Sunday, January 12, 2014


  "All I know is that I must soon die;. Ignore but what else is this very death which I know not avoid"     [Blaise Pascal]

   The 3 religions I participated in more detail the more talked about what life is like after death was Spiritualism and frankly you can not take seriously.

  I've heard for example that Mozart lives or frequents the planet Jupiter in a dimension that we can not see is a wonderful planet with great moral and intellectual elevation.
  Mozart had such an embarrassing life, he was a great composer and ONLY.
  Taking the wonderful art of Mozart [which was a gift from birth, a gift of God] the guy was disorganized in everything.
  About to read the biography of Mozart can say it was an example of morality, dignity, an enlightened spirit?
  He looked more like Tim Maia and Raul Seixas, great artists, but citizens with questionable "qualities".
If Jupiter is as good a place to live and the same types Mozart are there any more correct, wise and unable to count on great talent we can expect at least also live in Jupiter, there for the better.
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  Out of Kardecism life after death is even more uncertain.
  Evangelicals for the vast majority will burn in hellfire.
  For most Catholics will burn in hell and some will have any chance going to purgatory [those who failed to achieve very little grace].
  And saved?
  Live everything good in the presence of God, but what is this all good?
  Not feel cold, do not feel heat, no pain, not feeling hungry, finally NOT FEEL.
  Whatever! I like to feel hungry and eat something very tasty to say that there is no better seasoning than hunger.
  Feel hungry and eat something nice is what I do here on earth, I need not go to any heaven.
  Do you think it would be nice not to feel hungry?

  Ever thought that if we do not feel a need also do not enjoy the pleasure it gives us to be satisfied?

  Seems to me that a place can not be good if you do not feel anything, the cool thing is feeling a need and have it satisfied, this is the "equation".

  Heaven promised by Evangelicals and Catholics is a place that only we feel like praising God and so will God day and night forever being praised.
  Given this tedious reincarnating sky standing for a long time becomes a comforting hell.
  Would not doubt that "evolved" spirits wished occasionally take a walk around here to live some EMOTION.
  Some spirits do not want to evolve, those same students who do not want the time to pass by the Faculty to be worse than the marathon of tests and assignments.
  After both float by Abyss what will happen when I die no longer gives me great concern.
  If I cease to exist, is annihilated, I will have no consciousness of anything, just do not have to worry about.
  The heaven of the Christians would be like living in North Korea, for a free thinker like me would be hell.
  Muslims in heaven I come only if very thing that I am not a fanatic.Besides what would I do with 72 virgins, sex with a virgin is a pain in the ass, even good bastards are more women doing full service ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  Let's assume that the 72 virgins stay safadinhas is much woman, no bilau to give account.
  Wait a thought is screaming out:
  How these women came to the Muslim paradise? There were created or achieved keeping virgins? Damn life! Would make a great text, is for another day.
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  Life here on earth is hard, but we have many joyful moments, even if we go to hell a little worse, with intelligence to continue to have some joy.
  If Batista was forced to live in my humble apartment would be a tragic change for it, but still have happy times as I have.
  If I were living in a slum in Campinas would be a tragic moment, but many people live in slums and has its moments of joy, because to me it would be different?
  The Indians live in tribes with no modern comfort and also has its cheerful moments.
  The important thing is to realize that no matter where we go there will always be some light and it is what we should seek. If no light is because they no longer exist anymore.
  A certain pastor once made a very beautiful sermon that said in short:

  "No matter how difficult your life is, there will always be some light.
  You may be in the depths of Hell and there will be an angel of God to show you a good way, just follow it. Amen brothers? "
  Pastor Amen!

 "Constanze was over time subject to various assessments, but much of it was portrayed as uncultured, vulgar, whimsical, artful Mozart for having entangled in a marriage that he was not, it seems, so eager to achieve, and how unable to support him and help in household management, inducing him to a careless and reckless life, which repeatedly led them to serious financial difficulties. "   Click Here

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