Friday, January 24, 2014

Philosophers of Doom

  "Woe to the soul discovers lights that prosperity comes not understand." [Blaise Pascal]

  Undoubtedly the misfortune makes us realize things would watch if we were not successful.
  This is a great truth something easily observable.
  I just do not like when they use this fact to make a kind of ode to misery, suffering, suffering as if it were the most efficient way of learning.
  My first car was a Fiat 147, I suffered a lot with that car, broke so many things that was a big learning about cars.
  Philosophers of Doom would run now to say that I must thank you for all the times that Fiat let me down, it was a great learning experience.
  You know what, I would be most grateful if you had money to buy a better car.
 With 147 learned what the CV [for example] a learning experience that until now had no UTILITY only cost me many bucks.
  I could spend my whole life without knowing what is crankshaft and I can not imagine it would make me miss.
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   Engineering is a college guy, I mean that in general the first car of this type of student is not a vein can as was my 147.
  Have you ever thought that a guy who has an old car, no difficulties [trials, sufferings, setbacks] you have with your vehicle that did not become able to design a car?
  That engineer who drove nice cars always have that ability.
  Realize that misfortune might even be a good teacher, but booking the reservation booking?

  I liken it to yourself to be lost in the forest, far away sees a faint light that fills you with hope of returning to civilization, achieving at least a road.
  Turns out that little light would hardly be noticed if you were in an enlightened shopping.
  Frankly, we prefer rational mind will unfortunately be lost in the forest instead of being with the family in a comfortable shopping?
   Therefore, to say that in suffering we see lights or learned much from disgrace, is not sophistry, it is an observable reality.
  Becomes sophistry when we begin to worship suffering as if this were the only or best way of learning.

  Lighting a candle for darkness in mind that this is a great achievement, but an enlightened mind DO NOT NEED CANDLES. [William Robson]

  So I wish you all much prosperity and no disgrace.
  That their learning happens in a state of grace, health, safety, great schools.
  You to focus harder to LIKE things to learn and has the blessing of meeting people who like to teach.

  Much love, much love and evil ... OUT OF HERE!


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