Thursday, December 26, 2013

University of São Paulo

 "The Faculties of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at USP in 2009 marched with about 3000 people asking the PM not to patrol inside the campus because the" USP can not be encastelada by repressive forces ".    [See SP]

  Why is it that students do not want patrolling the PM?

  Okay, part of the answer is that our faculties are inexplicably Communist and Military Police thing is "oppressive right."
  Not that I can understand this, because Cuba, China and North Korea also has its police, I understand and military are also at least 10 times more oppressive than our PM, but not going into this loophole, is for another day.
  The guys want is freedom to use drugs alone, with no police around to suppress.

  Of course I believe that the vast majority of students do not use drugs but who do not use are sympathetic to that use.

  Can you imagine any other reason for being against students patrolling the PM?
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  Have sent me to many places I'd rather not comment ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!
  One of the places that have already sent me several times was to Faculty of Philosophy.
  Sure you have been interested in this, but I do like a capitalist philosophy in Brazil is an unbearable torture.
  If it was in the USA or England might be interesting, but most of my youth was difficult to bring home to eat let alone a cultural exchange abroad.
  Look at this situation one of the most renowned universities in Brazil forming philosophers who find justifications for the PM not police inside the campus grounds of oppressive action by the police.
  Students may want freedom to invade the rectory time they wish!
  I hope it is because otherwise we can only thesis of drugs.
  I think an MP kind of hard to beat, imprison or torture a student because he was wearing a shirt of Che Guevara is even more likely that the officer is wearing a shirt of Mao or MST underneath the uniform.
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  When I studied in PUCC two teachers were priests, one married and could not celebrate Mass, but continued to teach.
  I found it amazing that even the Vatican not supporting liberation theology these priests were admirers of this ideology and defended openly in class with maximum sympathy from students.   Click Here

  Remember that Ford was bringing robots to their production line and the priest spoke it was all "capitalist bullshit to devalue the worker."
  I told the teacher that robots were unhealthy and services that robots were also manufactured and needed maintenance so that an unhealthy service was replaced by a higher qualification, workers increasingly need to study what was very good.  
  Knocked the thesis that capitalism wants a nation of illiterates on the contrary the work would be less manual and increasingly mental.

  The teacher "explained" that I had been brainwashed and was saying exactly what "imperialism" wanted me to say.

  But the question that never goes out of my head is:

  A guy who spends four years or more using marijuana, ecstasy and other drugs to magically after graduating and who is colluding with the use ceases to be?
  "Decipher me or I'll devour!"

College students use drugs

  Research shows that students in higher education have consume more drugs than the general population -. Tipping the Ground academic myth that the information is the best prevention method   Click Here


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