Thursday, January 31, 2013

About Aging

"We learn from experience that men never learn from experience." [Bernard Shaw]
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  I told here that Mr. Shaw is bitter and exaggerated. As the proposal is to float Blog by free thinking should not prevent a proposed meditation only by presenting it bitter or exaggerated.
  Experience teaches us a lot, tests whether our theory corresponds to an observable reality. It is unlikely that a machine quit working satisfactorily clipboard an engineer, you must assemble a prototype experiment.
  But let's get into the mind of Mr. Shaw, taking what the hype was he even notice?
 Had a participant in the discussion group who once brought a text where the stale praised, reflected a little reading your text and did not find anything good in old age.
  If there is a spirit that moves the body this is very dependent on the operation of this machine and biological longer the law of gravity take much of the efficiency of the machine.
  If there is no spirit of our situation gets even worse. Soon, both from the point of view of religious atheist as old age is a major problem.
  If the text presented was superficial and illogical, I decided to delve deeper into the Abyss, check in old age could have something nice, come with me!
  I'm not the kind of person who has much appreciation for life, I love to people like my wife who loves to live, they speak of the pleasure of life with shining eyes, I confess that I have a twinge of jealousy, I would be more excited, less boring.
  However if someone asks me if I want to die, I'd say not today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, well, not the alternative to aging is dying young. Have you found a good thing in old age:


  If you have 20 years I sure would like to know everything you know now when I was 10, would be very advantageous, avoid some suffering, other times more profit, we can say that his life would have been more "efficient and prosperous."
  30 When you have the same thing will happen with respect to 20. With their new knowledge with their "experience" could have got more of that girl, that job, done a better deal on that car ...
  Then we found another good thing about getting old:

  Gain experience and it makes our lives more EFFICIENT AND PROSPEROUS.

  But you know what? Mr. Shaw noted very well, so that people who get older and learn nothing from the experience. At family gatherings or meeting up with old friends is amazing how people continue with the same speech, the same modus operandi that keeps them in a life situation that the person says not like.
  You know that aunt who suffered from a type of husband and got another just like it.
  That friend who speaks Company horrors, but still working on it.
  That guy who makes twenty years waiting for a miracle from God in your life or twenty years playing the same lottery numbers and make plans for the next week for a miracle or award that has not happened yet.
  That woman already with 50 and think it's so attractive physically when I was 20 or that you already graying and paunchy middle who thinks all girls are crazy about him.

  Is Mr. Shaw learned from experience that not all people learn from experience.

  In my meditation concludes that the only really good thing that comes with age is experience once keep us alive is a primal instinct.
  If we give her the experience and knowledge, balance, common sense ... old age becomes incredibly pathetic.
  All bitterness of Mr. Shaw somehow left him pathetic, life is not accurate, we are all a bit pathetic, that the accumulation of experience make us the least pathetic as possible, in youth or in old age ...

 Live long and prosper everyone, a big hug!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


"Do not forget that logic is always dictated by someone who has power in general. All indications are that life is a unique existence, the dimensions of space and time in which it occurs. The time is now. Being a good singer depends on your reference, which are the judgments which makes them generally in line with what others think. I mean if you just felt a good singer when the approval of others, then what you want is recognition and not be a good singer. As for drugs, legal or illegal, it also falls into the realm of feelings and motivations. Some people seek help when they understand that they need, which can also be imposition of others, unless in their conduct towards each other, their life together becomes unbearable, which can be resolved if the other sends the addict away, or accepts their condition. This talk will go away. You should mull over your choices, your desires, your conscious action and social events, when in fact it can be instead of supporting actor, might have found the meaning of life, not without suffering, is LOGICAL. "[E-mail ]
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  The logic is always dictated by someone who has power in general???
  The Earth revolves around the Sun, it is observable, of course, was dictated by God? Is it?
  If all who hear me say I'm not a good singer, but I think that is what I am worth? I'm a good singer because I think I am?
  Nor do I understand why suffering must necessarily be part of the equation. Sinatra did not suffer to sing, can not even admire your tone or style, but to say that he was not a good singer but it does not seem logical.
  Sinatra was a good singer because they had rhythm, pitch, reached comfortably musical notes, there was someone who "has the power" [ground at least] that established it, the music is a science, there is a lot of math to produce a musical instrument.
  Singing everybody sings, until our noble deputy Tiririca was very successful singing. The question that remains is that if we compare it with a Fred Mercury [forget the style] who can keep their COHERENT ARGUMENT that Tiririca is a much better singer or training might be as good as the former rocker?
  So the logic is supported by scientific evidence and in the absence of them in coherent arguments.
  Fred could sing any song off of Tiririca the reciprocal is not true.
  This conversation could go even further, but with solid foundations on a good definition of what is the logic.
  His structuring of thought doing the logic depend on the willingness of someone committed the rest of the text.
  Anyway thanks, if I can be more clear about the logic be defined by the power of one, not of argument or scientific, but by the will, we could move forward on the issue.
  Do not give me the example of simplistic mathematical symbols. I know I could call the second four and that was a convention of people who were in power, but the convention was a logical thing for everyone to understand that the same symbol.
  For British Sol is Sun, Terra is Earth, but for logic Earth revolves around the Sun ...

  This will not change by more than England has power, and even though I did not understand any English ...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Therapy of Logic

"The important thing is for you to see LOGIC face your fear, realize some benefit."
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  I believe that the use of logic can be an excellent therapy.
  Therapies that date is based around the ILLUSION and the illusions they work has to be kept in absentia of reality which is not easy.
  Alcoholics anonymous promote this therapy by logic, they rub the guy's face that he can not drink. It's no use deluding himself that he will power be enough to stop him in the second dose or to find a childhood trauma will end up with alcohol dependence.
  He can not stop drinking then reality, the logic is that he does not eat.
  I've talked about mediocrity, let's say you'd like to sing and act as Fábio Júnior, but many people have said that you do not sing well and neither is a good actor, you create the illusion that one day people will discover their talent and this illusion can keep you excited, happy, persisted in chasing his dream. Turns out you'll be surrounded by reality and this may force you to take psychotropic drugs to support her.
  Accept us as we could cure a multitude of our neuroses or at least keep them at acceptable levels.
  Let's do another example, you do not feel comfortable in power, not comfortable commanding people, do not let a psychologist or self-help book you delude yourself that anything is possible, you just believe.
  The command of something can become so heavy a burden for you to carry it again suffer much or resort to illicit drugs, illicit drugs, therapies or placebo.
  Of course we should try to get to know the theory sometimes is not enough, we have experience, just do not let the illusion overlaps reason, logic.

 Meditate, know yourself, watch your back to REALITY.

 Ten years divan seeking what? An illusion that gives meaning to life?
  Accept that MAYBE the time of death you find some meaning in life, but if today and tomorrow will already have some sense before an effective therapy.
 Live with logic every day, give a sense every day.
 At the time of death find that life has a meaning, MEANING THAT YOU GAVE HER!

LOGICAL you think?

Friday, January 25, 2013

About Fear

"Do not be ashamed to admit your fears, try facing them in case of need."
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  I note that it is a big mistake to go around facing your fears, life is so short'd rather spend my time chasing PLEASURE.
  Say you have a fear of flying and aircraft need not be part of your means of transport that logic has to face this fear?
  Seems very masochism or misunderstanding fighting fears remain free without necessity. "To grow as a person" ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  I'm afraid of getting sick, so the disease should seek to prove to myself that I can overcome it!! I do not. I avoid disease as much as I can with hygiene, good nutrition and exercise.
  Are you afraid of becoming pregnant, the pain of childbirth? It is a great fear, only the face when necessary. Started hurting really do cesarean, women do not suffer!
  Afraid to speak before an audience? Do not talk. Few professions require us to be great speakers.
  If this does turn out to be an obstacle to do some professional course or course desibinição theater without great pretensions it is important for you to see LOGIC face your fear, realize some benefit.

  Take a step beyond, think in 3D and discover what's not afraid.

  Example, not afraid of heights?
  This can earn you money working in high places or even give much pleasure flying a hang glider or parachute jumping.
  I heard of a woman who was the maid service, found that he had trouble cutting people today living doing this well autopsies.
  I'm not afraid to expose myself to ridicule straddling my mind, I never brought anything good, but has made the success of many writers and composers, Raul Seixas and Nelson Rodrigues are good examples.
  Psychologists thinkers are generally of poor quality, not like my friend who watched Shakespeare mysteries of heaven and earth, for them everything is brain chemistry, know very little of Philosophy.
  If we were to list all our fears are so many find that it is better to leave them asleep in some corner of the mind, so that those who mess with this quiet?

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Magic Formula

  Given this complexity that I would give him advice?
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  Ladies and gentlemen... COUNCIL HAS NO!
  This is the first Blog here really "self help", even if you do not help philosophy can not do anything for you.

 However, I believe we see a little more than others can be very advantageous.

  If you realize that in a good company and yet this discouraged, maybe [like most people] do not like the work.
  Do what you have to do the best possible way [few can work on what they like] if you get a chance to progress within the Company to hold, but keep in mind that quality of life is not much money.
  Are you sure that this bad in a Company?
  Stop accumulating debts and make savings, it is good to be in blue before trying another company.
 Remembered now a company that was only a week, never thought I would, but my knowledge was enough time to realize I was in a bad place.
  Gives too afraid to give up everything, but it is important to face our fears even when logic tells us so clearly that the values ​​of our company are not.
  A very beautiful speech on admission, but in talking with employees see that it's just really a beautiful speech admission.
  The pay was not good however was great with the "compulsory invitation" to overtime and this illusion of value satisfy many individuals.
  I am of the opinion that overtime is not earnings, it is an emergency situation or should be.
  By giving up all went to see the disappointment in my family with me, but they know one thing?
  I did pretty well.
  If he stayed in that company would not have the job I have today because the workload was too drawn, would not have time to study, nor the contest would have provided, there was a rare thing off.
  Well, I hope to put this thing magic formula for success. The situations are very complex, very private, each case is unique.
 The puzzles that life offers you only can decipher yourself. What is important for your "professional counselor" may not be for you, it can be horrible for example be pulling bag, but you can be very good at it and you barely have to praise the boss ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  If my knowledge will be useful somehow I'm happy, but throw in the trash not have major problems with rejection.

Good Luck! Everything Good!

  Do not be ashamed to admit your fears, try facing them in case of need.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


"On the one hand, there are cases of workers who are qualified for certain jobs too. On the other, there are companies that do not meet the profile of official looking. "[Folha]
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  I understand this well. Sometimes we go through a rigorous selection process as with so many requirements that we believe the Company will be in service something challenging and above all profitable.

We face a low income and remote chances of a promotion.

As for the service, anyone with a little training specific to one week can do, just know how to read and write.

This spoken "profile" that the Company is seeking another puzzle for me. They want dedication, commitment, pursuit of goals, motivation ... so want to love the company and gave up his life for her!
It turns out that the company undertakes no obligation to these things, most speeches is only in the realm of good intentions that never take place except by virtue of any law.

Most promotions "good" ones that are really worth it are the result of politics, not performance, if you hit the right clique, okay, if you do not hit into any clique or chose the one that gave the unlucky chance ... her.

There are those promotions for performance, but it is often a case seriously think you gain much responsibility, so much pressure, an increase of 20 or 30 percent in salary [when it comes] it was not always so in need of capital believe or accept.

Huh? Given this complexity that I would give him advice? Let's see?

To be continued ...

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Mosquito and Spider

"It is assumed that the woman must wait, motionless, until being courted. More or less like a spider waiting for the fly. "[Bernard Shaw]
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It's true. I see men boasting of "get" a woman, so as not pay me a little amused.

She was forced to have sex with you or had sex for pleasure?

  - "For pleasure, I guess."

She took you with her car?

- "No, I was with mine."

She paid the fuel?

- "Of course not."

She paid lunch?

- "No. I was paid to. "

So she paid the motel?

  - "Neither."

You know that if she found you good in bed will comment with the best friend and the friend will speak to others?

- "Yeah, I know."

To summarize: The woman was related to sex, you chose that it was looking at the door of the house, paid for everything, if your sexual performance was not good be a laughingstock, you had to be creative in dialogue why is the man who has "obligation" to have a good chat. If she liked you, you now have the obligation to date her, but if she likes you, goodbye SUCKER!



Monday, January 21, 2013

Cuckoo's Nest

"There is nothing more exciting in this world, I think, to have a child that is yours and at the same time is a stranger." [Aghata Christie]
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True Aghata lady.

I remembered when my now 10 year old daughter was about 2 years old in a tantrum with my wife, to end the tantrum asked her if she wanted Dad knocked on Mom. She promptly said no. I said that I asked Mom a kiss and stopped grace. And all we are satisfied and happy.

Later when my daughter was 8 years or so with 2 years tried to use the same trick.

- You want daddy hit mommy at?

- "I want."

I did not know what to say, my wife was upset ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

We just all laughing a lot, but still something interesting was about to happen.

About 3 hours after one iota of people asked me if I had knocked on Mom!

I picked her up and said that hitting people is very ugly, I asked if she did not like the mom and she said she loved her mom, so I made a tickle her and then said that we should not knock Mom what she to my relief agreed.

Because for a daughter was inconceivable violence and other acceptable?

Same house, same drool, our marriage has not gone through any crisis pregnancies quiet ...

It Aghata lady, children, and as strange as ours.

I say we generate the body, but the "spirit" that will dwell where?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nuclear Energy

"In ecumenical event on Thursday (17), in Freedom, in Sao Paulo, Reverend Kensho Buddhist Kikuchi, 73, accused the" human arrogance in seeking to dominate nature and have increasingly facilities "as part of the cause the tragedy that Japan lives today, referring to the accident at the nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture, which occurred after earthquakes and tsunami. " [Folha] 
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  From 1950 until today the Japanese population grew by 40 million people.
It is no small thing, a lot of people to their small territory.

I believe the "human arrogance" allows the survival of this population of over 120 million people in such a wealthy and peaceful as ever in the history of that country.

Haiti is a nation that has suffered so overbearing much lower which leads us to counter the reverend.

Forget Buddhism and increasingly we are "arrogant," maybe one day have a technology so advanced that we control by the movement of tectonic plates.

We already know that the earth will not last forever, if we have time inevitably have to colonize other planets.

This population of 120 million consumes an enormous amount of energy, nuclear power plants are a MUST, we stop HYPOCRISY.

Are not convinced? Think in 3D.

A little while ago there was a cyclone in Santa Catarina, which the weatherman say it's very difficult, but not impossible. Then we realized that the Earth is not a perfect machine and highly predictable, at least for us poor mortals.

Imagine that a small meteor fall into the Itaipu dam or close to it causing a quake of earth, can you imagine the size of the tragedy and the number of deaths?

Religious people say that "God would not allow a thing like ..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Well, fiddle-faddle piece how can we prepare? For security Itaipu disable or build a slide meteor that place ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Realize that life is a risk? Buddhism has had centuries to tell us how to avoid the earthquakes and so far has not done anything.

Although dangerous, this time humanity can not do without nuclear energy. We must continue "arrogant" and make the plants even safer while we have no other alternative.

If we develop enough fusion "hot" maybe not arrive at a cold fusion?

Buddhas well that could save us and tell us research these secrets of nature.

My deepest sympathy to all humans affected by these natural disasters, brothers in Haiti, New Zealand, Chile and now Japan

We need more technology, not less. If this is to be so boastful arrogance and living below the HYPOCRISY!

Friday, January 18, 2013

About Virtue

"Virtue is but insufficient temptation." [Bernard Shaw]
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  Bernard Lord says so graceful that "every man has his price" or "no woman who does not betray, there is evil woman singing."

Now I remembered that Adam was obedient to God, he has not eaten and possibly would not eat the fruit if it had not been offered by Eve

Eva was also obedient to God and would not have eaten the fruit had it not been tempted by the serpent.

It seems to us that God himself was putting a temptation growing until it was surpassed virtue of man.

 So logic tells us that we were not created without virtue, virtue is natural for us.

Virtue = Disposition  constant of spirit that prompts us to pursue good and avoid evil.

As Bernard wrote the phrase [do not know if it was his intention] it seems that we are naturally wicked, wicked. We have also this impression by reading the doctrines of various religions and even atheists speeches.

For atheists I say that God does not exist then all that was done in humanity sprang from the mind of man, alas, we have developed numerous laws protecting life is difficult to locate a culture where murder is not punishable.
To be naturally evil help the weak?

Currently move quickly granting rights to animals of other species, here was a difficulty in Campinas some amazing kill capybaras that were infesting a park with ticks.

If for atheists and religious man is naturally wicked, mathematically philosophizing is something that I could not even LOOK.

In a kindergarten noticed the bullies, but most children are a "banana", and make only catch cry or seek aunt.

Another interesting thing watching children is their ability to fit in to a 5 or 7 years. Me and my wife we got somewhere and say go play with the classmate, another child that my daughter had never seen in life, but soon seemed to know each other for decades.

You ladies and gentlemen, looking very into myself and feel good naturally have a mathematical certainty that the vast majority of the ladies and gentlemen are also.

Living is very difficult and the numbers really scared of violence, but appears to be due to a phenomenon so strange that even looks like an "interference".

We want to awaken love in "bullies" and do not observe all the love in us ...

Who knows?!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mass Mediocre

I've written several times that mass is mediocre and not many people agree with my ideas because of it. I wish people understood that I read the greatest thinkers who have left something recorded in books then be facing a mediocre Aristotle, Machiavelli, Franklin or Socrates should not be seen as some kind of offense.

I wish I had the voice of a Frank Sinatra, the intelligence of an Einstein, and the beauty of a Brad Pit [when younger], it goes without saying that I'm "below average" [less than mediocre] compared to these guys .

We do not have mediocre intelligence that you can say "oh my god how smart he is!"
  But we have enough intelligence to take care of ourselves, we take our INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I have respect for the mediocrity that amazes me is that she herself is not respected.

Example: I do not see a company that still makes baskets in São Paulo!! One of the great legacies of Fernando Henrique Cardoso was precisely to stop this waste of logistics.

 The food is worth so much more efficient, the individual buying the brand and food that has preferably CARE OF YOURSELF.

Unless you have some way to cheat the taxman with a basket that I know of, prefer the basket to the valley is little practical power to the Company itself.

They know the justification that the Company offer? If they give money [Valley Food] the employee will spend on rum instead of rice and beans!!!

Companies are thus "protecting" their employees.

With that thought patronizing, only the company knows what is good for the individual and even underneath all comes as irresponsible drunks that the company has to take care.

And people are offended me!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fathers Results

  "There is nothing new under the sun."
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   I think that priests who are in charge were formed in the 60s and 70s and developed a romantic vision of communism, believed the end of capitalism and the success of Liberation Theology.

I was looking at 21st Century [Catholic broadcaster] and noticed that there are many young priests and the trend is the charismatic movement today "priests shows" here is that some time will give the letters, the generation formed by 60 this heading for eternal rest .

The situation we see is a remnant of the past, for some people it seems that the "wall" was not shot down, they stopped in time.

The Catholic Church, for its size, always has a delay compared to today, but 20 years from now all priests "socialists" are dead priests and "output" will be in power.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Liberation Theology

Liberation theology emerged at a time when the world thought would move inexorably toward Communism with the failure of Capitalism.

When the Soviet Union put the first satellite into orbit seemed clear to all their organizational and social superiority as any Westerner who had permission to visit it was exposed to a theater produced by good catch, all the news that left the USSR were excellent.

The Western press had no access to information about the USSR and the leaking to the outside had prior censorship of Communism, deifying the regime.

Liberation theology was an attempt by the Catholic Church to adapt to the new world that emerged. It turns out that Communism proved a great bored and LT followed the same path, the Vatican was quick to undo the misunderstanding, but this kind of ideology is difficult to be totally eliminated, ideas are powerful virus.

I think the Theology of Prosperity [T.P.] is a lesser evil.

The Church Pentedostal encourages citizens to ask of God, but also to go fight.

Among encourage the individual to progress working, studying, trusting God and encourage the individual to break into properties and have hatred for anyone who is an entrepreneur [chief representative of savage capitalism and destroyer], I get the first option.

But it's just a matter of preference, each has its values.

I think the Theology of Prosperity useful and Liberation Theology colossal a mistake of the Catholic Church, these priests of L.T. lost in time here in Brazil are supporting movements like the MST. [Invaders properties]

If you have someone who accepts me discuss L.T. vs T.P.. can join a 10 that I defeat everyone, I've done this countless times.

I want to stress that the Vatican quickly realized the mistake of LT and corrected the direction of ICAR, the L.T. only persisted in the minds of priests communists such as Leonardo Boff which among other pearls said:

 "For those with stomach elitist, rather than pawn factory is producing, feeding pump of capitalism!"

I need not say more.

Monday, January 14, 2013


  "I went to another religion, why not bear to see the coverage that western Christian civilization and often give no ethical values.
Why not hold the excuses and justifications that many use and always have used for their "footprints in tomatoes." [E-mail]
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  The historically Buddhist countries are: Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Srilanka, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. India, a country where the religion originated, now has a tiny minority of Buddhists. Indonesia and Afghanistan were Buddhist past. Today Buddhism is spread all over the world, including being present in Brazil. To meet the regular and traditional Buddhist organizations that operate in Brazil, see the Portal Buddhist Dharmanet.

  Those countries that have the admiration are South Korea and Japan, but long since Korea and Japan can not be defined by a religion, are quite rightly sincréticos.Este syncretism happened in stages of prosperity by strengthening STATE LAICO.

Most Japanese today are like the Brazilians call themselves Catholics belonging to Buddhism or Shinto traditionally attend only on some special occasions, christenings and weddings and some religious festival.

In Japan and Korea the "theology of prosperity" with different names are those that attract new fans, nothing more ... WEST, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

For a mathematical mind like mine Buddhism is a religion without RESULT expressive.

It is a road that connects anything anywhere!
 But of course that meets the needs of those people who are around them, "religion for those in need."

I know that Buddhists will hate me [entering the queue], but in a deep meditative thought came to me about this movement that gave me cramp from laughing, not given to continue meditating.

You know when you sing a song in English without understanding anything of that language and says words like murlei, mastbiheven, isislove, clepiorrend ... hahahahahahaha!

Buddhists are so sing with the feeling that they do not understand anything, can not even know if there is something to understand.

We evolved to become anything!?
Not that anything we are today, much to the contrary.

Buddhism does not make sense.

Friday, January 11, 2013

About Libya

"If Gaddafi does not create jobs and generate investment, Libya will not be stable. There will be a lot of angry young and can join groups like Al Qaeda. " [Folha]
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Archive: 15/03/2011

After the Iraq war my position towards Muslims changed substantially, for example today I am against any military interference in Libya.

Have not like watching newspapers, I see things so pathetic that I do not know whether to laugh or cry most times I end up getting annoyed.

I saw an Arab citizen angry at Obama for not intervening in Libya he toppling Gaddafi's planes!!!

  The American people spending tax money to help the Arab people to surrender their country to the next dictator or religious Islam when not both at the same time.

If the problem is the Arabs and Muslims is that they must solve, ask that the Libyan military aid to Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Iran

Al Qaeda is so fond of blaming the West for the economic failure of the Arab world spending time and money bringing terror to the West would be good to look at your own navel and used his time and money to improve their own people.

Realize that no matter what the Americans do, will always be with them and demonized the West? That logic has to spend tax dollars helping these people?

Here in Brazil we have an Arab community living well, my advice for free thinkers who live in these countries that is archaic as far as possible try to make a difference, but unable to change their country.

Do not worry as we keep them smarter, more attracting its best brains, its best thinkers, they will not be a big threat to us.

A save for Capitalism, Democracy and LAICO STATE.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


"I believe that the best way of doing good to the poor is not to give them alms, but to do that they can live without receiving it." [Franklin]
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 Franklin I agree, but I'll get a hook in your thoughts and write something that I see no comment thinker, just to make things more interesting.

I've met many people who want nothing to do with work, might even want a job but did not work.

For psychologists and philosophers seems that everyone wants and enjoys working works not only for lack of opportunity.
  I observe the opposite, few people like to work, just because they need to work.

It's funny, in my new job I am asked if I am enjoying work and I am sincere as I say I do not like to work, people laugh, think it's funny.

These days someone told me - "You MUST enjoy working."

I almost cried laughing, I asked how we are obliged to like something!?

I asked my partner if at that moment he could pick any place to be if this place would be at work, he replied of course not there and that gave me even a crisis of laughter ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

People are so funny, they say what we like and do not know how to define what they like!!!

I'll tell you something very profound, pay close attention, can be useful in their lives.

Stress comes in many ways and this is one of them or pretending that we like to kid ourselves that something actually just put up with it because preciso.Eu not like working, but I like and need money at the end of the month, taste and need be useful to society.

Remember, do not control what FEEL.

I can control my ACT, so I do my job the best you can, give the best of me. The Company hired me because they need me to do my job, my colleagues need me to do my part, my wife needs my collaboration to create children, society must I fulfill my duty.

I like to feel macho and a man must do what a man should do, whether it likes it or not.

If you work at it like, my sincere congratulations, is a man or woman of luck.

If like most you work because you need then is MAN, WOMAN is, DO YOUR SERVICE LAW, that is growing, that is being grown.

Begin to realize that likes to pretend that something is even more stressful.

What's more finding out what you do not like can also discover who's really like and work on it.

There are numerous stories in this regard, actor Paulo Autran [if I remember] when studying law became fascinated by theater and was happy in this new profession.

Well, it's late, I leave you this message of cheer for tomorrow, if you need to work and have a job is something really cool to celebrate.

Tomorrow when you go to work remember that many are waking up too early, but the search for one.

No, do not pretend you like to wake up early, facing the traffic and solve a lot of problems, just do what you gotta do, do not be complaining, nobody likes whiners.

Remember about FRATERNITY, at work we are united by a need and in times of need is that we need to behave more like good brothers, one helping the other to what has to be done is done.

It is not enjoyable to eat that morning bagel crisp?

From planting wheat to make bread has much WORK.

Understand the importance of work in our lives, makes me like him a little bit, but just a little ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Good Night! Good work tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Friend Franklin

"When I reflect, which I do frequently, about happiness I have enjoyed the times I tell myself that if I was offered it again exactly the same life, live it again from beginning to end." [Franklin]
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  Friend Franklin! I am immensely happy for you, it is rare to hear because it rarely happens.

Even if I knew all the difficulties that would go if I could have given up. Would have prevented life.

"Father, take this cup away from me."

  Even Jesus would have died at least different, as experienced as you can not be conclusive, never read Jesus thanking or praising his earthly life. It seems to me that he came reluctantly, was the will of the Father

The year 2013 started well until, I'm not used to, until I am finding strange, but I hope it stays that way.

One of the things I admire about Benjamin Franklin is precisely this perception that it is a choice and thank you for this. It irritates me very people who (say) "God carries in her lap" and gripe life.

I would not have had a childhood so poor, I wish my father had no problem with alcohol, I would have studied in good schools, like my thoughts bring me good things, I would have more opportunity to condition and help people ...

The Benjamin left a great legacy for humanity. Who would not have been a Benjamin Franklin?

Franklin knows a friend, I like my NATURE. I have difficulty understanding or doing what is right, the logic flows naturally in my mind, in spite of everything if I had not wanted to be born again vibrate on another frequency, but sure wish my life had been different.

Friend Franklin'm jealous of you, but that's good envy, envious admiration. If there is a "heaven" is it that you're craving.

Long life, prosperity and salvation, Franklin congratulations friend, you deserve it, it is rare to happen, I can not say the same about every possible choice about which I've read ...

When I see a person wearing that shirt of Che Guevara think to myself:

"Ah! If she had known Benjamin Franklin! "

If she has not had this pleasure I had. Great pleasure to meet you FRIEND FRANKLIN. "I'm from South America, I know, you will not know ..."

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut after him." [Franklin]
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  I told here that marriage is not the consummation of love, but the consummation of our desire to start a family. If the two situations great match for you.

Please, at least you who somehow absorbed some of the Philosophy of Mathematics forget mediocrity marry only for love. Put something in your head: NO! Love can not all, can not handle everything, does not guarantee happiness to anyone, even quite the contrary, it can be terribly DESTRUCTIVE.

You passionate woman, only have sex with protection, suddenly it will be reported to be a father, the great love of your life can turn into a toad, was up just a pussy ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

The sad part of this fairy tale is that a child born without a father, not biological, that we all have, but that father love, one that will be with us in the prime of life and also difficult.

Now a colleague reminded that despite all that had clarification pregnant with a guy from church, Christian Congregation [think], one that men are on one side and women on the other.

I was amazed with her happiness, her head was all right, before the belly grow he would marry her and be happy forever missed combine this with the citizen. Of course we hoped for their happiness, but I confess I feared the worst.

Everything went wrong. The boy did not want to take his son [later a baby girl was born], even got another girlfriend. The church decried that Christian was the one who had sex before marriage?

They think she left to kill? Of course not, she is a woman and is "warrior," her daughter take care of herself, and her God!! [Is God now??]

She did not need the boy nor anyone, for his daughter would not miss anything ...

I asked her if she liked her father [I already knew the answer].

- You know I love my father, he is everything to me, do not know what my life would be without him.

You know "Mary" for her daughter will miss a father. What life, God or your mother gave you irresponsibly denied his daughter, a father who loves her as much as you love her, do you really think your daughter will not miss anything?

Right now she must understand the problem, she looked at me in a manner so lost, I just cry, we cry together.

Oh, how difficult it is to live, not no joke, it hurts too much.

My daughters have a great mother and a good father, good that all children that even if they could not get everything they had at least the basics, a good father and a good mother, the basics never looked so EVERYTHING.

No further contact, time separates us from friends, I wish all the luck in the world for more than this little princess today must be 8 years old, she can give a good father to your son or daughter that one day will come, which may give his daughter something that was denied, a GOOD FATHER.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Theory 10%

FILE 22/05/2010:  "The conclusion is a study at the University of Leeds in the UK, which evaluated 1319 subjects aged between 16 and 61 years. Of the total, only 1.2% of the volunteers was considered dependent on the world wide web, there was more concentrated than most cases of moderate or severe depression. "
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Since I have no money to fund research of my interest I developed a theory that I call the "Theory of 10%." Of course she did not come by chance, was the fruit of much meditation.

It basically consists in observing that 10% of the population is able to do and feel things that others can not imagine that 90% is possible.

So far so good, now she gets a little complicated, anyone can follow.

Not that 10% of the population is a group the party is everything "EVERYTHING HAS A PART GROUP".

The 10% who viciariam on drugs are not the same 10% that would become homosexuals.

The 10% who love animals more than people who are not even 10% that are corrupt to the extreme.

The 10% that vitiate the Internet, are not the same 10% are pedophiles and so on.

Using the theory of 10% for me situate mainly on issues of public policy.

See how it is practiced in the example:

90% of people make a use [say] "natural" Internet, 10% is much longer than is natural, of these 10% about 1.2% get addicted, addicted, 1.2% of these there is a higher incidence in other suicides that 98.8% of the population!!!!!!!!!

We conclude that the Internet causes or suicide thing is .... the Demon HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

This is science, philosophy or mental terrorism ?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Need for whom religion

"If men are so wicked with religion, as they would be without it?" [Franklin]
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  I note that in many cases religion is a "moral restraint", but not in all cases nor indispensável.Nosso existential void is too large, it seems best to fill it with the belief in a just and good God that it drowns alcohol for example.

But I do not agree with this view that without religion'd walk inexorably into barbarism've written several times about the logic of brotherly love and no doubt he would continue to exist, it makes a lot of sense.

I'm still at my house, I have a concern anytime my neighbor knock my door and try to kill me or steal or do me any harm.

I do not think my neighbor did not attack me out of respect or fear of God, but also because they want to stay quiet.

Imagine the following situation, you arrive in a place and say good morning, people around you respond to compliance and is for this reason, do what you gotta do and go your way or happens some pleasant conversation about everyday or banal.

If you arrive swearing, his face closed, wanting to hit someone with arrogance the situation is much more tense.

So the vast majority of us opt for LOGIC, even though we are living difficult times, be pleasant and cordial is quieter, more efficient, less tense.

Realize that we do not speak of God, Religion, Morality, Good Costume, Education?


Brotherly love, the union of "good" peaceful coexistence finally there actions as logical as those practices that do not act in this way is very ASS.

With the large number of cars on the streets the most efficient way of streaming is respecting traffic laws, signs and punishing the infratores.Se likes to take the Bible in the glove box to bless the car, an image of Mary or the Lord's tape Bonfim, fine, but if the signal cross imprudently hand against the floor, drunk driving is being ASS.

That intelligence of major consequence, establishing new standards of excellence that makes us civilized and technologically evolving is really rare.

However we all have a basic intelligence.

Some are arrogant if they think better or more important than all others, and only the fear of penalty will prevent it crossing the red light, but most understand that respect the signalman is the RIGHT to do not even need the police.

"Police for who need police, police for those in need."

You need the religion to do what is right?

 "Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Perseverance of the Saints

If you are a chosen will persevere in faith until the end even if at some stage be skeptical. If not persevere is because it was not chosen and so we went back to that equation of circular thinking for which reason no longer has the answer.

"Sell more because it is fresh or is fresh because it sells more?"

Therefore I started looking for other signs that may characterize a choice, like having much luck in life. Because being in church does not mean anything.

If I'm in church I consider myself unless I'm off outside the Church of God's salvation. But I "feel safe" is one thing, being saved is quite another

So if my professed faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, the church I attend, I am a good citizen and yet my life is just "probation" or is well below my entire struggle, the likelihood that I'm wasting my time in the church is very large.

With this text I close the Bible study on the foundations of Calvinism, is perceived as a very interesting theory that the first time a thinker can even rate it as minor, but to observe things that happen in life is undeniable that it explains a lot .

This story of a just and good God can not pass a "created reality" for us, a comfort to the creatures that were not "marked".

God is above all, even of good and evil, he just does what you want, do not need you or I agree with something, believe or not believe him.

If God decided to crucify his son pay for making an innocent sinner no matter what I do not see any sense in it. God did because he wanted to.

I have my "free will", but I can not change my NATURE, we do not control what we feel.

I can go or not go to church, I do drugs or not, I can work right or just goofing off, I can find a good wife or just stay dating, I vote in corrupt or honest men, finally I can do a lot in my life, but change my "frequency" is very difficult.

I can not stop thinking God made me this way and that "determines" that will not be saved, my thoughts never brought anything good ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

It was very important I find CREATURE, if Calvin is right I can not change my future and I know that will not be good, with a little luck can be the ANNIHILATION.

If God does not need to be just and good creatures we need, if we do not help each other our time on earth will be even more dire.

Yes ladies and gents need LOVE, no, that passion, that of BROTHERHOOD.

Let's get this gap, will be fascinating, come with me "little brothers" ...

Friday, January 4, 2013

Effective Vocation

"The effectual call is irresistible in the sense that God sovereignly causes it to produce the desired result. This sovereign work of grace is resistible in the sense that we can really resist and in our fallen nature, but it is irresistible in the sense that the grace of God trumps our natural resistance. "
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  If God has chosen you not refuse. The Bible itself contradicts itself, because there is a parable where God has his chosen people who were Jews, but because it meant the guys understood that and were leaving after the "prank" extended salvation to the Gentiles who accepted the sacrifice of Jesus.

Matthew 22 - 8 Then he said to his servants: The marriage indeed is ready, but those invited were not worthy.
9 Go therefore the crossroads of paths, and everyone you meet, you invite them to the wedding.
10 And those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all they found, both bad and good: and he was filled with guests the bridal room.
11 But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who wore no wedding garment;

But let this loophole for another day, back to Calvinism. Notice that when I called has no possibility of me not to accept God's plan, even William I with all my snags if I was born to be marked unless nothing will prevent this from happening because it was the sovereign will of the Father

David was a king and would be chosen anyway, even killing innocents, destroying villages, committing adultery, mathematically you can not have doubts about the salvation of David which leads to more or less able to identify who is chosen even in earthly life.

Job was a choice, everything went right for him, God decided to have fun with it somewhat freeing the devil to detonate his life, but the last "joke" everything got better at it as a "compensation".

Then one chosen is not that everything always works out, it can also go through some tightening up big, but most of the time is the "head and not the tail" when I say head not confuse it with the smartest, so this great entrepreneur who is nothing smart however the "universe conspires in your favor."

We can deduce that if you are a regular attender of the Presbyterian Church, says accepting Jesus with all your heart still can not be considered mathematically a CHOICE if you are in the position of tail and not the head.

If I were to bet between a lower middle class and safe as other, throw all my chips in the other as Lula, Chavez or Ronaldinho.

Kaka is chosen. That devout believer with low income for some reason did not receive the right clothing, was not marked. God owns gold and silver and do not deny for a chosen, we see that even gives abundantly more than you can spend.

An RR or Macedo Soares has much more chances to be chosen among some of my relatives that "true Christian", all are middle class through hard work and effort, do not remember any head that is anything that has a lot of gold and silver, which command or influence thousands.

No, do not be fooled, it is not just a financial issue, it is really being blessed by God in everything, money is only one of the consequences, as one of the most visible and HEALTH FRIENDS.

For Calvinism and other religious aspects, and few will be saved. If you think about it are much less than most of us realize. By the criteria of Calvinism have much choice CREATURE is finding the time and the final judgment will discover that a lifetime wasted ... unfortunate.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Unconditional Election

"The doctrine of election declares that God, before the foundation of the world, chose certain individuals among all the fallen members of Adam's race to be the object of His unmerited love. These, and only these, He purposed to save. "
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 Before the foundation of the world, God chose certain individuals to salvation. His choice was not based on any foreseen response or act, to be fulfilled by the chosen. Faith and good works are the result and not the cause of God's choice.
As you can see there is absolutely nothing I can do to be saved. To my friend Franklin and many other chosen is very easy to accept this doctrine, for now I'm that creature is something terrible.
I left the Presbyterian Church disagree that just because some individuals were marked to be saved and some will inevitably be lost. But, always has, but far from the influence of that community and already developing the foundations of mathematics Philosophy OBSERVE was inevitable that there are CHOSEN.

The math is relentless, I can "create reality", but I can not keep it up to expose the "logical reality", the mathematical reasoning.

Since I know only one sun illuminates the earth can not delude myself that the sun is different from Madrid. Science or a well structured thought should prove or convince me that there is another sun illuminating the planet, if this does not happen lucidity not let me "create a reality"

Because a Tiririca, Lula King David or come to power without credentials for this? If we look at the love lives of Tiririca not get to see him a devoted Christian, does anyone know which church he attends?

Lula and David spite of acts that taint the life of any william of life remained untouched, with high popularity in the case of an immortalized and in the other case.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the theory of Calvin is frighteningly observable.

Alas poor creatures, and now who can defend ourselves?

Perhaps Chapolin Colorado, a super hero for a divine comedy pathetic pathetic.

Remember that the goal can be training or FUN?

Torçamos to be TRAINING. Let us HOPE.