lazy excuse.

It turns out that Philosophy Mathematics is relentless, as FRACTAL THE ALL is in me, but I'm not the whole. I'm not the measure of all things.

Note that Lula and Bumlai really became friends, was not only a financial relationship, there was an interaction of souls. As the "voice" could have predicted this?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Travel

"Once more I write about it, I'll take milk with bread and butter, pretend we're on Twitter."
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My princess Ellen turned 8 yesterday and we gathered at my brother who also has a beautiful princess.

Be still, I will not be tweeting now we are returning to the world of philosophy, take a deep breath and go into the Abyss.

The people around me were talking about how good it is traveling, meeting other places, meet other people, I had nothing to talk about because I do not care to know new places and far fewer people.

The same sun that shines in Madrid, shines in Campinas. The same moon that graces the Tokyo sky, gracing the skies of Campinas. One day a personal work convinced me to go to the tourist town of Wells Caldas, felt so ludicrous visiting a plaza that had a sundial!!! No, not solar powered, that was signaled by the shadow. He also had a koi pond [think], the "bride's veil waterfall," [the weather was dry and the veil was a poverty, gave the bride ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA doh!].

With so many beautiful places in my town I see no sense to travel far to see the tree, asphalt, car, church, square, buggy ...

Nor do I need to meet people or make friends, I'm content with what life presents me naturally. Each person is a being so complex that not that we spend a lifetime together I could say "I know someone." Mathematically prefer quality to quantity. Prefer know two people deeply in Campinas or in my neighborhood that 1 million vaguely elsewhere.

Yes, I travel. In the complex world of minds, places the plane and the car can not take me, "to boldly go where few dare to go."

How can I talk to people in a place that they do not even know exists?

Sure, I can describe the wonderful, but they can not serve as the eyes.

Abyss exists in this fascinating mystery, I call FRACTAL, well known to my wife, step-by table I know well all women in the world.

Example: if I know a deeply Eucalyptus Taquaral Lagoon, a Eucalyptus Yellowstone Park will not be the same, but unraveling the mysteries of here will be very revealing of the mysteries there.

"The science of fractals presents geometric structures of great beauty and infinite complexity, related to the forms of nature, the development of life and the very understanding of the universe. They are images of abstract objects that have the character of ubiquity by having all the characteristics of infinitely multiplied within each part, thus escaping, in full understanding of the human mind. "

One day I tried to love, I traveled through fields, valleys and mountains. Already tired of searching sat in any one place and love appeared, it was inside me.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


"Before consulting the whim consulting portfolio." [Franklin] 
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  I note that the greatest financial difficulties that arise in people's lives comes from how they spend and not so much for what they earn.

With governments the same thing happens, but let's stick to the subject today.

I have basic survival items that paid "religiously" thanks for having access to these goods, water, light, condominium, telephony, Internet, food.

I told here how wonderful I think the water coming from the tap or electricity by operating all the technology around me, of course I wish it was cheaper [only I could be up for free ... hahahahahahaha].

The fact is that I can only invest or satisfy a whim with money left over for essentials. If left me 200 reais and this money does not satisfy my whims I have several options LOGICAL, let me think of any examples.

As our friend Benjamin Franklin said we should invest in knowledge preferably somewhere that can increase our income. Mediocre and ignorant people will say that 200 is nothing real and you can not acquire any knowledge with this amount and to this people I really have nothing to write, take a step further, you want to exit the cave of ignorance and mediocrity is a decision very personal to these people I HAVE NO SOLUTION.

I've seen people lose a job for not having the best high school, now in Brazil this study can be completed for free and get 200 reais for unavoidable extra spending on transportation and school supplies.

You do not even have the 200? Try something closer to home and walk. As for materials ask for help, we have countless social care services so if you are hanging on will free pass on some of them.

Then write more about this, I'll take milk with bread and butter, pretend we're on Twitter. Ah! I thought of something to say to those who think that 200 reais is nothing gives me.

Friday, December 14, 2012

About Hope

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."  [Franklin] 
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   Any large company has large amount of "cleaning women", most often are outsourced, they are there but are not there.
My mother had 5 children to support this very type of service, with little education and could not do better with five mouths to sustain had to work.

I do not know what made my mother's life harder, not studying or have many children, the doubts she opted for two ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I do not like to look at women cleaning, no, not any kind of discrimination or arrogance that is my mind always goes to that dark side of Philosophy where sadness becomes constant companion.

The deal very well and try not to get depressed looking right into your eyes, right into your soul, do not want to see the uniforms, I do not want to remember the suffering of my mother, I do not want to remember that there this no future as a profession, as without hope.

Yesterday at the mall and my wife and daughters were having lunch one of these souls approached and asked what it was so beautiful that they were eating. She always saw people asking for that dish, but did not know what it was.

It was these stuffed potatoes, my wife gave her a little and she ate with gusto, felt wonderful. By asking price was startled by value, with his salary could never afford to eat a plate of those.

My wife tried to leave quietly paid a potato stuffed for that person, but once you get in the box to the cafeteria manager had observed the scene and told my wife to stay quiet cafeteria that would give that gift of grace for the housekeeper.

I hope the manager is a nice person, because we know that this type of occurrence may end in dismissal, any policy prohibits employees Shopping disturbed in any way the customer, imagine those who "are not there."

I hope the cleaning lady has tasted a hearty dish of potatoes stuffed inconsequential. I hope the manager is a nice person and a maximum has made a recommendation that it not happen again.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance, a simple dish of stuffed potatoes can cost you a job that is not up to snuff.

Look there! I ended up in this sad side of philosophy where a philosopher can do nothing but hope, hope for the best, or least worst happen.

I'll stop here, the philosophy has made me lose faith, do not want to lose hope.

The day I can not write a philosophy that can improve the lives of people prefer to stop writing.

In the Abyss we have to stay away from the "black holes", magnificent structures of thought, but they all suck up to the light, leading us to a kind of "dark side".

Because many people do not value properly Education and Knowledge?


I have no solution to everything, I will not feel guilty for my daughters to feed abundantly in Shopping, I am glad that may have this pleasure. Just know that I know nothing, as Socrates would say my good friend. This keeps me HOPE ...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

About Bigotry

"The Fascism is a religion. The twentieth century will be known as the century of Fascism." [Mussolini] 
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  Fanaticism is characterized by the creation of dogmas Mussolini himself said that at certain times, words can be facts.

"Man is born in sin." There is nothing observable to justify this assertion, but it is written in a holy book and the word became fato.Dogma is the key point and indisputably a religious or philosophical belief.

"Jesus is the only way" and not talk about it anymore, do not think about it anymore.

Mussolini knows everything that is good for Italy and not think about it anymore, opponents, and those who disagree can not be convinced to be arrested or killed.

My attraction for Democracy and Capitalism comes to encouraging THINK.

You can be born, poor, miserable, but if you have a good idea or luck, or some talent well spent can occupy the highest posts and fabulous riches or at least have a comfortable and dignified life well.

Democracy is when the debate is good and the best idea, more consistent, and winning out all or the vast majority wins.

In Capitalism you can be born rich and end his days in the gutter, again you must use the intellect too, have an "emotional intelligence" well calibrated.

If the daughter of President Dilma hit my car will be driven in court like any other citizen and I'm sure as a person of good will assume his responsibilities because in Democracy has no blue blood above the law. If I have capital can live in the same neighborhood that Senator Suplicy and no law will stop me.

When I meditate on Capitalism and Democracy wonder how there can still Theocracy and Communism!

For those who do not like to think, democracy is still better and elect an "aristocracy" thinking is fabulous.

Let us take as an example a cell phone, I do not have the capacity to develop or use it fully ... I know HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

It's fabulous that people with a talent for electronics have developed the cellular and refine every day. Live long and prosper to all my little brothers computer addicts their success makes my life much more comfortable.

Have you thought up that I did not chase the computer skill with all you've got? What I gain from this?

It would be something like putting on the clown Tiririca Committee on Education and Culture, this does not happen in real life ... 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


"Only a country inferior, ordinary, insignificant, can be democratic. A strong and heroic people tend to aristocracy. "[Mussoline] 
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  Aristotle went on to say that the aristocracy is the power entrusted to better citizens, without distinction of birth or wealth.

The friend Aristotle was a genius Mussoline was already a big idiot. I attribute the arrival of idiots to power as some kind of "interference" that clouds the conscience of individuals, because the biological brain as machine does not have much logic deficiency.

Yeah, we went back to that old puzzle in which "God hardens Pharaoh's heart", but do not want to write about it now.

The aristocracy that speaks Mussoline is the "elite" who comes to power and remain there by force, oppression, often passing power from father to son. Are those dictators who remain in power for decades taking over the nation.

I also think that for a nation to function efficiently must tend to an aristocracy, I told here that people are not the same as the quality of thought, yes there is superior intellects, the mass is MEDIOCRE.

Just me I align with my friend Aristotle, a power ROTARY controlled by our best minds.

Our president would be chosen among the best of the best, with a great track record unblemished moral and administrative. Our Senate and House would also be occupied by our best citizens.

Just imagine such a situation, a smile comes across my face, alone in the dark of my room I have visions so beatiful how good it could be reality.

However in or out of power and there are many mussolines aristoteles are very few. But if convinced of the "mass" of the importance of aristoteles for the good of all, mussolines continue to exist that will only further the monopoly of power ...

Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Monday, December 10, 2012


"In the short term, sr.William, what do you think it would be possible to save such a person," (drugged unrecoverable). [Nihil] 
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Rather than spend money on Bullet Train and Stadiums in proposing to host the World Cup and the Olympics could invest in excellence in medical procedures and treatments, something already happening with our plastic medicine.
This is only one suggestion among many that will not be heard even ... hahahahahahahaha!

But I will not get this loophole now, I'll follow with another one that might be more useful to readers.

Neither Christianity proposes to save everybody, know why? THERE WILL ALWAYS BE LOST.

Any philosopher who wishes to "save" all or have a solution for everything is a poor sap easy target depression, always walk to that dark side of Philosophy where sorrow is certain and constant companionship.

How many people died or suffered serious accidents going to or coming from her church?

How many workers lost their lives at work or were seriously disabled?

In life there is a safe place. See what happened in New Zealand, a wonderful country to live struck by a strong earthquake. With that society as civilized and well structured losses until they were few before the disaster, but there were losses and for mother who lost a son was the worst disaster of the Universe.

You can help many people, but it is impossible to help them all, some will be swallowed up by addiction and not only for addiction, but by innumerable complexities surrounding life. Even love can kill or lead to suicide. Even a well-constructed building can fall.

Sorry Nihil, the short term solution for the good of our society is the overdose death or hospitalization forced already to Patricia ... has no solution.

If you stay still free drugged, if admitted will be stuck if it dies ... I do not know.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Patricia Case

"You can not help men permanently if you do for them what they could and should do for themselves." [Lincoln]
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 " To buy the drug consuming, Patricia Teixeira Ferreira has already used up the retirement benefit that the mother receives monthly. She took my card and he drew about $ 70.00. Today, I have to hide the card, told her mother, Osmarina Teixeira Ferreira."  [The Gazette]

I understand the despair and the struggle of the mother, not at all want to be in her place, but I have to consider the case of a citizen with logic and Patricia EXEMPTION.

For this reason a judge can not judge a person who is dear to you or with whom you have a relationship, legally called "conflict of interest".

I do not know what led Patricia to have access to drugs with only 9 years old, say that one of their parents were addicted, yes, it is unfortunate, it's horrible, but if inocentarmos their parents as being too "victims" drugs blaming whom? God?

I am not the father of Patricia, seeing no drugs, did not invent the drugs, not forced Patricia to use them, do not even use drugs, I'm not God did not create the drug, because even I have to feel guilty by the sad story Patricia's life or his mother?

With 15 years Patricia knew which way his life was following because now only one month of life proposes to change?

If anyone believes this escape she will not return to drugging someone believes this miraculous change of character?

Since we have limited resources would be better not to use them and they have no clear chances of entering the world of addiction or have a real desire to get rid of it.

Another intriguing question is that it is drug for 20 years, had access to drug GOOD QUALITY that will could save their health and be a productive citizen? It is, that we can not know because "demonize" the drugs, we prefer to spend time trying to destroy them, sweep them from the earth that we try to make good use of them or at least try not to be so destructive to some citizens.

If we assign some blame for our society is HYPOCRISY, as everything else we are innocent with respect to drug addicts.

A friend Lincoln to save wherever you are now no longer exists in any form, anyway thank you for your thoughts.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Still on Character

"If we do not reach triumph not we be left otherwise drag us halfway around the world in this disaster." [Hitler] 
Hitler liked to read, because it breaks that pattern that the accumulation of knowledge alone can turn a man into a "better person".

"Educate the children and not have to punish men." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

A person who has a bad character, to be polite becomes even more destructive laws requiring even more severe, a police better prepared and harsh punishments.

That this marginal output without modesty will not have to get him hostage and if unsuccessful will drag you with him to the disaster.

We can observe this occurrence in many life events, see the case Pimenta Neves, of course he was too fond of Sandra Gomide not stand being away from your company, but to realize that it would like to stay with the girl did not mind with its own disaster.

Pimenta Neves was a scholar, there are numerous semi illiterates who never react so as a matter of character.

No, not come up with the argument that Neves would a guy uneducated worse because he committed a murder, the worst of our crimes, poverty and lack of education could anticipate this action, demonstrate your true character soon, but would not be a worse person. How are we so complacent with killers we can not say that he would be arrested, who remembers the Hotline program, you know that in our country too poor bad character goes unpunished, because the program did not show mathematically or 0.01% of murder cases .

I know that what I write is just nonsense to most people who continue to defend that every man is born good and society [and I any good citizen] is spoiling its character.

I have no hatred of marginal, I understand that he does not choose what to feel. A pedophile can FEEL that having sexual attraction to children is the most natural thing in the world, and it is even part of his character, his nature, his FREQUENCY.

However he knows how much can harm a child's life, making bad neighbor, and his feeling that this can not turn into action, he has to control the ACT or be punished.

Glad to feel like writing and I know how dangerous this is, but here in Brazil is permitted by law, it was lucky.

It would be complicated if it had attraction to make some bad neighbor. I already do not like working and I know how complicated it is to control the ACT. I like this philosophy because it is nice to do nothing ...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

About Character

"The causes do not determine a person's character, but only the manifestation of this character, ie the actions." [Schopenhauer] 
I think if I lived in a region where war coexisted with many deaths, it would be easy to kill me.

However'd do anything to get rid of this situation, turn this place or go to another where there is no war.

No pleasure in killing, it is not part of my character.

Like any young I also had access to drugs, cigarettes or drinks, but never made use of any of this by not being part of my character.

My character requires lucidity and intoxicate my senses never thought to be a good solution, though sometimes necessary to think and think. Such lucidity bother, I confess that some days to support some exciting going very well, but I would feel guilty, guilty of what? To go against my character, my NATURE.

I can even go against my nature since I notice a logical reason, that makes my life more efficient, how to kill it if necessary.

So when I hear that friends brought a young man to the "bad path", or that the drug destroyed the life of a person no longer see any reason to continue a debate.

The guy did not seek the drug, she magically went to meet her!!!!!

The guy did not have to choose good friends, just bad!!!

People want to convince me that I'm not normal with respect to the character.

Because I had friends with me and not drugged droguei with gay and non-gay come with alcoholics and non-addicted ...

I mean that for every "friend" who invites him to drug has ten other saying not to use, warning about the danger of addiction, is the father, the mother, the teacher, the media, the church ...

Why blame the drug for the bad character of the person?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


"But the big problem of loves-especially if they are calmer, is that one does not know what the other is really thinking. One of the people can be happy in your routine, taking care of their affairs, while the other can disguise and hide a great dissatisfaction, wanting more action, adventure and romance in your life. " [Nihil] 
  I've talked about this in a recent article, we want to "philosophize" and not another "self philosophize." Read it again, how recent is not going to play it.

I have no control over how I feel, I can control my ACT.

With respect to my partner can not control their actions or feelings and spend "energy" trying it is a waste of time if you insist on this type of "paranormal activity" know not alone and that always translates into suffering and anguish.

From the moment my partner outside a feeling I can get with my skills philosophical while she does it will not act as a "guesser" that always expects the worst. A magician who takes a rat or a snake out of a hat instead of a bunny expected.

I'm a good driver will not make it impossible for me to suffer an accident, you have to understand that there is ANOTHER and not have this possibility to control up to what the other thinks.

The marriage needs both self-analyzing and what we see is just the opposite, one looking at the other, wanting to control up to what the other is feeling or thinking and investing whenever, in the rat, snake.

Has anything more annoying that the woman who lives wondering if it really like?

I feel like we're just responding to why she is the last woman on earth or we are with it until something better appears.

Maybe now my wife is very sexual desire for another man, she has no way to control it. If ACT to avoid the "temptation" is enough for me. I was always self philosopher and I am aware that I am not someone so wonderful about my wife not have eyes for any other man.

"In marriage we multiply our obligations and we divide our rights."

I regret to inform, but if you ever really want to know what the other is thinking, your chances of getting a marriage of good quality are greatly reduced.

Hopefully after a good night's sleep meditate on what was exposed and increase your chances, this is my crowd.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The orgasm

"Talent is when a shooter hits the target others can not. Genius is when a shooter hits the target that others do not see. " [Schopenhauer] 
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Schopenhauer and many of my friends were killed undoubtedly geniuses.

As I like to use as a comparison model cars will continue this gap.

Talent has that skilled mechanic who does repairs on cars with mastery, but has one citizen who goes a little [or a lot] In addition, he alone or with your friends develops a car Flex, Air Bag, ABS, Autopilot ...

Most of us have some talent, it is important to discover the ASAP and make good use of it.

But what causes me a "mental orgasm" is this encounter with the jinn, those who set new standards, grandly out of the cave in their area of ​​interest.

They reach targets that do not even others see when they show us and yet many still not seeing, but at least participate in the use of new discoveries.

They may think me a fool, but I still get amazed when you open a faucet and see her out drinking water, WONDER WHAT!

Most do not give a damn, nor it sees the fruit of much knowledge, a fascinating evolution of our species.

I do not know if the water is a miracle of God or a random event, but it gives me great joy to have her as abundant and easily accessible in an act as simple as turning a tap.

My deepest thanks to all the geniuses who have been and are on this planet. Amazing people that go beyond mediocrity, beyond the talent setting new standards of excellence.

Live long and prosper them all, our hope for a better and better.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

About Family

"Marrying means doubling their obligations and to halve their rights."  [Schopenhauer] 
It's true. What I do not understand is how people do not expect anything to change after marriage.

A colleague said that his marriage ended because her husband was no longer as time dating!!!

Now she says in a happier relationship and your partner is more "intense". The detail is that they have a "compromise", but do not live together and do not intend to live together. Or is this another partner has few obligations and need not divide their rights, something that my colleague nor dream allowed her husband.

Okay, when I say this is someone saying that there are couples who live eternally in love, I have not met any, but I've seen on TV.

Now there are more couples who separate [these I know in real life], then mathematically our standard should be the separation and not of eternal passion.

I notice that when a person home his first desire is to be a FAMILY, but strangely this desire is masked as a "consummation of love."

I do not know if I can be clear, I'll try.

Marriage is not the end of love, but the consummation of the desire to have a family.

Suppose you want to have a car and will choose a course that you like that fits your budget, but what you really want is to have more independence to come and go so you want to be a driver car exchange since driver remains happens that the traffic laws will not change if you have a Dodge or a Toyota.

So when you have a boyfriend it will behave as boyfriend and husband when it behaves as a husband.

When a woman has children most often they are the most important beings in her life. When I was dating my wife her love could be almost entirely devoted to me, now there's no way, two people came out of her womb and are the most special of her life. Yes, to take care of the babies had sex numerous times to take second or third plane thing that did not occur in dating today precisely because we are not lovers, we are husband and wife.

If you want your life to be an eternal dating then think ten times before getting married.

If the desire to have family pounded on his chest then already understand that marriage is not dating.

Marriage is not spoiled by its own characteristics, it is even very tasty. Having someone to share with you a project of life, a family.

The wedding is ruined because people expect him to have the characteristic of an eternal courtship which obviously you can not be, because dating has its characteristics based on a few bonds and little rights division.

My wife dating could give me a kick in the ass and then his life would play a maximum covenant of commitment to my face. Not now, I am the Father of his daughters, goods have conquered together many obligations, duties many, many rights division.

I am not just another man, I'm your man, she is my wife.

Well, our desire for a family was held, there are eternal lovers, evolved this condition, we are happily married.

If one or both of the parties insist on the priority of dating on marriage sooner or later ends up appearing a third participant, there is a dating "intense" endangering the stability of marriage.

We should seek a good marriage is to be married. Love, friendship, companionship, tract house, the plants, the animals, the children's education, fellowship of families of the couple grow old together ...

Anyway, MARRIAGE and FAMILY are great too.

Reduced because the small dimensions of a dating?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Friday, November 30, 2012

About Youth

" In the eyes of a young people, life is a future infinitely long, the old view, a past very soon." [Schopenhauer] 
I notice too that disrupts the lives of many this feeling of eternal youth.

The guy with 18 years believes he has all the time in the world when mathematically we can say that in 18 years will be advancing to the second half of life without warranty extension.

With 30 years is much more difficult to get a good internship, the 35 is a cutoff age in the selection of many companies depending on the function.

Of course with the increase of the elderly population combined with declining birth rates, these positions will have to be revised, but still observe that the best opportunities to start a successful career happens 18 to 30 years.

A woman of 18 can roast in the sun will no major concerns, but the 30 will feel the effect of all this exposure with your skin aging rapidly.

If you are a high performance athlete is unlikely to drop even after 35 records.

Anyway, the young physics is very brief and many choose to listen to it intently I think it more logical to live in moderation leaving the intensity for some special moments.

It's okay to have fun, but study, all well laid, but do safe sex, it's okay to drink a little, but without exaggeration.

You being a savage motorcycle knows that we have a battalion mutilated.

You take all that, know that alcohol has destroyed many families and careers.

Do you think that the important thing to look for, nor interest rate, know that banks and financial will make good use of this money that you can miss in old age.

Huh? Are you one of those people who think that his spirit will be forever young?

Maybe so, but his biological machine begins his beak open early, even when it is mishandled.

Your pressure will start up or down, its elasticity is compromised, your aerobic capacity will be reduced. His spirit may be an excellent driver, but with a much less competitive car all inevitably becomes harder.

Do not sleep on the illusion that your future is infinite, when you wake up to reality only shows you a past soon ...

Thursday, November 29, 2012


   Archive: 30/09/2010

"I think the ownership of the means of production had to be collective, then
I am a Marxist. "[Gwen]

"By saying that the controversy over his fortune was a" smallness ", he concluded the matter: - I will not waste time with that," [Plinio the PSOL]
Minds we perceive as communists in capitalist democracies?

They is not intended to improve communism in Cuba or North Korea or in fighting for human rights in China. "I do not want to waste time, to fix what is not defective?"

They want to destroy the "Capitalist System" inside, then live very well in New York, Sao Paulo, New Zealand in a lifestyle capitalist and democratic, but they preach communism and control of the press.

These minds have always had a great advantage, exercising their freedom of expression in capitalist countries and when they come to power and eventually deploy communism to freedom of expression of capitalist minds.

Nonetheless, we most often Capitalists take the best.

Blessed are the Americans who prepared our wonderful "Trojan horse" to communism, the INTERNET, as never in the history of humankind, minds capitalists worldwide will have access to information and we also begin to destroy communism inside, pull down the curtains iron intelligently without firing a shot.

Israel and France are already waking up to the reality that "they" want to dominate or destroy, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland capitalist democracies ... are so well established that communism would only have a chance at catching weapons.

A new generation is coming even more connected, not affixed to the end of communism, there are "spirits" who worship a halter, but going forward subdue a nation will not be so easy, I'm sure if we would Aécio vying for a position of head Aetius with his head slightly forward, but there are also capitalists among us ASSES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Greek Gift

  "Russia so far has avoided adopting restrictions on the Internet, but analysts say there is a group of hardliners close to Putin that the country would adopt controls similar to China's. Chinese President Hu Jintao called on Saturday (19) by a tougher government regulations on the Internet and warned top leaders of the Communist Party of China is facing a worsening of social conflicts that can test the party's ability to maintain control in the country."   [O Globo]
Those who followed some of my writings on GD earth should remember when I said that the Internet was our "Trojan Horse" for Communism and Theocracy.

These guys kept their isolated peoples of information of what life is like beyond their borders. A North Korean mediocre sure you live in South Korea or Japan is hell. Thanks to news produced by state, a North Korean citizen feels envied by the rest of the world.

It will be fascinating to observe how the commies and theocrats will handle our gift Capitalist ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

To succeed in controlling the Internet will have to train countless hackers, it turns out that these hackers via the Internet itself will have information from all over the world. This guy will know that in Toronto you live very well without needing any "father of the nation". This guy will know that you live in Amsterdam very well without having to pray five times a day toward Mecca.

When the world was getting boring behold our gift begins to show who came.

I confess that I expected this to happen, maybe in 10 years, even though I messed up.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Will of the People

"According to recent survey of 1,000 Egyptians, 85% come from the influence of Islam as positive, 82% are in favor of stoning people who have sex outside of marriage, 77% support the Arab tradition of cutting the hands of thieves and 84% advocates the death penalty for anyone who leaves Islam. " [Veja /  February 2010] 
I have written here that no matter what type of government, it is always the result of "frequency" in a dominant people.

Cuba is a communist because his people sympathize with communism before Fidel had a dictatorship there.

It is possible that two old men intimidate a whole population, and not tell me you are intimidated by the army because they would have to prove to me that the soldiers came from another planet or are androids.

The army is made up of people born and raised in Cuba, has a father and mother "oppressed" by the regime.

I wrote in the previous text that the mother is the one that has more time to pass values ​​to the children if the mothers teach the glory of Cuban Communism for their children and as adults they "accept", as can be said oppressed by Fidel?

The same equation can be applied in the Middle East, the descendants of "Ishmael" vibrate at a frequency different from the frequency of "Isaac", this is another of the great mysteries [coincidences] that surround our life on this planet.

84% of the population does not accept you to abandon Islam!!!

What kind of political masters expect occupying power in Egypt?

After criticizing thinkers see the USA because he supported any dictator, why, if a people only works under a dictatorship nothing smarter than we support a dictator is friendly.

Many have criticized Bush for not having gone ahead and deposed Sadan, we now know that Bush was wise. Bush Jr. wanted to bring democracy to Iraq and gave in that gave, but I am grateful to him, because I spared years of vain philosophy.

The brothers live as Muslims like to live, worship the extreme suffering, the more experienced life here on Earth a better place in heaven Allah will provide.

If it is difficult to leave the cult of suffering in Christianity this difficulty is multiplied by ten in Islam. Because life is not exactly clear is that even in the Middle East are born free thinkers and the best option for them is to move to the West or trying to change the people around you with all possible caution at risk of dying or being severely penalized.

Glad I was born in Brazil, I know that is not the best place in the world to live, but it's still much better than many countries there.

Where there is freedom of expression is always easier than the best idea gain traction, dogma loses strength before PRAGMATISM.

Good Luck to the brothers of Islam, they elect a not very religious radical, a religious politician who respects the way of life of the West.

As for the West, as a great thinker said that now I can not remember:

"Cumprimentemos with the right hand and keep a stick in his left hand, just in doubt ..."

Hopefully the club will never need to use.

Monday, November 26, 2012


"There is nothing wrong with showing breasts on the street - says Inna. - We have the right to protest using the brain and other body parts. " [O Globo] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Apparently she preferred the other parts of the body ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I am a man "modern" and spend a lot of time with my daughters, but the greatest of these is contact with my wife.

I do not know what life is like in Ukraine, but I believe that the mother is the one that has more contact with the children then a male-dominated society is more the result of the mentality of women than men.

The Inna wants to combat sex tourism showing her breasts for free! With girls of 20 years!!

Grab some vein Inna ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Inna could excel in his profession, serving as an example, give lectures, open a blog, finally use my brain.

But Inna is smart, can even pursue a political career, it seems that its main cause is ... SHE SAME!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Save Eva

"For many people, philosophers are night owls inopportune that disturb during sleep." [Schopenhauer] 
  It's summer. Therefore decided by isolation, do not want to wake people up unless they wish to awaken.

With the end of the GD was invited to several forums and thought "invade" other, but in the end I knew what it would take, my participation in Earth GD went beyond expectations and when I started to feel safe was closed.

My friend played Schopenhauer there is somewhere in the library or on some forgotten shelf until someone who wants to wake up is attracted by your thoughts.

It was like that with me. One day Socrates met another Voltaire, Emerson, Confucius and many others and I could no longer sleep. I let myself be led by my friends killed by the most stupendous ballads.

Nobody likes to be awake, thoughts bring many troubles, a strong dislike, are demonized.

Cornered by logic the people retreat further into their caves, their dogmas.

For others agree is inevitable, almost a "destination", your mind vibrates at a "frequency" that inevitably come into line when stumble on some great thinker.

So my dead friends will be forgotten on the shelf for a few months, but will be remembered for centuries.

Why do we eat the fruit of knowledge and we pay a high price that is fair to enjoy it as long as there will be humans who want to make good use of INTELLIGENCE.

A save for Eve, another to save Adam, do not blame them. I would have bitten the fruit, removed the dust that Schopenhauer forgotten on the shelf ...

Mediocrity is boring, decipher mysteries is FASCINATING, as Mr. Spock would say.

The mind go where no man has gone before, challenging God himself, or at least the idea that everyone has it.

Living without teachers or books "sacred" [scientific or religious]. The Freethought taking us beyond imagination, where many dreams come true, cure cancer, space travel, or something like a death can already assisted us save life when it no longer makes sense.

In one chapter he told the House that there is no dignity in death, after being lifeless can do anything with the body, corpses do not complain about anything, do not feel pain.

We can only try to dignity in life. Dying with dignity does not exist.

There is live with dignity and a decent man abhors become a burden.

I hope to live with dignity until the last day of my life, because there is no dignity in death ...

Saturday, November 24, 2012


"Fate is cruel and men are to be pitied." [Schopenhauer]
  Right now there are millions of people suffering day and night in thousands of hospitals worldwide and more so in countries so poor that has neither good hospitals.

This suffering has no end date, the end of the day there is no guarantee that everything will be finished. The agony can span weeks, months, years.

When I look at those bodies being devoured not want to know the past, there was this an excellent father or the worst villain, just cry inside, compassion is almost a pain, devours our souls.

I am for the death penalty, but she is as quick and painless as possible, I do not want revenge, only justice.

Mathematically it is very unlikely that his death is quick, for most of us much suffering awaits us.

If an Alzheimer "maybe" nor suffer much, but the suffering we impose the people around us, especially those who love us, it is too cruel.

I never rule out the possibility of me committing suicide. I would love it to be legalized assisted death.

I want my wife and daughters have a good memory for me. It would be terribly sad ace undergo endless pilgrimage in hospitals.

But euthanasia or assisted death are actions that those who worship the suffering nor proposes to discuss, suffering is our inalienable "right".

You do not like to THINK that these issues when looking for a terminally ill think about at least one thing ...

It is you tomorrow!

While her tomorrow comes,


Friday, November 23, 2012

Star Trek

"Do not go to the theater is like a toilet without a mirror." [Schopenhauer]
  Nowadays besides the theater, we have the TV dramas and movies and Cinema.
In the art of stage represent the most diverse types of minds that can exist, we doubt that even minds that exist in the real world.
Let's say you're jealous, surely must have seen something that staged every disorder is jealous, looking in the mirror so the ACT should not be swallowed up by this feeling.

The friend Shakespeare's Othello shows us beautifully all this torment.

I enjoyed reading biographies, philosophy, psychology, and was also the stage of self-help books. Reading novels was never my forte, I was born in the era of television watching and always found it best to read in regard to accompany stories.

I like acting, I like photography, the dialogues, the director's vision in translating the author. The invention of recording systems that allows us to immortalize series and movies for someone like me is fantastic.

I've been "in love" by numerous characters, one that marked my life was Spock from Star Trek.

McCoy was emotion, Kirk and Spock logic "harmony of opposites."

Kirk is the ideal commander, but I missed him when Spock was on the bridge, his logic was reliable, the Enterprise was in excellent hands.

I imagined the Enterprise as my own life sailing in the Abyss that is the Universe. I must seek the harmony of opposites, but in doubt prefer logic and never, ever belittle McCoy, emotion. PLEASURE possibly is what gives sense to life without emotion and there is no pleasure in the series finale Spock was a character even more special, leading to the logical extreme without denying himself pleasure, it would not be logical ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

 Live long and prosper everyone!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


"The less intelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him." [Schopenhauer] 
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At the end of the rainbow Iris has a pot of gold left by elves and when the sun is reflected by the gold arc is formed Iris.

What are elves? How did the gold? Because gold reflects 7 colors? Why can not I get to the end of the rainbow Iris?

A smart man always has many questions, your life is full of mysteries and solve one, another always arises.

For unintelligent there is no great mystery, is because someone wanted it and ready.

I think the difference between them is that the stupid little mystery never vanishes, is so persistent that he learns to live with it, stop thinking about it and is even happy.

For smart when a mystery is a great joy comes undone, but she sure new mysteries arise.

One sure that truth is fleeting closely resembles an eternal uncertainty, it is difficult to be happy as well.

Knowing that water droplets suspended in the atmosphere separating the sunshine in 7 colors, was undoubtedly a golden pot of knowledge, has light speed, wavelength, formation of molecular water, refraction, evaporation ...

Of course everything can be so because someone wanted it to be, this one should be smart and be smart also likes meeting other intelligent, mediocrity is boring.

Life can be too much for the intelligent man can also unravel mysteries.

Because this small planet hangs in the universe do not know yet, but we rejoice knowing many of its "mysteries", the Rainbow still beautiful despite not being the work of elves.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Love is a Desert

Love is a desert / And fears
Life in the saddle that vai / Of these pains
Do not know back / Gimme your heat ...

Come make me happy / Cause I Love You
You empties in me / And I ocean
And forget that love / It's almost a pain ...

All I know live / If for you!

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Poetry Djavam always startling shot that synthesize all our inner conflict, he says the same thing in many different ways.

His letters always refer to the love of a man for a woman and do not know whether purposely or so I see that I use this strong emotion that everyone has lived to talk about life and all other passions.

Come make me happy because I love you!

Realize cumulo of selfishness? The only reason that I present for someone trying to make me happy is the simple fact that I love her, like I was handing her a great treasure, my love!!

While my demonstrate dependence be near that person.

Is what we see constantly in relation to life, she never fully satisfies and yet few of us want the full death, even death can put an end to all our desires, the long awaited peace ...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

About Loneliness

What makes people sociable is their inability to endure the loneliness and in it themselves. [Schopenhauer] 
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How many people in the world few of us stop to think how difficult it is to endure loneliness. I know the "loneliness solid" with regard to thought, is too complicated to think what nobody thinks is a very strong feeling of exclusion.

Physically speaking never experienced loneliness and honestly speaking I flee it.

I like to be alone but not be lonely.

Right now I'm alone at home, this is only good because I know that soon my wife and daughters will arrive and fill the house with life.

I know many people reading this blog until they sent me a few emails asking if it's okay and reassure everyone saying I'm on an adaptation of times, I write best in the morning, but this is no longer possible and I am very afternoon and evening lazy

On the road I spot those houses on ranches or farms, isolated, distant, and I do not imagine living like that. I like the Internet by this interaction between people like to look out the window and see passing car, like living in this building with many families finally enjoy being with my human brothers even though we are not on the same frequency of thought.

If there is a God I think he is also unable to bear the loneliness, for it created us. He got fed up of himself, for it gave us free will, free thought.

When Eva experienced fruit and persuaded Adam also should have been a day of celebration for the creator beings vibrating at a frequency different and can surprise God himself.

Of course this scares like the first time our son disobeys.

At the same time we see a creature that is not just another extension of us, but a being different, a COMPANY.

Finally we do not feel so alone.

My wife and daughters are coming with all the noise that I hate, but with every company I need because if they were such as I'm still feeling just ...