Saturday, January 25, 2014

Intelligence and Brain

  "Scientists have discovered that the human brain has decreased as much of a golf ball in the last thirty thousand years, and assume that this happened because of community life. Does that scientists have known it is a reality, or is it an invention and an interpretation of them? "   [E-mail]

  "But contrary to what many think brain size is not exactly related to intelligence. If we consider indicative of intelligence reasoning ability and the degree of complexity of the neocortex (that area of the mammalian linked to brain thinking and communication), surely the victory belongs to humans. But the role of the neocortex is still being researched and, according to some experts, the human brain should be considered only as the larger version of a primate brain. "  [Journal of Biology]    Click Here

  Once in a debate in GD commented on this earth our linearity of thought with respect to the size of things.
  In a film of Star Trek the small portion of a "dark matter" placed in the center of the planet Vulcan was enough to create a big chain reaction and destroy it completely.
  It was commented that this was a fantastic movie freak!
  Duh what a nuclear explosion but something that starts at a microscopic chain reaction?
  A microscopic cancer cell can multiply and destroy an individual who until recently was very healthy.
  Our computers are much more powerful and incredibly minor.
  Soon this linearity power of thought relating to the size of things is unfounded.

  For those who bet on some sort of "spirituality" as "actually more scientific" minds confirm that suggests complex philosophy about intelligence not be fully represented in the brain organ.

  For computers using chips are getting better, there was a very large structural change with respect to valves, transistors and integrated circuits although the principles, GIST has not undergone major change.

   The enigma that is principally for those who argue that we are just biological machines, is that our brain works essentially like any primate and our sophisticated equipment detected no major structural changes ... where even our intelligence is so clearly superior?

Decipher me or I'll devour?

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