Thursday, January 9, 2014

About Libido

   "A survey conducted in 13 countries (including Brazil) pointed out that women are preferring more chocolate than sex. According to research in Brazil 83.6% of participants placed the chocolate in the top of the list and secondly are the cart.

  In my opinion, for women put the chocolate and purchases even before the sex is that their partners are not know to give you the "thing". [Stapling Affairs]    Clickhere
  Any time I wanted to write about it, but there are so many issues and this needs a lot of filters, is time consuming.

  Highlighted a comment that I consider very important for bringing up how society tackles Freudian FACT woman over time lose their sexual appetite is always BLAME partner who does not know how to do the "right thing".
  I admire Darwin too, can talk fine with it, since Freud was a big con.
  Psychoanalysis has brought more inefficiency for society that some observable progress.

  To Darwin the end of reproductive age also brings a natural decrease of desire until it is helpful to keep us married and raising children.

  Darwin is cool, but Freud annoys me deeply.
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  The worst Freudian thoughts made by mankind was weakening a philosophy of quality, we now have a psychoanalysis used to and a little philosophy that needs to be relearned, because lost in time.
  If we have depth in philosophy in the last century today would possibly Companies hiring consultant or philosophers.
  Psychologists would be remembered as scientific experiments that did not work as lobotomy for example.
  We live in an age that is Marxist philosophers, psychologists are Freudians and reality does not care for them, the carriage passes while the dogs bark.

  Then, influenced by Freudianism, all women feel a duty to maintain the same level of sexual appetite that reached there for his 19 years, but in reality it is not possible for most of them, do not choose what to feel.
  Begin to appeal to remedies that restore its "will to live" or blame the partner for lack of "sexual prowess", or the partner has forgotten what she could do as well or was the woman that changed?
  Because at first sniff in a scruff woman was enough to get excited, after a while even the guy in the preliminary perfecting the woman says, "you're not doing it right" ...hahahahahahahahahahaha!
  Freudian Society seeks happiness and as I wrote in a text happiness THERE.
  Freud based much of his theory on Libido [fundamental energy of the living manifested by sexuality] , for Freud feel less sexual desire is to feel less desire to live.

  Can we not have a satisfying life even without that uncontrollable sexual desire?

  Or convince ourselves that ILLUSION top of it and created a reality?

  I have in my memory as it was tasty want to go to bed with any more and when could ajeitadinha woman was very pleasurable.
  The puzzle is: How do we reconcile this "desire to live" in fidelity within marriage?

  Freudians sophistry make marriage something harrowing, necessary to marry, want to get married, but I feel I am getting married going to die, because "diminished desire is to decrease the will to live."
   Are we as sexual beings as well?
  Does the theory of Libido resists the logic of mathematics Philosophy?
  Do not miss the next chapter ...


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