Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Want Juice?

  "In between incarnations, You learn in an hour which would require you years on your land." [Kardec]

  Honestly it gets very confusing to understand how this happens.
  If the interval between incarnations is so effective because we lost time being incarnated?
  Because so many spirits who come into contact in Spiritist Centers are erratic state?

  In the army had the interval between workouts where we received theoretical notions, but it was the year of the beast that took the field, glad you did not have to fight in any war, for I am sure that the field exercises would be child's play.
  Kardec did not want to be called Spiritualism religion, wanted to be called a philosophy, but all he says are plagiarisms from religions.
  Religions promise us this wonderful world afterlife, Kardec promises us this wonderful learning and dimension after death.
  I consider myself a philosopher, but do not consider myself so different from religious Kardec observe that we can learn a lot here.
  If we admit the thought of Kardec we must admit that the main reason we are here is a way to rescue with punishment once we learn as little or practically nothing compared to the range of incarnations.
  It turns out that this is what Christianity preaches:
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  Consider the following situation, I wish my daughter learn English and have total conditions to spend a year with her in England.
  We know that 1 year in England will be more efficient than 10 years at a prep school here in Brazil.
  What is the logic of subjecting my daughter to 10-year course?
  Now, let us go abroad without this unnecessary waste of time.

  The "religion" that was longer was Spiritualism because I avoided reading the DE [Spiritist Doctrine]
  Always reluctant to lose faith, study the Bible deeply prevented my staying in Catholicism and Evangelism.
  From the little I read ED already supposed to read it in its entirety would remove my stay in Kardecism size were inconsistencies.
 To keep the Faith can not think too much, we have to accept the dogmas.
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  It is very annoying when I hear a lecture in which mediocrity of the sermon is easily identifiable and in the end have to say Amen and applaud.
  TV zapping heard RR say that we should not drink absolutely no alcohol, because something is not of God, but the world.
  He is an excellent speaker and listeners know HANDLE said that Jesus never drank wine as we know it today. [Looks around us sophistry ...]

  RR Soares -   "Historians prove that Jesus drank a juice unfermented grape".

  Huh? Where is the fallacy?
  Historians have very little evidence of the existence of Jesus as is the story narrated in the Bible.
  Josephus describes a character in a paragraph that "could" be Jesus, just do not know what kind of historian RR refers that can demonstrate the quality of the wine consumed by Jesus.
  Grape juice is grape juice, I quietly drink the juice, but I can not stand wine.
  Not convinced?
  Remember that the Bible cites Homeric binges as in the case of Noah
  Even if you are not a regular reader of the Bible should at least know that Noah was born long before Jesus is so very strange deduce that the wine that Noah and many others took was not the same wine that Jesus drank.
 Lot slept with his daughters on effect of grape juice!
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  Reincarnation is unknown, but if we assume it exists and its range is more efficient for evolution, for learning then the Superior Spirits should explain better why waste time here?
  When reading the Spiritist Doctrine notice inconsistencies as large as those found in the Bible because Kardecism is a plagiarism of Christianity and Hinduism.
  And just like RR Soares, Marcelo Rossi Malafaia or Kardecists speakers mislead us with sophistry difficult to go unnoticed for a Free Thinker.

  Kardec wants to convince us that Spiritualism is Christianity in its pure state, a "unfermented grape juice."
  Whatever! I notice that the grape juice Kardec has long been fermented, is a drunk like all other religions ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


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