Friday, January 3, 2014

Denying the Evidence

   "Man is always willing to deny everything he does not understand."    [Blaise Pascal]

  Blaise is one of my dead friends with whom never lack subject.
  Today [31/05/2011] I must not participate in the famous social networks, an Blaise worth hundreds of followers in a Twitter either, but let's get to it.

  And when the man denies that realizes?

  I talked a lot more with people when they believed that by understanding the thought no longer deny the evidence.

  I've been honing my way of exposing thoughts leaving them increasingly intelligible.
  Pascal, Plato, Shaw and Franklin are so easy to be understood as a comic Monica.
  Nowadays most exposed thoughts are very reasonable understanding, even those who have never been very close in philosophy.  
 I rarely meet someone "well literate" who did not understand the text, she has very specific questions, but usually not even that.
  Let me give an example involving my wife, because I know she will not sue me.
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  I've fought a lot in this life, dedication, professionalism, camaraderie, teamwork, collaboration, great ideas ... sometimes I was very close to success, you know when you think "now go".
  Nor will I speak of "sabotaging" it does not even occurred.
  Made possible bordering the impossible, but things never happened very favorable.
  It's like to struggle to climb a mountain and it seems to be near the top of some power comes and throws you down again.
  Very discouraged started paying all sorts of tender that appeared and it was a service that at least I had the capacity to endure.
  Spent in some, but being rated is one thing to be called is something quite different. You need to be among the first or many vacancies being available, the two occurrences are difficult.
  Unable to be called in one, was not of my dreams, or what I prefer, however undoubtedly is much better than staying grating in the private sector and all its instability.
  Take the case of Honda fired many employees and what they did wrong? Sabotaging? Of course not.  Click Here

  Despite all the contrary evidence my wife thinks I should thank God for having got the job, that this only happened because she and my family really buckled knees for me!

   CARACA! I have stayed day and night informing me about contests, I have studied, I had to juggle to participate in evidence, was finally draw was not COMMITMENT.
  Could only be called for having achieved excellent placement, so I asked my wife where is the miracle of God in it!
  Whatever! If I had been nominated by a political to a high post with a fat paycheck, if it had been a draw, if I had stayed at home without studying and jobs magically appear ... then there would be some evidence that would lead me to thank God, thank my wife and family because they have bowed the knee for me and achieved this miracle, this positive interference.
  I know it would not be a "scientific evidence", but it would be an intriguing coincidence, I do not pray, stay at home without running far behind things and falls in my lap a good service!

  Frankly, the way it all happened you can not observe any interference that was favorable to me.
  Of course my wife understands all that, even so, says it has no arguments, but is rather a miracle of God. ["Easy to be God"]

 God created everything, but when things go wrong ... is not responsible for
nothing. We did not create anything, but when things go wrong are
responsible for everything.

  I have no preconceived recognize miracles already told at least two here only this time it WAS NOT.
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  People understand that actions should not pay interest, but pay.
  Understand that they should not vote for corrupt politicians, but vote.
  Understand that punishment for crime should be rigorous, but leave bland.
  Understand that for most things fail is the result of the sweat of his face, the result of much work, if not strive much anything GOOD magically fall in their lives and still thank all who have fanciful miracles.
  Ah, my friend Pascal!
  What to do when people understand the thought and yet deny the evidence, continue to live as if his delusion was an observable reality?
  Any living or dead friend who can help me decipher this puzzle'll be grateful, but I will be sentenced to spend the rest of my days in seclusion and silence ...
  For now the best response was from my friend Dante Alighieri:

  "Lose hope, we are all in HELL!"

When everything moves, nothing apparently move, as in a boat. Whoever manages to notice that others are being taken.


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