Sunday, September 30, 2012

Award and Reward?

"The brain of most people only works by the mechanism of reward and reward, and it offers practical metaphysics." [Nihil]
There you avoiding thinking just reciting what they read in some books and became STANDARD, seems a certain teacher I know.

Award and reward far as I know are synonymous then the theory is beginning based on a redundancy.

Let's bring the concept of PROFIT for this equation and realize that thinking is much better structured.

"However, to date, the most notorious example of the subspecies Homo sapiens is Homo Cro-Magnon, high stature, developed detailed tools (knife, spear, bow and arrow, etc..), And demonstration of artistic skills, enrolling some hunting scenes, as evidenced by cave paintings preserved in cave walls. " [Brasilescola]

Whereas humanoids on earth there are 1 million years and Cro-Magnon appeared 90,000 years ago can say that most of the time remain atheists.

Today I'm extremely out of time, but once I read a very interesting study linking art, religion and early bury our dead.

The Cro-Magnon not invented or imagined "spirits" were the first to realize the INTERFERENCE.

I imagine that some entity indicated a remedy to someone who would be "shaman" and that gave RESULT apparent madness.

The relationship of the Cro-Magnon with spirituality gave better results than they had all other humanoids who have not had the same perception, including [apparently] were enslaved and exterminated.
Of course I understand my ancestors, I also observe interference, does not seem to be allowing me to identify exactly how they occur, but note that Darwinism is not sovereign and logically should be.

After Mozart and Beethoven should not arise Macarena ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!

Darwin's friend is unfortunate, but the math is relentless I'm sorry too.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

William vs Marx

"What characterizes the division of labor within the modern society is that it engenders specialties, and with them, the idiocy of specialization." [Marx]
I could never read Marx for over 20 minutes, I wrap the stomach. I'm surprised that a mediocre thinker has influenced so much of humanity, even if only by appealing to the theory of the "chosen".

Michelangelo was an expert in painting and sculpture, an "idiot" [mediocre] for everything, mathematically we can say that: SPECIALIZATION OF MICHELANGELO WAS A GIFT TO MANKIND.

Currently observed plastic surgery experts who operate miracles to believe your eyes cost at the same time we see this medical specialty without risking this activity and cause major disasters.

Human knowledge has expanded so that one person you can not be good at all, it is best to choose a specialty that you enjoy or at least be bearable and give the best of themselves.

What characterizes the division of labor in society are the needs of people who live there and the talent that each has.

See thinkers saying that capitalism "creates needs" I disagree, the ENTREPRENEUR is discovering OPPORTUNITIES.

Take the air conditioning, was created a need? Did the ancients felt no heat and would like to see invented a device that refrescasse?

It created a need with the Ipad? Well, I always wanted a lighter computer that I could use to lay in bed.

There are people who love dogs and have people love taking care of a dog, you know?

Need Society [search] talent who likes to take care of dogs [offer].

If everyone were like me, the pet shops would bankruptcy, but I'm not the measure of all things, there is different, there are people whose job is to take care of dog and are very satisfied with earning good money ... it sucks that is grape Marx, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Religion and Civilization

"The first requisite of happiness of the people is the abolition of religion." [Marx] 
  Communism preaches always tiresomely this revolution to end all that is there. Challenged many to show me how the world would be better off without religion and so far have not found exhibitions logical.

I understand Marx or Niet in their questions, really "moment of truth" that they lived pointing that Religion was a major delay in all directions.

But what is our moment of truth in this regard?

However, we were able to OBSERVE leaders fully committed to prove the thesis of Marx and Niet and what happened? Atheist quote an empire that provided better overall quality of life to its people that a religious empire.

What? You are more one of who think China is the pinnacle of today so will enjoy reading this:

"The 1978 Constitution restored some religious freedoms, so currently there are groups active Christians and Buddhists in China. But these groups are still heavily supervised by the Chinese State, more specifically by the Patriotic Association. It is illegal to be a member of Churches or religious groups that are not controlled by these Patriotic Associations. "[Wikipedia]

Democracy little headway in China, but religion defies so uncontrollable state power something that Stalin had already experienced.

You ladies and gentlemen, the math is unforgiving, if atheism is a superior thought, more efficient, has had plenty of time to show that came so far only brought us more problems than solutions.

So think ten times before joining the chorus of Marx and Niet says that religion is the great evil of civilization.

Religion and Capitalism are "wild beasts" than with INTELLIGENCE can be very effective, as demonstrated in numerous episodes of the story.

Communism is just beast, never proved effective when tried only be beast devoured lives of the most grotesque.

Niet Marx and his ideas do not correspond to the facts, not the time to ...

Thursday, September 27, 2012


My mother in law is Protestant, but Catholic as long likes to go in evangelical churches that "benzem" objects. [Never say bless near a believer]

He came from a wealthy family, but by bad luck or bad management not much left for old age. She lives relatively well and credits this to always ask the pastor to pray over them and bless objects given their request for peace and harmony in the home. Actually wins a retirement that neither could claim since they never contributed to Social Security, retirement and help the children is to ensure their livelihood, but God and the Pastor is staying with thanks, things in life.

Some 90% of the problems that my mother in law has could be eliminated or mitigated with more money, as she proposed another "sympathy" for my wife asked why she did not go straight to the point with God or Pastor: ASK FOR MONEY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

She said she does not ask for money because money is perdition!!

I asked myself, am I crazy to lose ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

To talk to people like my mother in law only in play even if it was a serious debate I would ask, if the money is perdition because the pastor asked for money?

Reminded of Communists who speak evil of capital, but like to have enough?

Money is an evil communist and religious want to move away from me. Of course we do not agree with this, so I adopted the dollar as my symbol, I think I'll sew up my clothes on.

My mother is also Protestant and always declaring this a better person, Jesus transformed this better person that did not have much money. One of the times that he "borrowed" money she gave me a sermon on how God is great, he was using me for help that she received!!

Made me want to talk about that next time she asked him directly, but I thought it would be cheaper to say "amen" ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Protestants are lovely people, like them on discussion groups, made me laugh a lot.

I was listening to a well-known saying that in 2012 thanks to God everything is fine, the pastor has prayed much for her. A partner gave him a blow, she lost everything, do not have credit in the bank, live in a hostel, the husband is in jail, working in something you hate, apparently she spent the last 40 ... a life "blessed," money would solve 90 % of her problems, she would at least own a property to live in, but thank God Pastor and she has no money to perdition, 2013 will be very good for her ...


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Better Person

“We could be much better if we did not want to be so good." [Freud]
He liked to see those western movies for objectivity dialogue.

 Joe: "- Because you hit that guy?"

Phil: "- He called our mother a whore."

Joe: "- But our mother was a prostitute ..."


I see people who have a damn shame to be poor, poverty is something really quite nasty, but not logical to be ashamed of it.

I remember a classmate to see all my shoes stuck underneath me said: "Our poor as you are," I replied simply, "big news."

Saw no advantage to hide my situation, I realized early on that I only bring more problems. And ashamed of what? I was born that way, if I could have been born the son of Silvio Santos.

A schoolmate had been recovery and wanted private lessons in my home, whoa, my house was not something I wanted her to see. Wanting to be "good" I set out to go to class in her home. It turns out that his house was away, it was necessary to take buses or walk many miles.

Ashamed of my house, I suffered like a condemned arranging some change for the bus or walking miles.

His house was a house of "front", beautiful, decided that the girl would never in my house, but know that sitcom "Everybody hates Chris"?

I see so much that boy, with a big difference, his house was much better than mine ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My father also had two jobs that did not improve things at all.

Well, after about 10 individual "paying penance" was all over, I suffered, but I succeeded in my decision ... this is what I wanted, but you know what happened?

On race day the girl wanted one last quick review, called at my grandmother saying that was already under way, a rainy day like today, my house more grimy than ever, musty smelling with its countless leaks, you can sing that musiquinha ... everybody hates William.

In the film's funny, after years it's funny, but I'm glad my daughters do not live the same situation.

I gave up wanting to look better than I am, I'm not getting better, just older, I will not deceive them, I will not fool myself, I do not see LOGIC.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What Crisis?

"We know that Japan has an excellent economic level, but its economy has stagnated for years this is not necessarily bad."
If we are INTELLIGENT enough, believe that capitalism will move towards this balance between the forces of the market, which other thinkers call "stagnation."

Netherlands, Norway and Japan are cases of economies that do not grow so splendid, but the quality of life of the people is splendid.

If I were the Americans would not worry to keep me as the biggest economy in the world, try to "grow", get ADULT, seek only to live well.

I live well because they spent more than gain and luckily there was no great tragedy that forced me to raise my expenses.

No use looking in Asia "enemies" of the Americans. His main obstacles are within their own borders, I highlight two:

The childishness of wanting to be the best in everything and spend more than they earn because of this.

I really do not see the "crisis of capitalism" that both speak. I see the crisis of the state and Big Daddy countries where the level of corruption is high.

The people vote for populist politicians who end up bursting any budget, are happy for 4 years and is screwed by 10.

It's like buying a car far beyond my possessions and finances it in 36 installments, of course I will be happy with the new purchase, but paid it will be a hard task, if it does not happen anything wrong and have to return it the Bank.

Take the case of Greece, spent 14 Billion to organize the 2004 Olympics and the return of this was no big money, is what will also happen in Brazil with its bullet train, the difference is that we have a continental country and there is much here to be WASTED but even as the U.S. discovered in some time we will have to pay the bill then will say that Capitalism is in crisis!!

Capitalism in forcing this vote in corrupt politicians?

Now the Greeks feel cheated by the European Union, what they thought, they could now spend as they wanted to pay other bills?

These countries wasteful want to give serious blow to the country, open our eyes, let us be vigilant ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Traveled in mayonnaise now felt German, Dutch people writing for a ...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Elementary education

"If you do not eat beans will get sick!"
My wife made me angry with these discussions with our daughters eating the forcing to eat something that was not tasting them.

Do not know about you, but I hate eating something they do not like, just as if you are very hungry and have no other option, some things not so hungry I eat, chili is one of them.

My wife had this STANDARD essentiality of bean for the "good" food and how I could put in doubt this pattern?

My father is of Italian descent, her mother seems that when embarked for Brazil was already pregnant. For those who flatly refuses to go to the doctor until he is in good health, neatly takes care of a garden that just thinking about it gives me a "leseira" [needs to be said with Bahian accent ... HAHAHAHAHAHA!]

I spent about a month in Italy and I can assure you there guys do not eat beans frequently. There is not folklore, guys like that is mass, especially the pasta they call folder.

Then the mother of my father without eating beans generated a very strong child! And mama mia Italians are a people not anemic!

As I "got used" to eat beans every day, if not as it seems skipped lunch. The second week in Italy, whoa, that desire to eat beans! It looked like a junkie being away from your addiction, I did not know I cared so much about beans ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

By the third week we went to a restaurant in the mountains [in chic?] And the menu had "feijones" of course that was what I ordered and I was served a giant beans, took about four of us, was a salad. I do not know if my "abstinence" was so great that even thought it was wonderful as a salad, yes, tasted our beans.

Today my wife gets lighter with the girls, they eat what gives them pleasure, they can pick them happy.

Girls not propose any "food education" that is not behaving well the table, I prefer the "elementary education" to talk to them about the importance of eating different types of food. Still do not like beans, but eat green beans, carrots, coleslaw, lettuce, lasagna, french fries, chicken meat, fruit ... just things that give them pleasure.

Huh? Drinking soda will leave them with osteoporosis at age 90! It does not seem logical to exchange a pleasure for childhood illness in old age unless, we all die one day the important thing is with pleasure as you live.

My daughters have a very happy childhood and this is what matters, living the fries!

Yeah, I also like. [Can not even disguise]

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vain Psychology

  “How to teach these mothers that they need to make better food education for their children? Do they not "have time" for this? [Nihil]
You're like your friend Theosophist "predicting" disasters that are part of the "sequence of events".

I also do predictions, "before this year end will die a famous artist."

Now, we are only at the beginning of the year and we have many artists, hardly one of them will not die, death is part of a sequence of events.

The Earth has always had its rains, winds, drought, earthquakes, knew that most of the time of its existence it remained uninhabitable?

As she is much more densely populated is the natural occurrence of these events that more people are affected [O, increasingly people will be affected by the fury of nature ... hahahahahahaha that lack makes the study of mathematics]. If a small meteor fell in Campinas 500 years ago many people would die?

Today 1 million people die and not know any technology with the power to divert this small meteor.

Many of those who died in that famous tsunami were tourists, people that hardly would be there if not for the existence of airplanes. With access to a better quality of medicine to the local population also increased too.

Well, no need to think or speak of as exaggerated its forecast for the children. In my childhood we ate what was available I could not choose between the various dishes ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

If we were just a biological machine, what do you propose in their text should be and is not observable. My nephews had access to all sorts of goodies and are as or more intelligent than my friends in the same age from 16 to 22 years, I'm kind of aberration, since very little he liked to read, they do not like then do not hold that knowledge I was the same age, but I think it's just a matter of TASTE for reading.

Our body is largely what we eat, his theories would be observable if we were "ONLY" body, but my friend Shakespeare would say:

 "There are more mysteries between body and mind than his vain psychology supposes."

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Any government activity that violates the right of other nations should be questioned, because we saw that the U.S. was going through and are suffering disasters of nature, without showing that indeed they were prepared to help victims resulting from such events. Anyway, do your homework, clean your own backyard and take care of themselves governed, which is what China and Japan have done for years, seems to be the most effective measure to take care of their own home, without harming the other. [E-mail]
  Reading texts like this, current and also old thinkers written by my friends noticed the passionate act in Philosophy. I am not an admirer of ideas based on passion like more of based on reason, logic and passion is just another issue to be considered in some cases to understand the passion is very important to enter the minds of others.

If you intend to enter the minds of people looking for their passions, but if I really want to develop an idea or put it under observation rather mathematics. For this reason I call this process using Philosophy Mathematics where all passions, especially my stay in third place, it is important to LOGIC, REASON based on OBSERVATION.

We note the passion of the speaker observing a certain "anti-Americanism" so common in our current government.

We know that Japan has an excellent economic level, but its economy has stagnated for years this is not necessarily bad [then talk about it]

But if we say that the U.S. is economically worse than Japan if only for passion not resist logic.

Saying that China does not intervene in other countries is not reading news of what is happening around them, the caller simply ignored Tibet, ignores the "theft" of patents, ignores the low wages paid in that country desempregando workers worldwide, which ignores China becomes rapidly more polluting the planet in a few years, its "ecological conscience" is almost zero.

A major hurricane, Katrina, hit a densely populated city and the number of deaths did not reach 800, we speak the same thing in Rio de Janeiro?

If an accident happens in the U.S. is the deserved end of capitalism has with China is all dirt under the rug ...

Putting in mathematics by Americans dislike this makes little or no sense, but you can not argue passions in many cases, it is regrettable ...

Thursday, September 20, 2012


"We men, we call hit the casualties whose results give us some benefit." [Del Palacio] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I think when Reagan decided to play on the Star Wars project was linearly thinking of keeping ahead of the USSR belicamente nothing more than that.

I mean that the USA and the rest of the world had no way of knowing that the economy of the USSR was so weakened and that a new arms race would be a coup de grace that ailing economy.

If the economy of the USSR was good and also fired missiles at a race, Reagan would pass into history as a true antichrist. We can say that Reagan mathematically random shot that hit the seen and not seen and passed into history as one of the greatest American presidents, one of those responsible for the fall of the Berlin Wall, a genius of the strategy ...

Have to think Bush was different, topple Sadam was only the first step in transforming Iraq into a new Japan, Singapore or Taiwan.

What better way to combat Islamic terrorism [some fanatics, of course] that drive a democracy in the middle of the Middle East as with Israel?

Japan was already feared for his seat imperialist and fanaticism of its soldiers today is a strong democracy and respected, not because we fear not because it has no power, but because we know that their power is unlikely to be used for a senseless destruction.

Nazi Germany has been and is today an economic power, but who in fact worldwide fears that Germany declare war on a country arbitrarily and hold the halter as China does with Tibet?

Bush apparently thought great, a strategy that not casually for now this is working out so he had as a monster, an antichrist, not the casualties blew in his favor and say by the way in favor of humanity.

Japanese and German people proved more rational postwar than the Iranians are showing and unfortunately not observe any whiff of democracy in that nation, but life is not accurate and perhaps an emerging Mikail Gorbashev or Figueiredo there.

If the goal of all people is to have long and prosperous life a democratic Iraq would be a logical sequence of events, which occur naturally and Bush as I had hoped, but there was some "interference" or randomly blew the casualties not in favor of reason .

Bush rationally hit, but is a casually antichrist ... things in life, our unlucky.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Chance

"Chance is a word invented by ignorance." [De Bernis]
In Abyss has not been able to any meditation that could eliminate the existence of chance. The chance has always been an opportunity that can not be dismissed.

Come to think of simple and then expand to the complex. I'm walking and my finger hit the foot of the couch.

I dunno! I had no intention of hurting me, the couch certainly not shot in front of me, you can say that I calculated wrong, I was unaware, but this is not the kind of calculation that we do consciously, that means everything is on automatic. Finally we can say that the stumble was random.

We can also go to the "esoteric", an angel wanted me to walk more slowly, a demon would cause me this pain, God had already determined that day and at that time I would stumble, why? But God does not need reasons.

The math tells us that chance would be more acceptable reasoning, see:

An angel causing pain that I may walk more slowly indoors is a lot of imagination, suppose the stumble has avoided a slip in the bathroom, but it was already determined by God the slip in the bathroom the angel would not be in contravention of a plan of God ?

If the devil gets even more complicated, because in this case it would be to change a divine plan since it was not written [determined] that I stumbled.

As for God determined that I would stumble frankly is how the story of God interfering with each falling leaf, a stumble mine before the immensity of the universe is so insignificant that it's hard to imagine God writing this.

So my notion of automatic space had a glitch at random [remember the difficulty of finding perfection?], Seems to be the simplest explanation, but who said logic can not be in simple, someone ordered it or you come to this the conclusion CHANCE ... 

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not Dang

"It is better to light one little candle than to curse the darkness." [Confucius]
True, the darkness will not dissipate with the sound of our voice but cede the tiny vela.Depois years in contact with my dead friends I have good philosophical statement to all the places it is difficult in practice.

On the outside I light a little candle, but inside sometimes find myself cursing things. It is very annoying not being able to choose what they feel and have to be content with just acting.

Writing text on Government wondered if our people really vote after Collor increasingly competent and honest politicians, at what level of development would have.

Although I live well I'm sad for what has not happened!! Can such a thing?

In the text I wondered about Bush Iraq as a strong economy spreading democracy and justice throughout the Middle East, most secular societies.

Well, I light the candle in this humble blog, but I curse everything that happened and I have feelings of nostalgia than not.

But this friend Confucius absolutely right, do what is best, be the candle, not just the latest to curse the darkness.

Good evening everyone! If each light a little, light over darkness and the darkness has its best utility in the hour of sleep, good dreams, a week of very light.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Habit and Marriage

"Marriage must constantly fight against a monster which devours everything: the habit." [Balzac]
  Do not know why many thinkers have created this STANDARD for marriage, this true tyranny of the new, the diferente.Acho unfair to charge every day my wife that she is a different woman and always for the better. Given this thinking friend Balzac many texts and thoughts scream out that my mind seems a salon gaff.

FOR! ENOUGH! Already chosen a ... 

 I do not like to say goodbye.

The first time I came across was this feeling at the end of eighth grade. I would leave the Gerry Rodriguez and Vitor Meirelles would go to.

It was to be a moment of great happiness, I spent a year with good grades, was the last day of school we were on vacation, all students rose from their chairs and euphoric was also what I should do, this is the default, but drug! I would not get more out of Gerry as a student, those memories spent 8 years in my head like a good movie that I did not want it to end.

It was time to say goodbye. From my chair to the door aged 80 years thinking about the 8 that passed. What a pain! A page of my life was being turned, but it was like I was being pulled because never again to Gerry as a student.

To this day I do not like to say goodbye, leave kinda hidden places not yet learned to endure this pain of having the pages torn out of my life.

I like my wife like this. For my wish she would just like when I met her, but I'm not the same anymore, my youth is being ripped from me.

I've gotten used to seeing her, share with her the tract of children. She is not part of the house, the house is part of it.

My enemy is not the habit of being close to her, like the habit, like the routine, there is nothing to be counteracted.

Do not like to think that someday my wife will be torn from me, someday we will all be inexorably devoured, torn from life, but it's kind of monstrous, even if you have a hell in the hereafter and not a blessed forgetfulness.

Well it would be if all our pages torn reencontrássemos arranged in a beautiful book, as beautiful as we expect life to be.

Myself, my wife, our marriage, we will all be devoured by time, decipher puzzles or not, but deciphering puzzles is good, helps us not deceive time turning the pleasant habit of being together in a cult of suffering.

The habit gives us this sense of security, as if our father, our mother, our children, our friends will be there FOREVER. The farewell shows us that life moves on and we were happy in routine, not always brings new things better than we already have or had.

Do not be so anxious for the new, the different, these pages take care of your life that have not been pulled ...


Sunday, September 16, 2012

About Government

"The groups remain more cohesive, and" functional "when there is a leadership hard when there are" caste "command, and apparently, the creatures tend to react more promptly to the dominance of caste elements of alleged" superior "because our psychology works well. "[Nihil]
Those texts were posted by Andros sleeping pill for me to continue to be such.

Because I walk with two legs? Because I was not done with wings ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Other mammals also organize themselves in groups and always has a lead, so I think the anarchist thinkers minors.

This thing "under every form of government" vai against any observable human nature.

The lack of wings not prevented us from achieving the air, balloons and then airplanes did.

Because we organize ourselves into groups and create center decisions? Now, because we are social mammals. Notice because the text is soporific?

It's like that joke about the Portuguese scientist who removed all the legs of a spider and reached the "conclusion" that she was legless blind for not getting more!!

It's like taking two plants to experiment, a water supply and to another and not marvel because it received water grew better.

In Democracy when a party comes to government forms a [say] "caste power" for 4 years. Realize that we have a government, not anarchy?

Democracy, Theocracy or Communism does not go against the human form, against human nature to organize into groups and develop center decisions. If anarchy was clearly more efficient than the best countries to live would be an anarchy, looks soporific text here people ...

I like the democracy it gives me the option of "airplane", Communism and Theocracy know neither the "balloon".

But as I said I think it's a matter of taste, of frequency.

As for the "hardness" of the government my friend Machiavelli already talked about it long before psiloguês [another sleeping pill].

Democracy does not mean weakness in decisions, how many countries were democratic war?

Try not paying your taxes and see the complications they bring to your life. In Capitalism is prohibited invade properties, walking with his hand against the car, assaulting another citizen, finally, in the center of decisions Democracy is hard, requires us to do what was agreed in society or if caught We pay serious consequences enforced by the GOVERNMENT ELECTED.

The Greeks developed this FORM OF GOVERNMENT where EMANA POWER OF THE PEOPLE. The power is not owned by an individual or caste, is not a divine right given to a group of people. If these people are not pleasing to his way of governing society, are apeadas power because power belongs to the people, the majority.

 In my meditations I concluded that even outside of Democracy all power emanates from the people [per hour forget the "interference"], but since this would be another loophole, maybe later I walk by it, I'm off today.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Holy People

"A country as rich as ours, full of natural beauty and a people humble and cheerful, with a government that does not respect us."
This is a comment on the increase in parliamentary done by a reader Veja.A Philosophy of Mathematics uses much the depositions, through them you can do an analysis of what goes through the minds of most people and the discordant. You can discover the "truth of the moment."

One truth is that the vast majority disapproves the increase and the other truth is that everyone feels victims. Remember the text on the people pure and good defended by Tass?

I dunno! It seems that people have a variety of pure and good and other political caste of aliens who came to invade our planet.

The Balzac friend warned us about the hypocrisy of morals.

Brasília has a large income per capita is a relatively new city, like blaming a "corral elections" for electing corrupt politicians?

Do not come to me with the story of the poor, lowly and ignorant because the numbers belie. The middle class is so big in Brasilia that a politician has no way to get elected without such a vote.

In the election that followed the scandal mensalão I had a small restaurant and made deliveries in suburbs of Campinas adherence corruption was stamped seals in cars and homes of people very wealthy. Saying that Lula was elected with the votes of northeastern Bolsa Família is a great fallacy.

After the impeachment of Collor, the dismantling of the gang's budget, the fiscal responsibility law, it seemed that the country was heading for ethics in politics. The victory of the PT in 2002 further reinforced the longing of the people for political ethical, honest, serious. Against all logic [looks "interference" there we ...] the guys used tactics further physiological and humble and joyful people cheered up!!

Brasília and all municipalities in each city of this country are an accurate portrayal of the people they represent.

If you do not like the image we see in the mirror a little will advance break the mirror.

Us is that we should give respect and only vote for people with clean record and good work done for the community, but of course, for the blame on aliens is always easier to ask Tass.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Innocence of Muslims

"It's a good thing to demand freedom for ourselves and for those who agree with us, but one thing is even better and rarer give freedom to others who disagree with us." [Franklin Roosevelt]
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
CAIRO, KHARTOUM and TUNIS - In a new wave of protests against the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims" at least 11 people were killed on Friday and four Western embassies were attacked. [The Globe]

  One of the biggest problems of the "West" is ashamed of being the West.
  I really like being born in a country Capitalist and Democratic Secular State.
  Freedom to discuss any issues enchants me.
  I do not understand these repeated apologies from the USA because of an irreverent film.
  We make movies with irreverent to our beliefs, because we can not do with the belief of others?
  I know, I know, has that situation I speak ill of my wife's one thing my neighbor is another talk.
  Can we apply the same criteria when it comes to ideologies?
  If any lawyers are reading and I write something stupid please correct me.
  There is a legal concept that justice has to be provoked.
  It works like this:
  If my neighbor offends me and me only I can sue him for damages.
  If he only offend my wife and only my wife can only sue him for damages.
  Me and my wife physically exist.
  When the offense is against Jesus, Muhammad, Freud, Marx, Buddha ... everything is very different.
  If the Islamists do not like the movie made in the West simply do not attend.
  Or watch, take their criticism and ridicule to expose the film.
  I have not watched the movie and do not intend to watch, but it comes just a lie that Muslim religious leaders explain to the faithful.
  Disclaimer Governmental film made by a particular ... I do not know what to say!
  I have written here that do not understand how a woman can follow the Muslim religion.
  If she does die when straight back to being a virgin and together serve over 71 women to one man.
  Of course me being a nobody that has any effect, but imagine what would.
  You advocate that would be reason to invade the embassy of Brazil Dilma and apologize on behalf of the Brazilian people!?
  It is only the opinion of one citizen FREE.
  Against an opinion you can issue another opinion or preferably an argument.
  Now, invading embassies, killing people ... everybody's crazy!
  Apologizing shit!
  All this is unfortunate because with such intransigence sooner or later another war is inevitable.
  When I see this kind of situation beginning to approve made a preemptive strike by Israel against Iran, if the guys only understand force then force them.
  Some of these fools can decide fire a nuclear missile then yes the Middle East could become a hell.
  Glad that Brazil is far from that powder keg.
  Did the guys have nothing more important to do in life that keep watching trashy movies?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Bush

Writing about burqa remembered about a coworker who told me on a spiritual retreat to have witnessed the "burning bush" after that episode and how his life was transformed.

In a tropical country he attended church with heavy suits, I do not know why God likes suits, but I also never saw the burning bush, then I am ignorant about the needs of God. If Allah likes burqas because God can not like suits?!

My colleague circumstantially had to work and how near I had been commanded to go and preach the gospel came to convert.

How to preach the Gospel without talking about the Gospel? Unfortunately my colleague to discuss the Bible with me is not an easy task.

I was demolishing their ideas and at one point he approached and touched with a fingertip my forehead, I did not react because I knew what he meant.

After he transformed his life with a simple touch knocked demonized.

Among disappointed and surprised he said that the devil was not in me.

To console him said:

"Perhaps the evil and the devil are very strong in me."

On another occasion my mother did everything for me to meet with a pastor, I avoided the situation not to cause you embarrassment, but mother's mother and they do not get defeated by. Both did I crossed with this pastor's house my grandmother talked amenities, he said I needed to go to church there and told him he would make a visit [did not want to prolong the matter]

Later the pastor reassured my mother saying that "the devil was not in me, though ..."

You know, I think mathematically is not the demon in me. If my soul was worth anything I would sell for a good price and would have too much power and money, I would use a little for my comfort, but most of the power and money would be used for what I think is good, combat hunger, disease, violence, fight for a long, prosperous and a lot of peace and harmony for all.

I think the devil is not in me to learn from my bad intentions ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!

God does not go very well with my face because this my inability to love him unconditionally. Allah then do not even talk, I like to see Carla Perez and do not care to have sex with virgins, are not idolize the hymen if it is not there is even more enjoyable.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, beautiful Saturday in Campinas where from my window I can appreciate different shades of green already hear my waking princesses asking for my attention, I think it was good to present them a little of my world, this strange world of ...

Lost souls!

[Exiled from heaven and hell, a soul that is not worth NOTHING but take good care of their princesses as every father should do]

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


"The costumes are the hypocrisy of nations."  [Balzac]
  Hypocrisy = Pretending kindness ideas or opinions appreciable.

"- They are so because they never had the chance to meet another kind of life."

This is one of the phrases that I hear when I write more about people "supposedly" oppressed.

This statement is strange when you realize that a terrorist attack to practice it takes good planning level, we need to know who wants to destroy.

The gentlemen who planned and executed those attacks on the WTC knew their targets and hated them or had huge contempt for them.

We have news of terrorists who have studied in English and American universities had a life well [say] West.

You know what, I just like chicken because he is already dead if I plucked and coexisted with the pet does not have the courage to kill him ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

As already served in the army and I was exposed to extreme situations know I have the ability to kill him, but only if it was in the case of high need for survival.

This theory was IGNORANCE until a good chance some time ago, but with technological advancement it no longer holds.

It is very difficult to find such a poor country having no TV or phones, we know very well how to live and Islamists do not like their way of life, how many of our women would wear burqas? Calm! Do not say no because many churches are quite restrictive clothing and faithful women abound.

Similarly gives Islamic women know how to live the Christian and do not like their way of life while many are sympathetic to our Islamic way of life and would do much to get away from that regime.

Realize that it is something more than genetics or territory? Some spirits are born with a frequency and others with another.

How to control if something arises where more than one type is born and where more than another, but life is not as exact distribution is not rigid creating a voltage across the planet, we are once again facing the theory of Yin and Yang where movement arises from this potential difference which is tricky to define what is good and evil.

A Carla Perez dancing the Tcham is abhorrent to certain cultures and women living in the desert region covered from head to toe in dark clothing is abhorrent to others, if they do not care about this, where is the harm?

The existence of Carla not jeopardize the existence of the young woman's burqa.

If Carla earn more money, have more freedom and more smiles, happiness Carla is annoying and deserves to be exploded? Well, yes it seems to me a great evil ...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Roses for Killer

 “Eight meters high and 8.2 kilometers long has the wall that will isolate Israel from the West Bank.” [Veja]
Before Bush thought we could knock down all the walls, all the iron curtains the sound of Lennon Imagine! The walls were built to prevent the Communists flee their country today are built to defend our society Judeo / Christian .

The "moment of truth" is that there is no other way.

We are much stronger than them, but it's not in our nature to be imposed by force, increasingly used as a last resort abandoning our past barabarie phase.

Something blows in our minds that we should stop thinking, we should not give up the intelligence and knowledge, we pay a high price we have to use it.

Live long and prosper the Israeli brothers.

Other European countries are also now waking up to this new reality, unfortunately we have to protect ourselves in our "gated communities" armed to the teeth.

Here in Brazil we have a acobertamos terrorists and diplomacy to friendly dictators, the frequency of Ishmael are closer than most of us realize, I'm already in my gated community, if you are a free thinker get your logo, if not is ...

CONGRATULATIONS! The winds of "interference" blow in his favor.

However do not be quiet, we live in great freethinkers and condominiums continue to live, this has been the sequence of events and nothing indicates that cease to be ...

Good morning everyone!

Salmaan Taseer

Monday, September 10, 2012

Thanks Bush!

I loved the Bush administration, I know that will demonize me, but DANE UP! [Not to write anything].

For freethinkers Bush spared in decades, perhaps centuries of vain philosophy although its practical results have unfortunately solids regrettable.

I never believed that the market regulates itself in a "quiet and peaceful", always been a fan of SMART that would lead governments with Capitalism reins logical and safe as did the FHC government, the Government of Chile or Germany.

Capitalism is a beast, a wild horse, can be very helpful and extremely efficient, but needs an intelligent command.

The U.S. dismissed the intelligence and engaged in self regulation instinctive Market, the practical result was a disaster, but those thinkers who sanctified a market totally free rediscovered the need INTELLIGENCE be in charge. [Thinkers at least not by a fanatical ideology]

I believed that contact Democracy, Islamic people awaken to a new reality becoming much like society "Judeo / Christian" once again the practical results were catastrophic, but philosophically it is clear that they are of another "nature "vibrate on another" frequency ".

No! We are not better or worse than them, remember Yin and Yang, are just DIFFERENT and if not for the war in Iraq still would spend much time and money trying to bring democracy to those of our brothers.

In meditation I noticed a INTERFERENCE related to Isaac and Ishmael seems symbolically in the Bible there is the perception of these different "natures", is for another day but today I have no time.

Once the USA to withdraw those people probably walk back to a dictatorship, maybe not with a new Saddam, but a hardline group, an oligarchy as with good catch in China or Iran

That's how those "spirits" like to live, the frequency of Ishmael?

I like people like Democracy, the frequency of Isaac?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Head Tass

In an interview with Tass says Marcelo wanted to close all schools and reopen them as a public space full of computers with broadband high speed.

He said the school has the same format for centuries and this would need to be changed urgently.

Of course I'm in favor of change, but only when there is an idea that seems to be more efficient, change something just because it's old does not make sense.

Communist thinkers have this fixation for the revolution, "that all this change there."

Capitalists now prefer evolution, go making improvements to what is already there.

Maybe in the future invent a machine that will give us more sexual pleasure than the opposite sex, but the "moment of truth" is that sex with a woman is much more suitable for older than it is.

Maybe in the future invent electronic implants where only conectemos our children on a flash drive and knowledge to be introduced instantly, but at present a good professional education, a good teacher is what we have more efficiently by older it is.

The idea of ​​including Tass can be tested now. Let's get all the security and administration of the entire Metro, leave that space free for the public "holy people" the "holy people" and "wisdom" will make the best use of space, live the revolution, under the Government! The people in power!

Got it?

At the head of Tass "the people", the mass is an almost sacred entity, the voice of God.

This explains in part because he is a celebrity and I'm a Joe Alley, for me the dough is mediocre.

A great school with computers left to their own devices, people would be open to a great waste of excellent machines and do very little for the quality of our education.

I do not know the city of Tass, but here in Campinas public spaces left to their own devices are taken by drug addicts and criminals.

I would like to pose a question to Tass:

If politicians are our big problem and are elected by the wonderful people and the people is not as wonderful or the quality of the people is our problem.

We have mediocre politicians because politicians voted in mediocre or poor voted for politicians because we are poor?

Has no magic formula to lessen the mediocrity, the first step is to recognize mediocre and seek an evolution.

While our people are sacred and pure place as the victim of a government elected that he is hard to take a step beyond.

Ideas like the Marcelo Tass convince the people about their holiness, a holiness that is not observable in the people.

But who would listen to a Joe Alley defends a school more and more rigid disciplinarian with professional teachers in imparting knowledge and scientific mission without taking my daughter become a "better person".

In mathematics life a holy people elect a government saint, but who cares about science, mathematics who cares, who cares about logic ...

Viva La Revolucion!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Yin / Yang

Archive: 14/11/2010

Is there a phobia common to all:
Even suicide has a phobia of death, but they see facing your fear, because it happened in their lives an absence of pleasure.
Note that it is not the suffering that opposes the pleasure is the phobia.
For suicide phobia of living becomes higher than the phobia of dying.
So if my phobia of death is very great I just do not think it over, invention worlds where there is no death and I is eternal in this world I can "afford" the entry with some sacrifice and what better sacrifice than pleasure?
Is he giving some meaning to my life, maybe if I sacrifice this life you will not know death, and I will have another life of pleasure, a life that "has" meaning.
Sex is a sin in this life, but if I serve Allah, in another life I can practice it with 70 virgins.
Sex is a sin in this life, but if I serve Jehovah, in another life I will have no more desire or need for sex, the important thing is that I have another life where pleasure is the unconditional adoration.
Philosophy in Mathematics looks like this:

Yang = Pleasure

Yin = Phobia

Suffering = Friction between Yin vrs Yang 

If there is another world or not, we can not say, but it is evident the existence of pleasure and phobias such as a fingerprint in our mind or spirit [to prefer] these forces "determine" the frequency to vibrate, our "nature" .

What gives us pleasure and how far we can go get it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Source of Evil

"God is the source of everything that was created. So it would be the author of both the
good and evil, or the latter was added after the formation of man? "
  Archive: 26/10/2010
   In order to answer this you have to think in 3D and enter the Abyss, I do not recommend if you want to proceed is at your own risk, I'm not responsible for lost souls ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  If there is something like a "God" he definitely does not know everything, nor can it, and although he knows infinitely more than we can.
  The only thing that ever existed was MATTERS, we may even have been developed by a God, but he probably came to Chance.
  One feature of life is the MOVEMENT and this is only possible by creating "potential difference"
  The ancient theorized something close to it speak of Yin and Yang.
  God has to live with this "potential difference" as much as we humans.
  Not that he allowed the existence of [say] Lucifer, he could not prevent, end the "potential difference" is to create a "box anti-inertia", "anti life".
  In society there monsters and saints and all the different graduations, think in 3D, do not think of an "eternal struggle of good against evil", think of the best possible convivermos with Yin and Yang.
  Heat causes "evil" for lake water? Well, I would not want to be hit by something I evaporate.
  The "energy" vai vai vapor being absorbed and concentrating until that energy level is not enough to keep water in suspension and rain happens, rain is good or bad?
  Floods, irrigation, storms, fish, fell trees, the seeds germinate ...
  If I am a ruthless killer I LIKE to be, stop me if you can.
  If I am fair and kind I LIKE to be, stop me if you can.
  So now think about ... nevermind ... is for another day, if there's a interesting question can proceed, otherwise it will be useless to proceed.
 It is the "solid solitude" is the madness in our heels, time to leave the Abyss.
  Yes, we are in the complex of Philosophy PLEASURE. Because we like what we like?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Thursday, September 6, 2012

True Truth

  "The more knowledge there is something inherent in the greater love ... One who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as cherries, knows nothing about grapes." [Paracelsus]
  Well, I know that when the grapes are ripe are devoured.
  When I say that love is one of the forces that move humanity is not with this romantic connotation and "positive" as other thinkers. Here in the Abyss concept of good / bad, positive / negative are much more difficult to be identified or defined. Some time ago I wrote an article about it later try to recover it.
  For now let's get into this gap proposed by Paracelsus, "the more knowledge more love."
  Pimenta Neves is one of those people with culture and knowledge was odd and a killer cold for Sandra Gomide. He knew that more and more loved, loved him so much that he was able to kill, but kills donut?
  The hard is what kills, but Paracelsus would say that Pepper did not love the truth and as always happens outside of Mathematical Philosophy people "build a true fact" that justifies its ideology even if it is not observable.
  I will not fall into the same trap and say that I know the "real truth" not only observe that love is the force of good that always lead to happy endings or continuations rather happy. [It was beautiful in it?]
  Pimenta Neves with his power, prestige and great knowledge could do the same thing as a noble and have a Senator Marcela Temer or another and have a Senator Monica Veloso but put his life at risk by a single woman who was not even there these things.
  Paracelsus's friend, there may be some mental illness that justifies its ideology, but for us here the pepper seems pretty healthy, their knowledge helped a lot to not be punished for the crime.
  The higher knowledge is a greater love equation that does not close, but this is common in the Abyss where life and love is not accurate is this force beyond good and evil.
  My knowledge tells me that love can be very constructive or destructive by far this has an enormous capacity to create "potential difference" and this difference causes MOVEMENT.
  Paracelsus would say my knowledge is not the "true knowledge", now if I do not know what is true love how do I know what is true knowledge, how can I say that Pepper did not love Sandra?
My friend Socrates said: "I only know that I know nothing."
  Philosophy in Mathematics only ponder if the theory corresponds to an observable reality. If reality will change one day and will bring us a new TRUTH course it's a possibility. The movement is a property of life so comprehensive that even the truth in this movement.
The truth now is that knowledge does not necessarily lead to greater capacity for love that is the observable reality, that the target is always in our best interest to get closer to the truth without giving us the illusion of one day reach her at her fullness, an hour there actually true if one day we will find a paradise that is subject to any religious and their adaptations of reality, inventing worlds.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweet and Pure Spirit

  Many thinkers based their ideologies based on the "dirt" of sex and money and humanity was and is sympathetic to his ideas soon much of human behavior is based on the dirt of sex and money, as they attach to the body's need contaminate the "sweet and pure spirit, "
  Socrates was one of the thinkers who attributed all "sin" to the entire body and purity of the spirit was floating around these meditations we begin to separate the Abyss. I found myself disagreeing with the great thinker.
  It makes no sense, I'm a William be pure and good created by God and this blows me in a full body of impurities and evil!!!
  If the good Lord wants me pure and good and I was so logic has me in "dirty" with a biological body?
  Some now say that the run is for me to become a better person, but what can be better than being a pure spirit and good?
  Got it?
  Sex is dirty, dirty money is because they are the body and the body needs is DIRTY.
  One day, after reading Socrates with these uncomfortable thoughts about the body I was there in the dark of my room into a meditation with weeping and gnashing of teeth [I was a teenager and waiver house was pretty empty] and realized that my body settle for a measly minimum wage could put more food in the house. Have you dreamed of my mind a million home front, bike, car, good clothes ...
  Our body needs very little power to operate, water, oxygen and food that has all these things should be satisfied, this is the mathematics of thought is the equation of life that can be seen from the ant lion.
  If my dissatisfaction comes not from the body, if my "empty" is not of the body where it comes from then?
  The SPIRIT, ladies and gentlemen.
  All good and evil has been blown in us from creation, if not satisfied with it complain to God, curse nature, but GROW, do not blame your body for his vices, by its excesses.
  My good friend Socrates, fellow big ballads, my body is pure and good, my spirit not so much ... sorry!
  I know what this means. One who controls also can not be omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, pure and good, since we are their similarity.
  Sem contar que se o corpo biológico é também invenção Daquele que nos Controla então mesmo que o amigo Sócrates me provasse que todo mal vem do corpo ainda assim colocaria a bondade e perfeição divina em xeque.
  Não culpe meu corpo, ele apenas esta obedecendo meus pensamentos, esta digitando os teclados, meu espirito que é imundo…

[believe me, at the end of this meditation really had no strength to get out of bed, today brings me tears, loneliness solid bloc in weeping and gnashing of teeth, is not always so, but this time it was. It was with my friend Socrates was observed leaving me alone, fading into the event horizon. We still find ourselves, but was never the same, my bad luck.]

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Diet

  "Addiction is addiction always, there is pleasure involved or not. It is not a means to achieve "happiness" - but it is a compulsion. " [Nihil]
  Nothing is so simple. I never dieted, but I imagine it is a very painful thing, I do not think bring some "happiness".
  A slender body and lighter brings satisfaction, pleasure, which is complicated for those who have to eat like this also brings satisfaction and pleasure.
  We can say that you traded a pleasure on the other since their "nature" is not able to live with the two in balance and you have not found means less suffering than the regime to "tame" nature.
  I told how we are powerless in the face of so much most of the time we do not choose the best, but the least worst.
  Dieting is bad, but getting overly fat is much worse. Finding happiness in this struggle against our nature is indeed a very bold proposal and little observable.
  Meeting gay people for being thin, but hungry ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!
  You were happy in a way became another, had a diet midway along the way had a diet.

Monday, September 3, 2012


  "Let your thoughts, words and actions are flooded with love.
Let your life be filled with love.
Nothing more is required to have the vision of the Divine.
Love is God, live in love. " [Sai Baba]
  Archive: 02/05/2009
  He was much admired by a pastor I attended a community.
  The sermon came down to tell him that we needed love, love is all, love can do anything.
  According to the pastor not only loves those who do not, everything is very easy.
  You have to love all the world's children as if they were his children, loves all women in the world (only trance with his wife), loves all men in the world (not have sex with them), love your government, your country loves , Love difficulties because they empower you, love your enemy, love paying tax (a sign that you have income), because she loves the rain watering the plants, love the sun because it makes the plants sprout ...
  I came to the conclusion that if you want to do a talk and please everybody, always talk about love, and always say that people are not loving enough.
  I've said that love moves the world.
  You're smarter than you prefer in practice friendship is more tolerant, less demanding.
  The pastor and Baba are special people who have this ability to love without distinction. [Really?]
  Most of us can just love and love is not always a good quality (very passionate).
  We are not what we want to be, what we can be.
  Friendship is much easier and affordable.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Psychopaths are we?

“Herbs bad not drown the good seed, but the negligence of the farmer.” [Confucius]
 Whenever we see an act of extreme violence, a criminal in series for example, always look for a disease in the individual, it calms us, makes us better accept what happened.
 "He had a troubled childhood." "He's a psychopath." Already rush to say, if they find nothing to justify childhood monstrosity still theorize that have not sought the right, was an occurrence kept secret.
 I asked a fellow alcoholic because he drank so much?

"- Because I like!"

 We do not accept at all that someone likes to get drunk, do not accept at all that someone like drogue because there is always a disease, there is always a childhood trauma, we always "healthy" or "normal" we need to protect these patients nor we have to sacrifice other "normal" like us.
 The biblical text is preferred by many: The return of the prodigal son.
  Maybe fate can be changed, not the effort of one, but of the collective.
 If a person is able to kill coldly, it is more important to avoid killing her to continue to figure out how she got so if someday God will talk to her no matter, it is important to make sure that we get out of line with normal devoraremos with the force of a thousand lions.
 Okay, that would be cool to have a God who would allow only men born good or to send a bolt to the head of those who became ill, but if he gave up his role as farmer we law-abiding citizens should not do the same thing. We should not be so NEGLIGENT with crime.
 We "normal" changed the reality to see the good in everything, I'm thinking that we are the psychopaths 'normal' we do not want to see that there are bad seeds, with great human capacity for destruction.
 Killing is a pleasure to have occurred to anyone, few realize that pleasure, no disease it is a matter of taste and ability.