Wednesday, January 29, 2014


  "Sometimes dreams built upon great people ... Time passes ... and found that even the dreams were big and people too small to make them real!" [Bob Marley]

 I like the internet because of this spray of information and ideas.
  I note that Marx and Freud have caused great harm to humanity with their ideologies.
  Not!Absolutely'm not demonizing them, the short-term they proposed seemed large balconies, genial ideologies.
  Time passed and the results are unsatisfactory as I have argued in many texts and here or in my day to day can not find anyone with reasonable arguments to defend them.
  Of course I can only take this view because I find myself in the very distant future of Marx and Freud in the distant future.
  So what bothers me is not Marx and Freud have given their ideologies were grandiose ideas and deserved to be tested and were exhausted.
  May even continue to be tested in some countries more [say]"romantic" like Venezuela or Cuba, but on a global scale should go to the history books as ideologies that promised more than they delivered or were able to accomplish good.
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  I would feel like a special person to realize the inefficiency of the ideologies of Marx and Freud.
   Did you have a wonderful IQ, a genius height of my dead friends, but mathematically it is not observable, I have so many difficulties in life, not to serve with excellence practically nothing [to say nothing].
  How had a mediocre life could not test many things, I had to grab what little life put in my way, maybe there is something I'm very good, but still not "stumbled" on it since in these cases we can dispense with even luck because success happens means that the "automatic", but we need to be really good.
  Why, then ask what bothers me?
  Absolutely clear that these things are not for me to put into practice or perceived by others, most noticeably with a far superior intellect.

  My big tare participate in GDs was that someone or many ran out with my theories.
  Now remembered once having crossed with a nique entitled "Iconoclast" which later may have turned into "Icon".
  He had an incredible knowledge, it was noticed that it was an extremely cultured person, but ... more silenced that shook some of my theories.
  And so time passed, engineers, doctors, teachers, theologians, physicists, dentists, entrepreneurs, lawyers ... well what I was looking for I could not find.

  Someone who destroy my theories and bring me back to reality.

  In most GDs could be censored, without saying a curse, without proposing any crime, just a moderator excludes my texts if these were not to their liking [satisfaction of ideology].
  The last one went off the air was the GD Earth, where even I have experienced a good level of freedom, maybe they will not keep moderating there.
  The penultimate was given an invitation by email PSDB, thought I could expose my thoughts freely knew he should not only compliment the party. The result is that after 2 or 3 texts excluded quit.

  The dream of seeing the ideologies of Marx and Freud being retired in the history of mankind is too big and people too small meeting only to make it reality.

  I write this blog as a castaway on a desert island sends tickets in bottles with requests for help.
  Who knows some of these messages reach a CHOICE, or convince many small people who together make a great movement arise.
  Some phrases or words could not exactly define this blog, but would approach a satisfactory result.
  Testament, hope ... distress.
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  Have not found anyone to bring me to reality, I'm starting to believe that I am one of the few who live in it, that would explain the loneliness, the floor against the hand.
  I'm going against reality as the only thing that others want to depart it is creating "alternate realities" with its dogmas and ideologies that have not yet worked out, "but that does not mean it never will."
  Meanwhile 'imagine' a Communist world and a psychology that proves that we are just waiting for a biological miracle drug machines, or prose [psychoanalysis] to release us from our "ancestral heritage".
  You can read the text to the tune of "Imagine" by Lennon, just do not ask me to listen too.
  Imagine for me is a Communist anthem, a letter that gives the illusion of a deep thought, but does not correspond to an observable reality.
  We are not all equal, each has his talent and his incompetence, nor should we try to be all the same this is not our nature we must learn to live together in harmony our DIFFERENCES [Yin / Yang].
   The Communist Lennon lived in New York!
  A "capitalist" center of the planet, HYPOCRITE nothing more, nothing more Marxist ...

  Lennon fans must be hating me, saying how much idiot, asshole, what can I say ... I'm grab a password and get in line.[Why do you think I am excluded from Gds?]

  Imagine no heaven, [just died, no continuity or some kind of "salvation]

 No hell below us, Above us only sky.
[Are we just biological machines, if there is no heaven there is no hell]

Imagine all the people, living for today ...   
[There is only the present]

  Imagine no countries, It is not hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too.
[It is not hard to imagine this was what Stalin and Hitler tried to do]

  Imagine all the people, Living life in peace ...
[I have written about this, Stalin or Hitler would keep the Earth in peace because there would be a nobody with eugenics and strength to oppose the Government.]

  Imagine no property,
[In communism all property is the State]

  No need for greed or hunger,
[As in Cuba, North Korea, China?]

  A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world.
[Every man is pure, good and fraternal society around them is that corrupts ... believe it or not]

  You may say I'm a dreamer,
  But I not the only one.
  I hope someday you'll join us,
  And the world will live as one.
[Tô out! All this beautiful prose not worked and neither shows signs that one day is going.]


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