Monday, January 6, 2014

Born Gay

  "What must I do to be attracted to women? And do not give me any of that stuff look a psychologist and that is for me to accept myself as I am. " [qualaresposta]     Click Here
  ARCHIVE: Text 01/06/2011

 I know of no effective treatment for someone to stop being gay.
  Understanding the desire of many who seek this "change of status" and therefore I am in favor of scientific research about it.
  Who is satisfied with homosexuality ... okay.
  I do not understand why someone who is not comfortable in that situation should be discriminated against.

  Having small breasts is not a disease, but if the woman wishes to make them would be great disease, something to be broken?
  I do not like my voice, wanted her to be well manly, like to sing like Emilio
  Santiago. My voice sucks, but it is not clear that disease, would be if I could not talk ... but dumb from birth are sick?
  Now, if they were born dumb, lack of voice is natural in them just be dumb not to be sick.
  The question is:
  You like to be born dumb, wanted his son to stay mute or deaf?

  I do not understand when psychologists say that homosexuality is not an illness or a disability and "proof" of this is that the person ALREADY BORN SO!

  I also would not classify as a disease, but it certainly is a problem that not all "are required" to feel comfortable with it.
  I understand that the guy who was born deaf want a miracle of God or science achievement that makes listening to as a "normal" human.
  If I had a not too expensive or risky operation that would make me have a wonderful voice can be sure I would.
  Glad I do not have a tendency to go bald, must be nerve-racking watching baldness coming, why, baldness is a natural thing for many men it must be accepted course any man who seeks "cure" for baldness is committing a sacrilege, not is accepting, brainwashed the "oppressive society, moral and cabeludista" .. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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  This structure of thought takes us through plans that put us in great sinucas, blind alleys, see:
  If I was born already feeling sexual attraction to children, as I child is okay, albeit with psychologists "normal" children have no sexual desire, but do not get into that gap by not losing in the Abyss.
  If I ever was born pedophile pedophilia is natural in me, so if I convince a minor to have sex with me what's wrong?
  We know that a human being comes into existence not after age 18, the child may have a natural attraction to relate to adults, she was born so ...
  Realize that this theory BORN THAT WAY LONGER then have to accept and so society has to accept you so it is extremely dangerous?
  It is the theory GABRIELA - "I was born so I grew up so I will always be so, Gabriela always."
  If the human being does not exist "psychologically" before age 18 because then distribute Kit Gays in schools?
  That child ever born violent and hits other children should be accepted as such and who picks should be silent, be violent is not a psychological disorder if the child has already shown early on this trend.

  What I mean is: For some however absurd theories that are are not only absurd when applied to homosexuality?

  If I was born straight and want to be gay or at least enjoy anal sex ... okay.
  If I was born gay and I have a life straight then the house falls.
  Scientists can not even find a treatment, religious can not try a miracle, I can not take male hormone, finally got to thank you for being born gay because I am normal the rest of society, that is sick!
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  A colleague said he was impressed with my intelligence and asked me to write about Gay Kit. I think that the text did not go as he expected.
  You know what, here talking with my dead friends, perhaps for the company as I lit them up someone feel special, not like a light, but as a good mirror.
  Out in the world I feel incredibly dumb, I am not able to understand almost nothing.
  Everything is so illogical, so meaningless, people talk to me and takes me to understand what they say they do.
  See how others act and copy them as a well-trained monkey, if I go back out there dare to humans and use logic surely go mad.
  Outside this Blog or the dark of my room no longer try to understand "why" they do only care about "how" they do and copy them if necessary.

  I was born this way, do not think me ill, but excessive use of logic is somewhat an anomaly, however I am satisfied with my situation ... still good.

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