"It's harder to shake the faith than knowledge, love is less subject to change than respect, hate is more enduring than aversion, and faith is absolutely determined to believe that two wrongs justify a hit, and she will not let facts or reason blocking his way. "
"Christianity is an invention of sick brains." [Hitler]
Christianity in its message of aid to others, tolerance, justice is as beautiful as any other doctrine which preaches the same thing, but considering some of its foundations is really an invention of sick brains too.
Who ever heard of a father killing the innocent son to pay off a "debt" of sinful humans, due to this divide Father himself!!!!
Now if someone owes me $ 2,000 I charge the actual debt or forgive the person, work to make my daughter pay a debt that is not her thing is crazy, the diseased brain, as well as Hitler realized.
If other doctrines also has message assistance to others, tolerance and justice and there with the permission of God, for Christ or Christianity would be the only way??
LOGIC has not, does not make sense.
"And faith is absolutely determined to believe that two wrongs justify a hit, and she will not let facts or reason to block his path."
Once the contaminated brain is unlikely to be healthy again, what reason can do is to value the hits in practice everyday and just let the absurdities in theory there inside the temples ...
If Jesus was resurrected on the third day and we had no news of his death then this mathematically alive, a rational Christian believes that Jesus lives for us, the diseased brains believe that he died for us and his blood sacrifice was the high point of God's love .
And you? Worships rationally or is just another SICK BRAIN as many of our Muslim brothers or countless other religions?
Is not it interesting that for "heaven" there is only one way [Christianity], but to "hell" there are many? [Other religions allowed by the Father]
"Decipher me or I'll devour!"
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