Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wife of Jesus

 "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. Lay me down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters in. Restores my soul, He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Though I walk the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. prepare a table before me in front of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. " [Psalm 23]

  I worked many years in a factory goggles, believed it would be my last job.
You know who's talking?
  I could not imagine going out there, expect the company to grow more and I could stay here until I retire.
  The company went through a merger and I danced cool.
  The unthinkable happened making me go through other companies until I was an owner.
  I left the industry for the trading and services; began suit different types of customers.
  For a guy like me answer a clerk or a judge is the same thing.  
  I know the importance of the profession of judge, but if he will buy 1 bag of cement do not know because they deserve better care than the clerk who will also buy 1 bag of cement.
  At least with the judges I contact if I find a special kind of human being and deserve preferential treatment.
  But let judges hand, they have a lot of power and in practice it is advisable not to bother them, let me use a little common sense Danilo Gentili, certain things are not worth it.
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  A kind of funny to meet customer's priest and pastor [religious leaders in general].
  Men are treated like celebrities by "his flock", they have great difficulty understanding that not everyone is part of their herd or want to do.
  The guy comes with all pomp, fills his mouth to say "I AM PASTOR!"
  Of course I do not do this, but I feel like saying "good for you I still have to work" ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  For a nun these days practically demanded that I call a  cab  for her.
  I had already referred to the social worker who has authorization for this type of procedure, but the nun thought the service was slow, after all, a "spouse of Jesus" can not stand in line ... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
 She then asked me to step in with the social worker to prioritize the care of Nun.
  With all filters activated at most could handle the situation satisfactorily, but inside my mind seethed.
  That sucks huh?
  The woman had no phone, no money had to use the pay phone, she said the  taxi  would be paid when she came to the convent, but the convent would not accept collect calls then I would have to find a way to get a taxi for her.
  The nun wanted me I'm not Catholic broke the protocol of the company making a particular connection outside the company, passed over the authority of the social worker or used my mobile credits!
 Made me want to say, "calls her husband's mistress, asks a few bucks for it" ... hahahahahahahahah!

  Deep breath and wait a little longer convinced by the care assistant, after she left the convent totally without resources to back it was a specific case of social assistance which provides assistance to those who have resources.
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  Judges, men and women of God should be great deal for customers, good citizens, but what we see is that the theory in practice is different.
  Humility goes away, they want to because they want special treatment.  
  Looks like they want us to give thanks for their presence "sanctifying" the environment in their heads are doing us a great favor by bringing a bit of peace of the Lord, I wish I could say that they are roasting is my bag!

  The most annoying is not the client find the such because of their occupation, the worst is when who attends be overwhelmed by this illusion of power and commits injustice giving him privileges that are denied to other customers.

  I see no justice in the innocent pay for the sinner, if I pass someone in front'm hurting another  who innocently fell behind.
  Therefore, every client is well served equally unless the variation is prescribed by law or proves  necessary .

  I commented on the incident with a colleague and he told me that a nun would mock me straight to hell. [As if I even had a chance to go to any Heaven]
  I said nothing to my colleague just seclusion and silence, my life is easier that way.
  I'm a free thinker, that serves me a pastor if I am not part of any herd?

"Decipher me or I'll devour!"

Lowered both the concept of Happiness that nowadays anyone can be happy. 
  Simply you come to church or the person accepting the doctrine of it. 
  Problems remain all but when you are bored or sad just pray. 
  'Cause nowadays not Happiness is the absence of boredom, anxiety, sadness ...

  Nowadays Happiness is just praying or reciting a mantra.

  Yes, you may be unemployed and without money, but if a person is praying Happy possessions are unnecessary when you have this communion with God. 
   You have big problems at work? 

   Pray, be happy is not the absence of problems is the absence of prayers.


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