Friday, January 31, 2014

Good Times?

   "There is nothing new under the sun, but there are many old things we do not know."    [Ambrose Bierce]

  Whenever I hear someone talking about this world is lost, is hopeless ! "
  I know I'm facing a person who completely ignores the past before his birth.
  Today we have cameras everywhere and people who earn just to chase news, happens for linear minds an impression of order to the world, but philosophically we can not state this.
  My father was violent, but showed no pleasure in hitting.
  In my childhood I saw mothers and fathers who beat their children violently for anything and everything was considered absolutely normal for society around. "It's that small twists cucumber," said ass and take.
  If you talk with some older people, especially if they came from the "slash" hear true stories of torture and that the city was not very different.
  You hardly find a person born in the 40s who did not know what was the paddle or kneel on corn as punishment.

  A colleague told me that his mother had to flee with her daughters because her father raped one of his sisters, nothing ever happened to the guy because of rape, but a couple horrors suffered with poverty and persecution.

  Another told us that his father insisted on be embroiled in the bush with the sole purpose of collecting sticks quince, until he encerava to burn more and more leave welts.
  If a child did something wrong [and everything was wrong]everyone else caught together.
  His mother came to wake up those who were sleeping to catch up without knowing why ...
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  You ladies and gentlemen, hard times and have to hear that today the world is lost and once everything was better!
  Today we find these horrible stories about pedophile priests and are even, but who believes that child abuse began last generation? This should come from afar, how many thousands suffered without a FREE PRESS for making complaints and a police "could" hold certain representatives of the Clergy or Nobility?

  "After being appointed Marshal of France by King Charles VII, he settled in Britain, where he directed his heroic impulses towards torture and murder. Especially liked to kill boys who were sodomized and then beheaded. We also enjoyed watching his servants "unraveling" the bodies of the boys and masturbated over their entrails. "   Click Here

 If any pastor  Evangelical  married today with a 9 year old girl would be a horror, here in Brazil would chain the right, but know that Muhammad did exactly that and is worshiped as the greatest prophet of all time by Muslims.
  I know, I know, you'll say something that was acceptable at the time, but remember we're talking about a man "saint" who should not have given this bad example.
  Allah is the same today, yesterday and forever, it was accepted at that time accepted today too.
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  We can always improve, but we have evolved a lot and do not recognize this is a major problem in today's society.
  When someone tells you that humanity is lost, never had it so bad, it's the end of time ... suspicious!
  This person invented a reality and idiot who embark on it.
  You will be facing a person who knows nothing of history, lives a fantasy that humanity began when she was born, someone to feel sorry and definitely NOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!

  "The first condition for change reality is to know it."     [Eduardo Galeano]


Wednesday, January 29, 2014


  "Sometimes dreams built upon great people ... Time passes ... and found that even the dreams were big and people too small to make them real!" [Bob Marley]

 I like the internet because of this spray of information and ideas.
  I note that Marx and Freud have caused great harm to humanity with their ideologies.
  Not!Absolutely'm not demonizing them, the short-term they proposed seemed large balconies, genial ideologies.
  Time passed and the results are unsatisfactory as I have argued in many texts and here or in my day to day can not find anyone with reasonable arguments to defend them.
  Of course I can only take this view because I find myself in the very distant future of Marx and Freud in the distant future.
  So what bothers me is not Marx and Freud have given their ideologies were grandiose ideas and deserved to be tested and were exhausted.
  May even continue to be tested in some countries more [say]"romantic" like Venezuela or Cuba, but on a global scale should go to the history books as ideologies that promised more than they delivered or were able to accomplish good.
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  I would feel like a special person to realize the inefficiency of the ideologies of Marx and Freud.
   Did you have a wonderful IQ, a genius height of my dead friends, but mathematically it is not observable, I have so many difficulties in life, not to serve with excellence practically nothing [to say nothing].
  How had a mediocre life could not test many things, I had to grab what little life put in my way, maybe there is something I'm very good, but still not "stumbled" on it since in these cases we can dispense with even luck because success happens means that the "automatic", but we need to be really good.
  Why, then ask what bothers me?
  Absolutely clear that these things are not for me to put into practice or perceived by others, most noticeably with a far superior intellect.

  My big tare participate in GDs was that someone or many ran out with my theories.
  Now remembered once having crossed with a nique entitled "Iconoclast" which later may have turned into "Icon".
  He had an incredible knowledge, it was noticed that it was an extremely cultured person, but ... more silenced that shook some of my theories.
  And so time passed, engineers, doctors, teachers, theologians, physicists, dentists, entrepreneurs, lawyers ... well what I was looking for I could not find.

  Someone who destroy my theories and bring me back to reality.

  In most GDs could be censored, without saying a curse, without proposing any crime, just a moderator excludes my texts if these were not to their liking [satisfaction of ideology].
  The last one went off the air was the GD Earth, where even I have experienced a good level of freedom, maybe they will not keep moderating there.
  The penultimate was given an invitation by email PSDB, thought I could expose my thoughts freely knew he should not only compliment the party. The result is that after 2 or 3 texts excluded quit.

  The dream of seeing the ideologies of Marx and Freud being retired in the history of mankind is too big and people too small meeting only to make it reality.

  I write this blog as a castaway on a desert island sends tickets in bottles with requests for help.
  Who knows some of these messages reach a CHOICE, or convince many small people who together make a great movement arise.
  Some phrases or words could not exactly define this blog, but would approach a satisfactory result.
  Testament, hope ... distress.
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  Have not found anyone to bring me to reality, I'm starting to believe that I am one of the few who live in it, that would explain the loneliness, the floor against the hand.
  I'm going against reality as the only thing that others want to depart it is creating "alternate realities" with its dogmas and ideologies that have not yet worked out, "but that does not mean it never will."
  Meanwhile 'imagine' a Communist world and a psychology that proves that we are just waiting for a biological miracle drug machines, or prose [psychoanalysis] to release us from our "ancestral heritage".
  You can read the text to the tune of "Imagine" by Lennon, just do not ask me to listen too.
  Imagine for me is a Communist anthem, a letter that gives the illusion of a deep thought, but does not correspond to an observable reality.
  We are not all equal, each has his talent and his incompetence, nor should we try to be all the same this is not our nature we must learn to live together in harmony our DIFFERENCES [Yin / Yang].
   The Communist Lennon lived in New York!
  A "capitalist" center of the planet, HYPOCRITE nothing more, nothing more Marxist ...

  Lennon fans must be hating me, saying how much idiot, asshole, what can I say ... I'm grab a password and get in line.[Why do you think I am excluded from Gds?]

  Imagine no heaven, [just died, no continuity or some kind of "salvation]

 No hell below us, Above us only sky.
[Are we just biological machines, if there is no heaven there is no hell]

Imagine all the people, living for today ...   
[There is only the present]

  Imagine no countries, It is not hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too.
[It is not hard to imagine this was what Stalin and Hitler tried to do]

  Imagine all the people, Living life in peace ...
[I have written about this, Stalin or Hitler would keep the Earth in peace because there would be a nobody with eugenics and strength to oppose the Government.]

  Imagine no property,
[In communism all property is the State]

  No need for greed or hunger,
[As in Cuba, North Korea, China?]

  A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world.
[Every man is pure, good and fraternal society around them is that corrupts ... believe it or not]

  You may say I'm a dreamer,
  But I not the only one.
  I hope someday you'll join us,
  And the world will live as one.
[Tô out! All this beautiful prose not worked and neither shows signs that one day is going.]


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Intelligence and Brain

  "Scientists have discovered that the human brain has decreased as much of a golf ball in the last thirty thousand years, and assume that this happened because of community life. Does that scientists have known it is a reality, or is it an invention and an interpretation of them? "   [E-mail]

  "But contrary to what many think brain size is not exactly related to intelligence. If we consider indicative of intelligence reasoning ability and the degree of complexity of the neocortex (that area of the mammalian linked to brain thinking and communication), surely the victory belongs to humans. But the role of the neocortex is still being researched and, according to some experts, the human brain should be considered only as the larger version of a primate brain. "  [Journal of Biology]    Click Here

  Once in a debate in GD commented on this earth our linearity of thought with respect to the size of things.
  In a film of Star Trek the small portion of a "dark matter" placed in the center of the planet Vulcan was enough to create a big chain reaction and destroy it completely.
  It was commented that this was a fantastic movie freak!
  Duh what a nuclear explosion but something that starts at a microscopic chain reaction?
  A microscopic cancer cell can multiply and destroy an individual who until recently was very healthy.
  Our computers are much more powerful and incredibly minor.
  Soon this linearity power of thought relating to the size of things is unfounded.

  For those who bet on some sort of "spirituality" as "actually more scientific" minds confirm that suggests complex philosophy about intelligence not be fully represented in the brain organ.

  For computers using chips are getting better, there was a very large structural change with respect to valves, transistors and integrated circuits although the principles, GIST has not undergone major change.

   The enigma that is principally for those who argue that we are just biological machines, is that our brain works essentially like any primate and our sophisticated equipment detected no major structural changes ... where even our intelligence is so clearly superior?

Decipher me or I'll devour?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Philosophers of Doom

  "Woe to the soul discovers lights that prosperity comes not understand." [Blaise Pascal]

  Undoubtedly the misfortune makes us realize things would watch if we were not successful.
  This is a great truth something easily observable.
  I just do not like when they use this fact to make a kind of ode to misery, suffering, suffering as if it were the most efficient way of learning.
  My first car was a Fiat 147, I suffered a lot with that car, broke so many things that was a big learning about cars.
  Philosophers of Doom would run now to say that I must thank you for all the times that Fiat let me down, it was a great learning experience.
  You know what, I would be most grateful if you had money to buy a better car.
 With 147 learned what the CV [for example] a learning experience that until now had no UTILITY only cost me many bucks.
  I could spend my whole life without knowing what is crankshaft and I can not imagine it would make me miss.
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   Engineering is a college guy, I mean that in general the first car of this type of student is not a vein can as was my 147.
  Have you ever thought that a guy who has an old car, no difficulties [trials, sufferings, setbacks] you have with your vehicle that did not become able to design a car?
  That engineer who drove nice cars always have that ability.
  Realize that misfortune might even be a good teacher, but booking the reservation booking?

  I liken it to yourself to be lost in the forest, far away sees a faint light that fills you with hope of returning to civilization, achieving at least a road.
  Turns out that little light would hardly be noticed if you were in an enlightened shopping.
  Frankly, we prefer rational mind will unfortunately be lost in the forest instead of being with the family in a comfortable shopping?
   Therefore, to say that in suffering we see lights or learned much from disgrace, is not sophistry, it is an observable reality.
  Becomes sophistry when we begin to worship suffering as if this were the only or best way of learning.

  Lighting a candle for darkness in mind that this is a great achievement, but an enlightened mind DO NOT NEED CANDLES. [William Robson]

  So I wish you all much prosperity and no disgrace.
  That their learning happens in a state of grace, health, safety, great schools.
  You to focus harder to LIKE things to learn and has the blessing of meeting people who like to teach.

  Much love, much love and evil ... OUT OF HERE!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Time passes

 "Sometimes I'm afraid to think of what life can do even with the best people." [Nihil]
  True, many of us grow up imbued with the certainty that if we are good guys Dad always protect us from heaven.
  Sometimes I see people talking about others that are very sickly and say they are paying for a malice or negligence in life.

"- See? Now this guy paying all evil we did. "

  The problem is that if you go to any hospital that fights cancer[for example] we find stories of good people.
  However, if the same serious illness do not choose who is good or who is bad how can we say that some sick are paying or redeeming something?
  There are religions that run already say that debt is evil or practiced in this other existence being rescued, but do not want to go today through this loophole.
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  In those days I was talking with a colleague who has undergone a psychiatric treatment for 1 or 2 years.
  This worried because you feel mentally very ill and perhaps return to treatment requesting stronger remedies.
  Philosophically the box seemed clear:
  It's a good person, hardworking, honest, dedicated, tertiary attainment and how your professional life is not what it once dreamed it would be, already making plans for a new college, but as you know this takes time and money, not were younger every day, NO TIME FOR.
  For all that I have seen, it really is a person who "mathematically" deserves greater professional success, to occupy a leadership position, but success does not happen and I see no great likelihood that happening in the near future at least in the company she is .
  It's frustrating, it's too hard to see everything we fight and realize results so meager.

  The mind is screaming, "What did I do wrong? What was missing do? Why Fulano that relapse was achieved what I could not? "

  Not finding plausible explanations we want to at least silence the cries in our mind, perhaps creating a mitigating: "I'm sick, get stressed easily, have attention deficit'm depressed ..."

  The good psychiatrist is that he can prescribe the potent drugs, we will not be criminalized and still present an acceptable justification for society Freudian about our failure or at least have not reached our minimum goals.

  I would like my colleague to observe the reality around you, for find thousands of losers like her, if she wanted to look at the world not suffice to look for me or many even worse.

  My friend Blaise spoke this soft and timid cowardice that leaves we see creatures like that rarely work on or achieve the success we desire.
  It's scary to see what life is cruel, even with the best people.
  I would love to face him my colleague the REALITY that success does not happen for everyone, does not happen for most.
  I wish she smartly found ways to live well even without having achieved the desired success without losing heart searching it and without trying too much.
  A more balanced pursuit of success that does not take the stress, depression or madness.
  Philosophy To be useful the person has to be lucid enough to be able to help themselves.
  I wish I could do more for my colleague and all those creatures that did their role of "good guy", but realize the hard way that life is not a movie where the good always wins, the good guy always succeeds.

  I know that philosophy is not match for the instant relief from drugs.
  What can a philosopher before a Psychiatrist?

  Wisdom does not come in capsules, I'm sorry ... really, painfully, sorry!
  Who wants to put me to philosophize provision is the best I can do.
  I wish I could do more, but do not create reality just watch.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I want to be Jewish!

  "What does it profit a man to gain the world if you lose your soul?" [Blaise Pascal]

  Liking story I've read on various stages of humanity and never noticed a man who had "won the world."

  No man was never unanimity or had complete power over all peoples.
  The story of Jesus tries to win the world for over 2000 years and so far no signs it will get.
  The story of Mohammed tries to over 1,500 years and also no signs that will achieve.
  Realize that I'm pushing it, Jesus and Muhammad are physically dead, are no longer men, marked much of human history, but not their stories or ideology dominate the world, "won the world."
  Others like Gengiskan or Alexander were even more passengers.
  Soon the main part of this thought my friend Blaise's [and so many others] can already be put aside for the simple FACT that until now no man to have won the world.
  We suggest that having everything in the world is not possible and even well-constructed ideologies who always disagree with them not bowing to their inconsistencies.
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  Only the left go to the second part of the puzzle:
  What is to lose the soul?
  Right now who is the soul that sustains the existence William?My, God or Lucifer?
  Well, logic tells us we can only lose something that then I have at this moment is my soul, I BELONG TO ME.  

  A "soulless" guy would be what? A cold, calculating killer without a shred of compassion?

  A "almado" guy then it would be someone who respects life, can be calculating [why not?] , pities the suffering of people.

  It turns out that if we walk by this loophole assign the soul an aura of "holiness", if you have good soul [of God], has no soul is evil [Lucifer] , let's see what this would entail, come with me!
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  In this author thought of heinous crimes plan would not you merge souls, are "soulless", are Lucifer, then they have no soul and can miss something that HAS NOT?
  I wonder why just and good God allow Lucifer to stay with souls of good citizens who respect life plan [calculate] the good and not the worship itself or suffering of others?
  Why, just and good God would destroy the remnant of the soul existing in bad citizens taking their lives.
  Good would be allowed to confirm their good and just lives on some other plane of existence.
  And Lucifer?
  Maybe this thing of him being an enemy of God is a religious sophistry.
  It can be an angel in service to God here on earth "testing" in which frequency we vibrate, like the Bible suggests in the story of Job, the extent to which Job would stay fair and good?
  To the Jews until Lucifer was and is dominated by the WILL OF GOD, was under his orders.

  This thing Lucifer rival God and find it possible to take his place took shape with the advent of Christianity and the maximum was potentiated in the Middle Ages when the Catholic Church began his witch hunt.

  The Jews themselves for a while were accused of condoning demons, but this is another story, one day write about it, when Jewish symbols were demonized and their possession could turn you into barbecue ...

  According to our nature will be sent to a type of heaven, purgatory or be annihilated. This is a philosophically satisfactory solution.

  Dante theorized about this possibility. Uh, Dante?
  Whoever carcou you behind the bookcase ... Can not anyone still does not know about Dante Alighieri, but if you know notclick here
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   I want to ponder deeply about what I say now.

  God promises Abraham to the Jews long and prosperous life here on Earth, protecting their descendants and virtually assured that there is a life after death [if this is the will of God]they will be enlightened minds like Elijah or Moses.

   For Judaism until Lucifer is a servant of God and fulfill their orders.

  Christian asks God for supporting all kinds of suffering, called "probation".
  Condemns wealth, because a rich man shall hardly reach the kingdom of heaven.
  Sin of an individual pursues their descendants to the fourth generation.
  To the Gentiles who bear this life of hardship may be sheep in a sky where they can worship God forever [as they do here on Earth only in heaven will not feel anything].
  Lucifer is an even more powerful that the very enemy of God, because I can take the majority of human souls created by God!
   Even our technological advances such as TV, music and movies are things of Lucifer ...
  Being a Christian is bone.

  Whatever! My Jewish homies, my twig break, find some loophole ... WANNA BE JEW!

Taking phimosis is easy the hard part is born of a Jewish mother ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!


Monday, January 20, 2014

Darwinist society

  "I really thought we would win."    [Adolf Hitler]

  If Darwin was absolutely right and his theory of evolution was observed our "mechanical" intelligence [biological] would be sufficient to make the world a logical place and
rational, more orderly, peaceful and prosperous.
  The best minds dominate the less good increasing every generation the intelligence level of humanity.
  People with disabilities, would be summarily killed, not passing their genes to the next generation[to indigenous tribes practiced this method of purification of the race].
  Possibly by force and persuasion a people reduce the shadow of humanity to extinction or the least adapted.
  Think about it, if a people came to power because it is more efficient than other people would only increase this efficiency even further with time.
  It's like I'm on a bike and you in a 125 to 350 cc, over time the gap between us would only increase so if Darwin was right the first empire to be formed would never be supplanted.
  In such a scenario a guy like Hitler, German as a people [to stay in recent history] could be the new face of humanity.
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  Hitler could have led to natural selection to its maximum extent.
  No INTERFERENCE would live in a society "Darwinist", we would be incredibly developed.
  There would be no war, because all we would be Germans, we could even have some "sub-races" making a step up from slavery the most menial services as with the outcasts in India.
  Exterminating or secreting less adapted, the extreme use of reason, the taste for the beautiful [Hitler was a great collector of works of art]
  The state occupying the place of religion.

  In a civilization Deterministic everything is cause and effect, action and reaction; prayers, prayers, faith and the like would have no space.

  Many thinkers realized that deterministic ideas did not correspond to the facts, questioned eugenics, the great William Shakespeare had already warned about the mysteries of heaven and earth ...

 However Hitler probably thought eugenics thinkers were weak to impose their ideas and that would succeed where they failed.  Click Here

  For the good of mankind Eugenia should be deployed industrially eliminating all "inferior" races of humans.
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  In a coffee plantation weeds has economic utility or food, then using the REASON the best thing to do is wipe the coffee that is not or has not an efficient use, in the end I'd be doing OK for my farming .

   In the same plane of thought throughout the history of mankind I observe that [say] Japanese were a people with great difficulty to organize in an efficient society, would only serve me as outcasts or should exterminate them so they do not pass their genes further contaminating a superior race like Ariana.

  The Church remained the conviction and strength, Determinism not maintained either by persuasion or by force of the sages of militarism.

   Blog not Mitigating this invention, let's get straight to the point.

   If spiritualism remains firm and strong today and determinists atheistic societies do not thrive ... I believe that by my friend Darwin begin to notice that there is some external INTERFERENCE this planet.
  If we were just biological machines, psychology would already be a very efficient SCIENCE and not this pile of speculations where the psychoanalyst offers a lot of mitigating the patient chooses the one that pleases you usually blaming parents or some chemical deficiency in the brain or debiting all the broad back of the SOCIETY, "hell is other people, always others."
  The patient is a blank paper VICTIM of blots of the environment around them there or "ancestral inheritance."

  Asked the Plinio Arruda that Communism is so good, why does not work anywhere in the world?
  Pliny said that it did not yet have worked does not mean it will never work.

  I'd rather choose to improve Capitalism which is at least already efficient in many things.
  In the case of psychology is the same thing, if we are just biological machines controlled by our genes so now we live in a society "Darwinist" long and this would be of great efficiency, but Pliny say that the fact that psychology has not yet given right does not mean it will never work ... you sleep with one of those noises!
   In this case I prefer to stick with the philosophy that leads to plans COMPREHENSIVE much more thought, more FULFILLING solutions because ...

  If there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of our philosophy will imagine our psychology that can not go beyond the cause and effect!

  Philosophy and Capitalism can improve, Communism and psychology need to demonstrate that we are only limited biological machine to our brain which until now have failed and the observable facts do not point to that.
  The puzzle is: We have a flesh or spirit?

  The equation is: If we are only flesh Darwinism[determinism] would be sovereign.

  Due to interference and so many theories that have yet right now I bet you are spirit, until Communism Psychology or prove me wrong.
  Ladies and Gentlemen ...
  Place your bets!

  [Take great care, are betting their lives]
