Sunday, December 8, 2013

No Filter

W- All filters are already off Mr. Spock?

S- Yes captain. Are you sure you want to proceed? This is very dangerous can be destroyed.

W- Everything comes to an end one day, inevitably one day this blog will cease to exist.

S-Do not need to do it captain.

W- A Safada methylene provoked us, we do not need, but you're not curious?

In a S-captain, will be a fascinating experience.

W- McCoy, what do you think of this?

M-Are you crazy, at least let me warn the crew:
  "Attention're leaving for a journey uncut, all, repeat, all filters are off, then it might be our last trip this Blog.
   Who has the fragile mind succor on Twitter or Facebook, baguio here is zany, off sarta manos and mines ... "

W- Slim Have this good! Mr. Spock does not want to be destroyed today.

S-We will not be captain, not today, maybe tomorrow.

W- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Mr. Spock warp drive ... damn the speed ... FULL FORCE!
  "It is false that we are worthy of love than others. It is unfair that we like. " [Blaise Pascal]

  I do not notice any reason for someone to love me, I have nothing special with this attraction by Philosophy'm even more unattractive for those who do not like to delve into thoughts and just enjoy.
  My daughter is still understandable, know me since they were born, I was always around protecting and assisting them, they have become so used to me that they can feel something close to love, but I know that one day fall in love and I will not be a priority in their lives.
  My wife has always been a very beautiful woman, if she had stayed in Paraná even know of my existence and certainly would have married someone from there, there is no lack suitors, possibly more legal and wealthy than me.

  I mean LOVE it happens, but it is not essential to have a nice life.

  Make no question that people love me, I see nothing that justifies someone put me as a priority in your life.
  If I can be nice and people like my company is already something highly acceptable.
  I confess that I've just about me, do not even have to be that extreme respect, just be civil.
  Freudians would run longer to classify me as a person with low self-esteem so let's complicate things for Freudians, without leaving the reality we observe the other side of the coin.

  I like children, but what I do for my children is for them just the same, I do not have the ability to love your neighbor's son as I love my daughters.

  My wife knows that I appear before it went out with such wonderful women as she and my wife had never been to SP is very difficult as I was not married also with a good woman. My wife would have another love in Parana, I would love one another here in SP.
  I do not go in my day to day looking to make friends, I just am what I am.Some people sympathize with me and others do not go with my face and ... okay.
  I already know a lot of people that I like and a lot of people who like me, if I do any more friend to the end of my life I understand that will not make me the slightest fault.

  Now Freudians have me "would diagnose" as someone with such high esteem that can only be a psychopath, a frontier ["borderline"] that can go from depression to euphoria from one day to another, need a lot of psychoanalysis and many remedies ...
  Verily I say unto you that this text is a preparation for another attempt to demonstrate where that friendship is more efficient than love, LIKE is more efficient than love.

  If love happens we will see what to do with it, but this should not be a goal to be pursued.
  Love brings more problems than solutions, take a deep breath, let us boldly where few minds have ever been, with me

"The affection or hatred change the face of justice." [Blaise Pascal]

 What is more important for the world love or justice? Decipher me or I'll devour you.

  You know, I can not love your neighbor as myself, actually on a planet with 7 billion people I have a certain fondness for my family members and close colleagues.

   If I had to choose a man to win 1 million in the lottery, of all the men I've ever met would choose my brother. If I had to pick a woman would be my wife.
  But that if I were forced to choose clear, otherwise they would get the 1 million to myself ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  My brother and his wife live reasonably well, it might be more "fair" to find some more man or woman lacking in material goods, would give 10 thousand to 100 needy people.
  It turns out that the affection / love changes the face of justice.

  Realize that justice can live with love, but love undermines JUSTICE?

 I can be fair to all people, but I love all is impossible.

  If a colleague works much better than I can accept your promotion, justice can see it, but love it on account of being more efficient I becomes quite complicated.
  These days I wrote that I found more love in cold numbers that the hearts of men and gods.
  I think on a first come Philosophy Mathematics justice and then immediately love, because when love is in front already have no more guarantee of justice.
  They say that the Biblical God loves mankind and to believe so. I just wish he liked.
  Only a passionate send an innocent man to pay for sinners, because love clouds the mind, emburrece beings.
  Think about a girl you like, a good friend that you have taken a few handles, she had fun, you had fun, but it was not love it was just the pleasure of being together. If on another day she stayed with her colleague does not change their friendship, she is free you are free, it is JUST have fun with who she wants.
  Now, if one loves the other one takes possession of the other.
  She goes out with another to be a betrayal, something to wash the honor with blood.

  Get it? In friendship are all gay, but come on love rules, boundaries, honor, commitment

  Love brings us so many moments of anguish we develop mitigating that a day of love is worth a year of anguish, "better to suffer for love than never to have loved" but is it really ...

S-Captain are getting surrounded by depression, black holes are very close.

W- Yeah, I feel all light being depleted, localizemos wild thoughts, we need some energy
  Have you ever thought how it would be cool if:

God Oh my darling Adam as LIKE you left it in a fruit garden that can make you smarter, trying to prove?

Adam still do not feel prepared, this network of vines and all other fruits are already to my liking and I still have Eve [men satisfied with their toys, drinks and women]

God, the Prince of Darkness, comes over. I want Adam to eat the fruit he get smarter, but the guy is a leseira, goes there speaks with Eva and see what you get.

PT- Partner Eva wakes woman, eat the fruit of knowledge. You and Adam are very tapirs, God LIKES you, but ignorance is hurting, you can not have a nice chat with you two.

Eva- Give this fruit here I also love God and besides this is already boring Eden, the serpent of Adam no longer excites me more, the guy spends hours on that network ... [nor dissatisfied women always had PMS at this time]

  God and the PT could be friends instead of being fighting for the love of humanity.Humanity could be that good friend [dadeira] that gives joy to everyone ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  Now came the music of Mamonas, "but scolding the Way, already passed my hand in the ass and I did not eat anyone."   Click Here
 W- Stardate December 8, 2013. We just go through the experience of publishing a text without filters, we are interrupting the experience because this madness as always after us and the text was too long for crew safety reactivate recommend filters. Slim, goodbyes are yours.

M-If I were not directly connected to all this, I swear I'd be on Twitter or Facebook, this journey was still light to pattern these mental misfits, even created this semblance of Star Trek because I suggested but God alone knows where that text would stop ...

W- McCoy, goodbyes are mine! Tiau staff, Mr. Spock wishing this long and prosperous life, thanks!
[Mr. Spock is cool, but not the name of my bilau, name calling on private parts is ridiculous]



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