Thursday, January 23, 2014

Time passes

 "Sometimes I'm afraid to think of what life can do even with the best people." [Nihil]
  True, many of us grow up imbued with the certainty that if we are good guys Dad always protect us from heaven.
  Sometimes I see people talking about others that are very sickly and say they are paying for a malice or negligence in life.

"- See? Now this guy paying all evil we did. "

  The problem is that if you go to any hospital that fights cancer[for example] we find stories of good people.
  However, if the same serious illness do not choose who is good or who is bad how can we say that some sick are paying or redeeming something?
  There are religions that run already say that debt is evil or practiced in this other existence being rescued, but do not want to go today through this loophole.
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  In those days I was talking with a colleague who has undergone a psychiatric treatment for 1 or 2 years.
  This worried because you feel mentally very ill and perhaps return to treatment requesting stronger remedies.
  Philosophically the box seemed clear:
  It's a good person, hardworking, honest, dedicated, tertiary attainment and how your professional life is not what it once dreamed it would be, already making plans for a new college, but as you know this takes time and money, not were younger every day, NO TIME FOR.
  For all that I have seen, it really is a person who "mathematically" deserves greater professional success, to occupy a leadership position, but success does not happen and I see no great likelihood that happening in the near future at least in the company she is .
  It's frustrating, it's too hard to see everything we fight and realize results so meager.

  The mind is screaming, "What did I do wrong? What was missing do? Why Fulano that relapse was achieved what I could not? "

  Not finding plausible explanations we want to at least silence the cries in our mind, perhaps creating a mitigating: "I'm sick, get stressed easily, have attention deficit'm depressed ..."

  The good psychiatrist is that he can prescribe the potent drugs, we will not be criminalized and still present an acceptable justification for society Freudian about our failure or at least have not reached our minimum goals.

  I would like my colleague to observe the reality around you, for find thousands of losers like her, if she wanted to look at the world not suffice to look for me or many even worse.

  My friend Blaise spoke this soft and timid cowardice that leaves we see creatures like that rarely work on or achieve the success we desire.
  It's scary to see what life is cruel, even with the best people.
  I would love to face him my colleague the REALITY that success does not happen for everyone, does not happen for most.
  I wish she smartly found ways to live well even without having achieved the desired success without losing heart searching it and without trying too much.
  A more balanced pursuit of success that does not take the stress, depression or madness.
  Philosophy To be useful the person has to be lucid enough to be able to help themselves.
  I wish I could do more for my colleague and all those creatures that did their role of "good guy", but realize the hard way that life is not a movie where the good always wins, the good guy always succeeds.

  I know that philosophy is not match for the instant relief from drugs.
  What can a philosopher before a Psychiatrist?

  Wisdom does not come in capsules, I'm sorry ... really, painfully, sorry!
  Who wants to put me to philosophize provision is the best I can do.
  I wish I could do more, but do not create reality just watch.


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