Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Saturated Market

  "The most important issue in the world can be simplified to the point where everyone can enjoy it and understand it. This is - or should be -. Highest form of art "   [Charles Chaplin]

  They say that the literary market is saturated, I have my doubts we'll see if I can expose them.

  In some stages of mankind the arts appear so exuberantly.
  It's like that for a period several minds were "enlightened" or be removed what prevented them from shining to achieve success.
  Intrigued by this phenomenon threw me into a deep meditation and realized something very interesting.

  In all ages there minds, but for some reason they produce does not reach the general public.

  A few examples:
  Venezuela is a very big country with many people is impossible that the best ruler they possess is a guy like Nicolas Maduro.
  Must have minds that wonderful country which inexplicably fail to come to power.
  Will Dilma and Lula are the best we have to administer Brazil?

  Thanks to the Internet I hear songs that are not on the charts.
  It's amazing how good music is being produced in Brazil and in the world, but inexplicably did not reach the general public.

  In a text I quoted the disastrous intervention of the great powers in the case of Libya. It is clear that idiots were heard and ignored good thinkers.

  Have you ever wondered why the music market is not saturated for Sertanejo Universitario?
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  I was told one day that we are in the corners, which no longer for deeper public works, however when I see the success of shows like House or CSI [old episodes] that offer a philosophical depth can not agree that humanity on stage Current is not prepared or thirsty for a more complex philosophical discussion.
  In the world of art no saturation, if you have 2, 3 or 4 good movies 4 will be assisted, no one will take the audience on the other.
  For some "interference" extremely mediocre people are taking up command posts and deciding what we read, watch or listen to.
  Let us take the novel from 8 Globe, they were selected 12 quality songs for your soundtrack right would succeed, but the choices are dire.
  Holywood should receive hundreds of scripts every year is not impossible that in the middle has some very good, but who has the power to select is mediocre then massifies artistic mediocrity.
  Look at the case of Brazil, Dilma and his 39 ministers can be considered brilliant minds of our nation?

  Cardoso, Pedro Malan, Arminio Fraga, before coming to power were already considered brilliant minds of our nation.
  I highlight the Lula government Henrique Meireles, in the Dilma government is difficult to select one.
  I would feel more comfortable if a Abilio Diniz or type person was our president.

  When a person has proven administrative competence only need hope she has good intentions, use their intelligence for good.

  Now, when a person does not have a large administrative competence even with the best of intentions will not be able to do a good job.
  So if all the arts came so precariously in this new century, I observe that not be a problem saturated market, and no market too.
  I talk to many people who want to go to the movies, but can not find the motivation of a good movie, end up going through that traditionally watched movies so weak that after 1 hour or remember right about the plot.
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  Motown remember now, everyone said there was no market for black music, but enlightened Berry Gordy gathered some good artists and art flourished spectacularly.
  Everyday I hope this new artistic enlightenment. Some brilliant minds occupying powerful means of communication making the artistic flourish.
 Discovering miquelangelos tones Jobins, benjamin franklins ...
 How much mediocrity has come to power at the helm of affairs?
 I do not know! Neither seems to thing in the world ...

  "While there were black American musicians of great success before '60s, including Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, and Chuck Berry, Motown was the most important slinger of black artists since its inception until the emergence of called "hip hop". It was also the first to release songs that were left aside the sheer lyricism and also dipped in socio-political issues. " Click Here

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