Monday, January 13, 2014

Make Love

   "This soft and timid cowardice that leaves neither see nor follow the truth."    [Blaise Pascal]

  The woman of my Brother

  After ten years of marriage, Zoe (Barbara Mori) feels bored with life devoid of passion and surprises. One day she is seduced by brother and from this situation triggers a series of events that lead the characters to a dangerous game of revenge and secret passions.

  Life really has that power to frighten us, but I can not see how cowardice can improve our situation.
  This text is dangerous, let's see how far he can get.
  At the beginning of dating every woman is anxious about the arrival of her boyfriend, is one of the most important moments of his life that day.
  Remembered now since I had arranged with my wife [girlfriend at the time] to go to her house which was far, but I'd had one of those days, hard work and lots flu.
  Told he could not go and threw me on the bed, not even two hours passed and she came with her brother and his girlfriend to my house.
  I was terrible, all he wanted was to stay in that bed and forget that there was another day, who have been through a very bad cold knows what I'm talking about.
  Unprecedentedly confess that when my mother warned they were at the door of my will was to send all the boondocks ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  Seeing my girlfriend so sincerely worried about my health, and obviously giving me an uncertain demonstrating FEAR of losing me, my mind quieted and despite the cold and discouragement I was grateful that someone had much appreciation for me.

  It is natural that an unmarried couple wishes too, when everything goes well the relationship deepens, the wedding happens and that desire is fully satisfied.
  The wife did not already have so much anxiety for the arrival of her husband, is no longer the most important moment of your day, anyway now when the husband says someone is going home to his wife that he will meet.
  The anxiety of waiting for the happy arrival not have to return unless a separation occurs and a new beginning, but ...

  Marriage sure the company would also be a good feeling one thing I notice that couples do not give due value.

  This comes in very Freudian myths Libido, created this ILLUSION that we are "sexual" beings when in observable reality are "social" beings sexuality part, but it is not the biggest or best strength that moves us.
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  One of the things that makes us really like our parents is to make sure your company, we can rely on them not only in happy times, but also in difficult, we may even forget this part of the "count" [need]. Being home with his father and his mother is something naturally good. [or should be]
  When you go take a beer with friends or shopping with friends is the pleasure of the company that moves.
  Realize they do not talk about sex and all thought of pleasant moments?

  Marriage equals the other relationships should be based on this FELLOWSHIP, feel good about each other's presence without even words, just as happens with our mother, our father or with friends.

  In dating or marriage have sex as BONUS and not a new basis on which the relationship should be based.
  This course philosophically speaking, forget the "psychologism" at least a little.
  In Logical Therapy noticed that the libido is very variable throughout our lives and build something solid in such an unstable base is not LOGICAL.
  Insecurity causes the girlfriend good and bad feelings, the safety of his wife causes good and bad feelings.
  How can we take away everything good in insecurity and join with all good security?
  For marriage to have the adrenaline of dating he always have to be in constant danger and risk is not good for dating let alone marriage.

  We have to accept this cowardice, to admit that 99% of the time in a relationship inevitably goes to the monotony.

  Do not realize that by demonizing the routine, monotony, also demonized SAFETY and all she can bring good.
  The problem with reality is that it happens anyway what makes the difference is how you deal with it.
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  The girl in the film never really NOTICED all about marriages and long relationships around you, OR expected based not know where that came with her DIFFERENT.

  This denial of reality, that faith without BEDDING with us that will be different is what my friend Blaise calls "cowardice in the face of reality."

  Are you afraid that your wedding happens to what happens to everyone else.
  Rather than try to prepare for the reality of the whole way and avoid it as reality does not care about his delusions unsatisfactory solutions happen to be involved with the coined, probably not because he is a man better than her husband, was only more available, near, "was different."

  I notice that many marriages fall apart not because they are not good, marriage is everything it should be.
  It's what people want marriage to be something that he can not be, can not be:
  This soft and timid cowardice that leaves neither see nor follow the reality of long-term relationships. Feeds on illusions Freudian about our sexuality.
  What could be a quiet phase of our lives where we could to the struggle of everyday life out there find a warm refreshing in our LAR turns into a battle of egos.
  The sex could be a nice bonus becomes the "measure of how much we love how we will live."
  That expression "making love" as a synonym for sex never seemed so out of reality, something pathetic.
  Make love, philosophically is so large that it is an outrage to limit it to sex.
  Be a friend, companion, assist, mild peace, protect, plan a good future, take good care of the children, do not kill, do not steal, be fair, take care of nature ... MAKE LOVE!

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