Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bloodthirsty spirits

  "It is certainly an evil to be full of defects;. But is still a greater evil to be full of them and do not want to acknowledge, as it is still adding a voluntary illusion"    [Blaise Pascal] 

  It reminded me that "great" thinking that broken clock is right two times miserable. Click Here
  I followed the story of 3 young Brazilians who were fighting the FARC.

  Revolutionary Colombia-People's Army Armed Forces , also known by the acronym FARC or FARC-EP, is an organization of communist-inspired, self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist revolutionary guerrilla, which operates through guerrilla tactics. Fight for the implementation of socialism in Colombia.Although not a member of the Sao Paulo Forum, which brings together leftist parties in Latin America, the FARC were already present at their meetings. " [Wikipedia]

  Struck me that the mother of one of them has huge posters of Che Guevara on the bedroom wall, worships, should even have sexual fantasies about him.

  What makes a Brazilian citizen go fight for the liberation of Colombia YOUR OWN PEOPLE?

  Suppose the guy went to Afghanistan, the country is occupied by the USA [18/05/2011] and the guy is very sympathetic to the Taliban cause, wants to fight for the right that Afghans must remain and spread radical Islamic terrorism worldwide ... then make any sense.
  It turns out that the Colombian government is formed by COLOMBIAN, there is no invader army there.
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  Analyze Brazil, [without generalizing] here has known corrupt politicians
occupying all levels of government, in all parties, not know of any politician who is not Brazilian.
  All who are in political power came there with the blessing of the Brazilian people, so what I do not like corruption should do?
  Assemble an army to put men to be honest I think, against the will of the people?

  I will promote a bloodbath killing and arresting all who voted for political dirty sheets?

  Realize the ridiculousness of the situation?

  Che Guevara was one of those "spirits" who worship the battlefield, love war as Alexander the Great, Hitler and many others.

  That kind of spirit vibrates in the "frequency" of the armed confrontation and seek [or create] causes to justify their acts of violence.
  Other spirits that vibrate at that same frequency accompany and many others are deluded by sophistry.
  Che Guevara had his post as minister in Cuba, could put his "magnificent" intellect to make that small island nation a great service as did Thomas Jefferson by U.S. or England by Churchill, but only Che wanted blood, just war, perhaps wanted to be the "Alexander" of the Americas.
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  Bin Ladem was just like Che and will soon be immortalized shirts with his face, a saint, a prophet, a martyr ... gives me so nauseous!
  Even with all arrears and suffering caused by drug trafficking we observed that live in Colombia is much more pleasant than in Cuba.
  Inevitably come to the conclusion that Che was right and wrong things minimal in most of them he was a thinker broken clock ... hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  These young Brazilians did not want a better world, wanted a world war, or peace but on YOUR ideological field.
  Are bloodthirsty spirits, the good part is that at least they were to join her, did not like that monster Royal one killer of innocents.
  Sorry for two mothers.
  The third worshiper of Che [to dyed her hair red] should be satisfied by his son fight in such a "noble" and full of "good" because historical results.
  For my part I hope the Colombian army has done a great job and these kids dispatched to the afterlife ... excuse me, do not choose what to feel, thank the "filters" are activated.

 "In the new series of the Journal of Record, the report goes to Colombia to tell the story of three young Brazilians decided to drop everything to take up arms and join the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Currently, the world is about the relationship of governments in Latin America with the guerrillas. " Click Here

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