Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Short Text

  "I made ​​this letter longer than usual because I have time to do a shorter one."   [Blaise Pascal]


  The text "Unfiltered" was written very fast.  Click Here
  During a walk remembered provocation Nihil and decided that the next text would be written without filters.
  I only managed to get the house in silence when my daughters went down to the playground, I wrote non-stop for some time, do not know exactly how much because my mind loses track of time in these moments, always write with an alarm clock on the side not to lose commitments, remember that when my daughters turned the text was ready, or the title changed, saved in Word and published the morning.

  Filter thoughts takes 3 times as writing them.

  I need to make them intelligible, I have to check if the background was too, if I am offending or hurting someone, try to contradict me using loopholes ...
  I like that thought with high power of condensation.
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  I honestly have no passion for writing books, one day was "self philosophizing" about it and came across this finding.
  What I really like is not very long just like texts in this blog.

  Phrases and sentences are very short, books are too long.
  The text is one delicious meal just right.
  In satiates hunger, gives the pleasure of tasting without leaving us fatigued, does not have that encheção sausage that brings us engordativas useless.
   A text is only good for me when I read in 2 minutes and I can remember him for 24 hours.
  Some stay in my head for years, it seems that will not go away anymore.
  There are several that I like, just to give an example that has a flame "Easy to be God" it was written on May 6, 2008 in response to an evangelical participant who wrote that all evil in the world comes from the heart of man and God was saddened by this, the text looked like this:

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  I understand that with this type of rationality anyone or anything can be God.
  Until I, or YOU FIGURINE God can be everything and everyone around us are so accommodating.
  Nothing is my fault, if I tell you to do something and this does not work, ALWAYS look for the error in yourself or someone close to you.
  Never for a moment dare even think that I am not omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.
   If I wanted to could eliminate all "rebels," but why do not do not want to argue and not my will, "one day you will understand everything."
  Not that it's important that you understand something, because you are less than a grain of sand is not even being a chicken shit.
   However, I in my infinite kindness and love you dare not doubt my love if people are born without health, miserable, stupid, with great moral failures were they or their parents who did not love me enough, because I'm above all things in heaven and on earth.

  Note that for this kind of God I do not need to do anything at all, you simply NO Reason.

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  I could keep this blog for long just pasting files, but as yet have not stopped to think and keep talking to my dead friends, many new texts asking to be written and the files will staying in the background, but many texts are echoing in my mind for years.
  How could fail to make public this my pleasant conversation with Blaise Pascal?
  Yes, I wrote this text and Blaise quietly, so it is a short text though I have added a file.
  I'm grateful you give a little of your time to read us, I hope you are quiet and if you still have some time ... Reason.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Love vs Quality

 "Never love people. What are the qualities we love. "[Blaise Pascal]

  I know so many stories of people near where this equation is not observable, but would not be educated makes them public.

  People would identify and everything would be very unpleasant, and I will keep all filters and check if you still carry the one usable text.
  I understand being attracted to qualities, not that I do not like that friend less favored by intelligence, but I have the same admiration for that smartest person, that woman or man who makes efficient thing to happen.
  I can admire the intelligence even when it is used for evil or stop hurting me.
  In the more intelligent films is the smartest "bandit" has to be the good guy, this battle of wits attracts me more than car racing or explosions, so I expendable special effects are even if they do not come neatly tied in context.

  Woman and prettier, independent intelligent, the more I admire.

  When I was dating I've given up a relationship become more serious because of the beauty and warmth despite the girl was a dead fly I could not imagine raising children with such limited people.
  How am lazy never intended to marry be carrying a woman on the coast, marriage should be a fair division of responsibilities or rather not marry.
  In the professional field do not care if the head is male or female, just hold that when a woman takes command should do everything you would expect and do not get COMMANDO delegating to the man nearest the toughest jobs ... the other day I stopped by this loophole .
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  Of course not already astonished me most, cost only understand the love of many people. The guy or the girl is a mount and has a (a) backpack falls for them!
  Suppose a person has some flaws, but makes up for it with exceptional quality, is very rich, or beautiful, smart, friendly, finally some quality whose brightness overshadow its flaws.
  But who does not know that guy who does not stand out in any quality and has a wildly passionate woman for him.
  Everyone wonders what she saw in him?
  Mathematical minds like mine or Pascal really fall in love by the qualities, but we are not the measure of all things.

"Love has its reasons of which reason knows nothing."

  I've seen colleagues by four women who sincerely makes you want to take a sledgehammer to his head to see if it wakes or sleeps at once, the guy can only be with a hallucination, is not possible.

  I know our justice system is tough, but I believe that 90% of men who are arrested are not really flower that smells, some blame in the office has.
  The last place I would look for a girlfriend would be the presidio.
  If an attraction rolled over the Internet and I found out she is stuck to continue the conversation, but loving relationship would be virtually ruled out.
  Anyone who is interested in the subject look more about the hysteria of women relating to inmates, can not know what the woman admires the guy.
  Generally picks, sees no money is ever lonely [after all the guy is arrested] , very tough life of children [is, they always have children with them, "intimate visits"].
   The guy may have committed the greatest atrocity, killed and raped as manic park and still loves the woman considers a large wronged, a guy who will still show its value for the whole society.

  If we truly love Him all the quality, love would be the most important thing for humanity, but loved people and causes even if they have not quality.

  In deep meditation, coming as close to black holes thought came across some quibbles about love, kind . "follow your heart and everything will be alright"
  If love really seek quality almost anything would work, we choose efficient partner and sloppy would have to enhance or not marry, there would transmit their genes slouch.
  The women fall in love for decent, workers, respectful, good fathers and husbands and uncivilized men would be spared, not would transmit their genes.
  If love seek quality crime [among other things] not compensate.
  As I said, this was a very deep meditation exposing it in detail would take many pages.
  So just say you began to notice that people work "tuned frequencies", but is for another day ...

  "The Janaína *, 35, a seller does not feel unhappy having an affair with Peter *. Trapped for three years for robbery with homicide, she decided to start sending letters to him until one day they fell in love." Knew that a fellow church also corresponded with an inmate and decided it might bring some comfort to a person who needed my help. I'm an evangelical and I think if he repented, deserves another chance. I'm not afraid to do it all over again. He learned his lesson and wants to be happy with me. "         Click Here


Friday, December 27, 2013

My Obituary

  "It is easier to bear without thinking of her death, which bear the thought of death."   [Blaise Pascal]

  Now I'm kind of House, I avoid personal contact.
  Only by float planes of thought something more wholesale and retail less.
  When I was investigating minds back to my basic question was:

  What do you think of the afterlife?

  I discovered that the person lives much because of what she believes will happen  when you die. 
Life after death - I'll be back

  Example: a person tells me that the good go to heaven and the wicked to hell.
  The mind with this belief / opinion concern has to do what is right within the parameters of their religion, believes that the eyes of God are always on it.
  That does not mean she always do what is right, to say that if she does something wrong I can appeal to your conscience.
  The individual who believes in nothing after life, no point I appeal to his conscience, I have to give you reasons not to do what is wrong.
  This is only a draft, a general line of thought, it is clear that this process has many nuances.
  I used this a lot to know how to act and what to expect of a person, employee or possible girlfriend.
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  Today not mind command post, I'm not looking for friends, I am married so this kind of personal analysis lost utility without utility lost much of the charm.
  Therefore, talking about this subject in wholesale I would say you should quickly form a well supported opinion about what to expect after death.
  These analyzes found my lost many more that blind shootout.

  What about a pastor who uses drugs or seeking the service of prostitutes?
  What about the pedophile priest?
  What about the thief who makes the sign of the cross before leaving to raid?

 What do they think? God is not looking only at that moment!

  There are people who say they believe in God, has this "certainty", but acts as if he did not exist.
  You know that super religious and corrupt politician.
  That lousy boss who does not leave the church.
  What about a faithful believer who beats his wife, spank children?
  A fervent Catholic who preaches give everything to the poor, but has dozens of shoes and wardrobe full of clothes.

  I notice that these people think much about death.
  In practice behave as if they live forever so it's easier to endure death without thinking about her a lot.
  Death becomes something that happens to others and how they can not deny the existence of it end up lighting a candle to God and another for the Devil ["world"].
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  I think about death.
  It's really a very difficult thought, knowing that today for N reasons may be the last day of my life.

  There'll light "candles", I'm not making optimistic or pessimistic projections, I particularly twist for annihilation, but everything is so confusing ...
 I spend more time trying to live better than me trying to go to some "sky".

  If I die today I have no son not recognized, do not let debts, leave resources for the funeral [want to donate all organs and be cremated], my wife will not have financial difficulties to create great girls.
  For girls I leave all my texts, they always know what the father thought about everything, they can always talk to the dead man who will write and voice my advice about everything.
  If they develop a logical way of thinking and have a bit of luck will have a great mathematical probability of having a long, prosperous, and fulfilling lives.
  I hope people do not cry a lot for me, you all know how I like music and smiles.
  Many people are born every day and when I was born I was just another number.
  Many people die every day and when I die I'll be just another number.
  The numbers I came back to the numbers.
  This my career rode many equations, deciphered many puzzles, raised doubts that cost a life, MY LIFE.
  No surprises or disappointments from the beginning know that inevitably will be devoured, I'll just buying time.
  The end is always near, but not here, not now, maybe tomorrow.
  Today is a beautiful day for LIVE!

Being a biological or spiritual behold the issue.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

University of São Paulo

 "The Faculties of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at USP in 2009 marched with about 3000 people asking the PM not to patrol inside the campus because the" USP can not be encastelada by repressive forces ".    [See SP]

  Why is it that students do not want patrolling the PM?

  Okay, part of the answer is that our faculties are inexplicably Communist and Military Police thing is "oppressive right."
  Not that I can understand this, because Cuba, China and North Korea also has its police, I understand and military are also at least 10 times more oppressive than our PM, but not going into this loophole, is for another day.
  The guys want is freedom to use drugs alone, with no police around to suppress.

  Of course I believe that the vast majority of students do not use drugs but who do not use are sympathetic to that use.

  Can you imagine any other reason for being against students patrolling the PM?
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  Have sent me to many places I'd rather not comment ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!
  One of the places that have already sent me several times was to Faculty of Philosophy.
  Sure you have been interested in this, but I do like a capitalist philosophy in Brazil is an unbearable torture.
  If it was in the USA or England might be interesting, but most of my youth was difficult to bring home to eat let alone a cultural exchange abroad.
  Look at this situation one of the most renowned universities in Brazil forming philosophers who find justifications for the PM not police inside the campus grounds of oppressive action by the police.
  Students may want freedom to invade the rectory time they wish!
  I hope it is because otherwise we can only thesis of drugs.
  I think an MP kind of hard to beat, imprison or torture a student because he was wearing a shirt of Che Guevara is even more likely that the officer is wearing a shirt of Mao or MST underneath the uniform.
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  When I studied in PUCC two teachers were priests, one married and could not celebrate Mass, but continued to teach.
  I found it amazing that even the Vatican not supporting liberation theology these priests were admirers of this ideology and defended openly in class with maximum sympathy from students.   Click Here

  Remember that Ford was bringing robots to their production line and the priest spoke it was all "capitalist bullshit to devalue the worker."
  I told the teacher that robots were unhealthy and services that robots were also manufactured and needed maintenance so that an unhealthy service was replaced by a higher qualification, workers increasingly need to study what was very good.  
  Knocked the thesis that capitalism wants a nation of illiterates on the contrary the work would be less manual and increasingly mental.

  The teacher "explained" that I had been brainwashed and was saying exactly what "imperialism" wanted me to say.

  But the question that never goes out of my head is:

  A guy who spends four years or more using marijuana, ecstasy and other drugs to magically after graduating and who is colluding with the use ceases to be?
  "Decipher me or I'll devour!"

College students use drugs

  Research shows that students in higher education have consume more drugs than the general population -. Tipping the Ground academic myth that the information is the best prevention method   Click Here


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Social Pain

  "The evil acts do not hurt because they are forbidden, but are prohibited by ache."   [Benjamin Franklin]

  There are people who say that the forbidden is tastier.

  In case the person feel happy to take risks may be, but my friend Franklin does not believe that a thing can only get hotter for being banned.
  Let's walk through this gap and talk a bit more about SIN.
  Let's take something forbidden in any society or religion, murder.
  I can not think of anyone that I've wanted to kill, but suppose I had a great dislike, well, kill it would give me great pleasure, do not feel no pain or remorse, however, be prohibited to kill him would be to unpleasant if I were to be imprisoned.

  It turns out that Franklin talks of SOCIAL PAIN, something that does not hurt me can really hurt another or others then comes the ban.

  Misuse of funds does not hurt simply by being banned, so causes me laugh when someone appeals to the conscience of the villain or corrupt politician.
  If the guy had that kind of awareness would not go to the crime and whether the benefit, and is even more difficult to go back.
  A theft or diversion of funds does not hurt because it is forbidden; hurts "socially" because disturbs the lives of many for the benefit of a few, we could not observe JUSTICE.
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  Realize how we approach a good definition of what would be the sin out of religious dogmas?
  Let's delve into this a bit more meditation.
  Robbery, rape, murder, are acts that cause so much pain should be banned, are "sins".
  But let's look at other things considered sin:

  Because sin is a woman walking with her head uncovered?
  Why is sin woman driving a cult or mass?
  Why is sin I attend nude beach?
  I participate because it is sin of gambling?

  Excess of anything can be harmful to my life or my body then sin against myself should be avoided, but if I'm getting pleasure and I'm not harming anyone or myself, do not know why an activity should be prohibited or sinful.

  I think the UFC or boxing a wildness, but never forbid.
  The guy knows the rules, there is bound to fight, "the pleasure of fighting outweighs the pain" ... then fight!
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  Take the case of homosexuality, you can not defend a serious religion such act, would imply that God erred in admitting a person's body.
  Logic also tells us that it makes no sense for a man to feel sexual attraction to another man, then by the law of God through reason and the practice of homosexuality should be banned.
  In the religious field there is nothing to discuss, dogma is dogma and ready, God is perfect and just makes things perfect and ready. If the man himself is deviated and Demo fault.
 The logic allows us to walk a few more places after the comma, so let's nóis!
  In which a gay couple harms society?
  If boxers by mutual agreement decide to wrestle think it is wise of us to accept.
  If two men or two women by mutual agreement decide to live as a couple seems to me that we should follow the logic established for boxing.
  I swear I never encourage my daughter to follow a sport as wild as these free fights.
  If one decides then I regret much, but if a choice of them even have to grudgingly accept, but I confess I would not give the slightest support or would find the least wild boxing only because my daughter joined this sport.

  If homosexuality is a divine sin that God send them to hell, there's nothing you can do about it, we have no power to avoid eternal damnation.
  In the field of logic are good citizens, law-abiding, they are not hurting anyone then it would be a big waste of ENERGIA SOCIAL stay chasing them.

  I'm no prude, if my daughter is a lesbian would declare to be a very sad day, would have no pride of her sexual orientation, not go around bragging to friends. You know I believe in social efficiency to keep up appearances.   Click Here
  A friend asked if I would tell the truth and complain over this unpleasant situation in my life.
  However my daughters would always be welcomed without any falsehood on my part, if this is the pleasure of them and are not doing anyone any harm ...
  The bad acts are not forbidden (sins) because they hurt on us; are banned because they hurt others by our act.
  This logic comes into your mind?


Monday, December 23, 2013

The Guilt

  "There is no problem so terrible that you can not add some guilt and make it worse."  [William Watterson]

  If the guilt does not prevent repeat the same mistake then does nothing.
Jacob deceives Isaac
 Always annoyed me people use the word "sorry" as something magical that erases everything that was done wrong.
  I have very good examples about it, but said to them here eventually identifying known and would be complicated.
  If I make a mistake and you can correct the error so that's what I do.
  If you can fix the error ... is a lesson for the future so as not to repeat it.
  I see no sense in lugging a sense of guilt.
  I also understand that we do not choose what to feel remorse then eroding this te cry their sorrows in a controlled environment, closed in your room or venting to a friend, if you are look for a Freudian psychoanalyst, when leaving the controlled environment DO WHAT HAS TO DO!

  Take the consequences, try not to make more mistakes and move on.
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  Since I can not give examples, let's talk about religion so do not offend anyone or offend everyone ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  In the church always say that I regret that because Adam disobeyed God.
  Blimey! Was Adam was not me.
  Respond that God knows everything and knows that anyone in Adam's place would do the same.
 Blimey! If God created Adam naughty he expected what?
 I plant cucumbers and raspberries wanna spoon?

  God might even apologize to humanity, because if he knows all knew that free will bring us problems and still gave us, indeed we can not say that granted because I do not remember Adam have asked something like the sequence of events that recall occurred?

  God allowed the entry of the PT [Prince of Darkness] in Eden and told Eve that she would become like God, yet God is a successful father, what child does not want to become like his successful father?

  But back to the beginning of the text that advance me the apology of God even if we are already screwed? We are born into sin.
  I read the Bible and God saw man deceive his own father [or marry two sisters] as Jacob
   Paul was seen as women and slaves as humans of second grade.
   Seen as Lot drunk sex with his two daughters.

  As a book with men "chosen of God" of this type can tell me I was born with guilt and regret if not I go to hell?
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  My father was not a monster, it was more a grown child, when he beat my mother or us I hid something from him just to bother him, hitting him in some way.
  As he was not a monster did not start for a full retaliatory beating everyone, he got angry and said that if he found out who it was, the unfortunate would regret.
  I hid in places that he could have forgotten his way to let him doubt even be the culprit.
  Had an ashtray he liked so I hid in one go from the couch where he could fall naturally, but I will say no more, my daughters will learn how good monster then I leave for massive retaliation until my wife goes
  Well, but what I mean is to hide things from my father may have been terrible, but he made us much more harm in dealing with violence, what I did was done and they sure do not carry any guilt by occurred, "think" I would not do again, but I'm not sure why this is a wound that healed very day I can even make it a joke, when the wound is still open of course our feelings are less noble.

  Jacob deceived his father by sheer ambition, his father had done him no harm, as far as we know Isaac was a good father.
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  In my daily life I tell women that they have to be obedient to man because it is even in the Bible, say that God should have just ripped two ribs and done something better, say it is good that they work more to sustain us poor men ... hahahahahahahahahahaha!
  What happens is that as I can not talk about philosophy that I like then speak these "platitudes" about women, football teams, weather, traffic, but most of the time I can stay in seclusion and silence that has been very good.
  In practice one will be able to find a woman I have to be treated as second-class nor old girlfriends, wife, bosses, classmates or work, finally out of the game will not find any woman I have missed regarding the simple fact her being a woman.
  Slavery is something so disgusting, do not even like going to zoos with their caged animals.
  Drink I do not drink, I can not imagine what kind of drug should give me enough to make me feel any sexual desire for my daughters, but it was a very powerful hallucinogen which I did not recognized them as my daughters, is unthinkable, Lot sufficed for the wine ...
   You know, I go to hell will be a big problem, I do not feel well in the heat[there is hot according to legend] , but I will not make it worse feeling guilty.
  "There is no problem so terrible that you can not add some guilt and make it worse."

Lot drunk fucks daughters.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wife of Jesus

 "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. Lay me down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters in. Restores my soul, He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Though I walk the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. prepare a table before me in front of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. " [Psalm 23]

  I worked many years in a factory goggles, believed it would be my last job.
You know who's talking?
  I could not imagine going out there, expect the company to grow more and I could stay here until I retire.
  The company went through a merger and I danced cool.
  The unthinkable happened making me go through other companies until I was an owner.
  I left the industry for the trading and services; began suit different types of customers.
  For a guy like me answer a clerk or a judge is the same thing.  
  I know the importance of the profession of judge, but if he will buy 1 bag of cement do not know because they deserve better care than the clerk who will also buy 1 bag of cement.
  At least with the judges I contact if I find a special kind of human being and deserve preferential treatment.
  But let judges hand, they have a lot of power and in practice it is advisable not to bother them, let me use a little common sense Danilo Gentili, certain things are not worth it.
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  A kind of funny to meet customer's priest and pastor [religious leaders in general].
  Men are treated like celebrities by "his flock", they have great difficulty understanding that not everyone is part of their herd or want to do.
  The guy comes with all pomp, fills his mouth to say "I AM PASTOR!"
  Of course I do not do this, but I feel like saying "good for you I still have to work" ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  For a nun these days practically demanded that I call a  cab  for her.
  I had already referred to the social worker who has authorization for this type of procedure, but the nun thought the service was slow, after all, a "spouse of Jesus" can not stand in line ... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
 She then asked me to step in with the social worker to prioritize the care of Nun.
  With all filters activated at most could handle the situation satisfactorily, but inside my mind seethed.
  That sucks huh?
  The woman had no phone, no money had to use the pay phone, she said the  taxi  would be paid when she came to the convent, but the convent would not accept collect calls then I would have to find a way to get a taxi for her.
  The nun wanted me I'm not Catholic broke the protocol of the company making a particular connection outside the company, passed over the authority of the social worker or used my mobile credits!
 Made me want to say, "calls her husband's mistress, asks a few bucks for it" ... hahahahahahahahah!

  Deep breath and wait a little longer convinced by the care assistant, after she left the convent totally without resources to back it was a specific case of social assistance which provides assistance to those who have resources.
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  Judges, men and women of God should be great deal for customers, good citizens, but what we see is that the theory in practice is different.
  Humility goes away, they want to because they want special treatment.  
  Looks like they want us to give thanks for their presence "sanctifying" the environment in their heads are doing us a great favor by bringing a bit of peace of the Lord, I wish I could say that they are roasting is my bag!

  The most annoying is not the client find the such because of their occupation, the worst is when who attends be overwhelmed by this illusion of power and commits injustice giving him privileges that are denied to other customers.

  I see no justice in the innocent pay for the sinner, if I pass someone in front'm hurting another  who innocently fell behind.
  Therefore, every client is well served equally unless the variation is prescribed by law or proves  necessary .

  I commented on the incident with a colleague and he told me that a nun would mock me straight to hell. [As if I even had a chance to go to any Heaven]
  I said nothing to my colleague just seclusion and silence, my life is easier that way.
  I'm a free thinker, that serves me a pastor if I am not part of any herd?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Lowered both the concept of Happiness that nowadays anyone can be happy. 
  Simply you come to church or the person accepting the doctrine of it. 
  Problems remain all but when you are bored or sad just pray. 
  'Cause nowadays not Happiness is the absence of boredom, anxiety, sadness ...

  Nowadays Happiness is just praying or reciting a mantra.

  Yes, you may be unemployed and without money, but if a person is praying Happy possessions are unnecessary when you have this communion with God. 
   You have big problems at work? 

   Pray, be happy is not the absence of problems is the absence of prayers.
