Saturday, January 4, 2014


  "I suppose the self-sabotaging mechanisms do not belong to a single life"   [Nihil]


  When the float plans take extreme care not thinking distorts them in favor of a theory that I have SYMPATHY.
  Psychology not even theorizes the existence of reincarnation and to my knowledge the theory of sabotaging is something totally Freudian.
  For Buddhism reincarnation of an "EGO" is unusual, it happens only with some. Buddhism does not preach the existence of a spirit out of the body.
  So, what Nihil discusses the possibility of being the reincarnation of Sappho methylene gets a samba crazy Creole Buddhist point of view unless the Nihil is a Buddha or something close to that nature.
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  If we take the corpse of Nihil and bury it next to an oak tree growing, all molecules that once made ​​up his body make up the oak, but the Nihil is "dead" EGO Nihil is no more, his [say] "energy vital "is now owned by oak.
  If your body was contaminated by mercury contamination that passes for oak diluted, if she died because of this contamination oak can be immune to it or its concentration is not enough to kill him.

  If EGO is dissolved after death and this life energy carries very few remnants of a former life, the Buddhist point of view regarding past lives sabotaging is IMPOSSIBLE.

  We will replace the oak for something simpler like lettuce, a human who ate the lettuce hardly realize its mercury contamination.
  I mean "budisdicamente"  [this was good, hahahahahah] sabotage the success of this life for some shred of memory of a past existence is to distort the plane of thought to a theory that I sympathize.
  Even from the point of view to sabotaging would Kardecista very complicated, but do not want to write about it now.
  This is a very complex philosophy that very few unable to keep up.
  Just to not end in emptiness say in Kardecism is said to you before birth influences your Karma, before Superior Spirits assumes commitments as either evolve, if you decided you would never achieve the success so whenever he is near yourself or undermine the protective spirits.
  In Buddhism there is no such permanence of EGO out of the body.
  Its raw material is the vital energy to catch something like a plastic cup melts it and recycles it into a dish.
    The dish has no way to self sabotage seeking an existence cup because he has lost this SOUVENIR, the most that will achieve NOTHING is back to being just a piece of plastic without any function until it is molded into another form.
  This text is complex?

  Buddha said: "All complex things are doomed to decay."

  Overall not like the philosophy preached by Buddha, she "self sabotages."
  Mathematics Philosophy accepts complex theories because life is complex.
  See how Buddha self sabotages, who can say that Buddhism is a simple doctrine?
1. Buddhism believes in reincarnation?

  Buddhism does not teach reincarnation, Buddhism believes in rebirth.

2. Which is the difference between reincarnation and rebirth?

  Reincarnation is the idea of ​​the existence of a separate spirit from the body, with the death of the body the same spirit resumes another material form and continues to evolve. The Buddhist revival in the design is not the transmigration of a spirit, a substantial identity, but the continuation of a process, a flow of becoming, in which successive lives are connected to each other through causes and conditions. This process or flow occurs not only with death but is constantly present in our lives.We're changing with every moment in our lives depending on the emerging earlier time, which no longer exists. It's a bit like the current of a river, the stream flowing continually without ceasing. You can not step into the same river twice.

We can illustrate the revival with a simile, it is like the flame of a candle was used to light another candle and in the process the first candle was extinguished. The second candle flame arose in dependence of the first candle, or have a connection with her, but the second candle flame is not identical to the first. Then, the two flames are connected but are not identical.  Click Here


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