Monday, December 9, 2013

Man Object

  "Only a woman can take the fun there is in sex discrimination." [William Watterson]

  Some people can be a beautiful life ... if you do not live long enough to grow old too.
  Until wonderful women as Liss Taylor and Vera Fisher lose that gorgeous beauty of youth.Click Here
  Others are no longer born with a nice designe for his time to manage to stay so stylish, but beauty is a gift from birth or something to be bought in modern medicine.

  Today I will talk about the majority living "phases of beauty", beautiful children who viewed teens ugly, ugly children who find beautiful teens, people who look good in adulthood

  Who does not know that girl destroyed hearts with her smile in high school and a few years later lost all its beautiful forms or that other one that was no big deal and became a super powered airplane.

  Being beautiful is one of the most delightful things of this life, I am sorry for those who have never experienced this feeling or shortened with bad habits.

  If roasting in the sun, for example, is a bad habit when you reach age 30 your skin will be very old.
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  My mother says I was a very cute baby, but of course Mother's opinion does not count, because in adolescence whitish spots appeared on my face, glad you quickly overcome the feeling of rejection at school started calling me Tabby and I do not could say anything, because he was even spotted ... hahahahahahahahahahaha!
  The teasing did not last long because when I called Tabby I stared at the floor and made a sad expression that I think were with pity. I remember when a colleague defended me:

  "Do not make fun of him, you do not see how he suffers from it?"

  Gone are the spots and pimples monstrous arrived, another day talking about it'll skip to my step beauty.
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  I took some pictures 3X4 for some documents and I learned from my aunt Dina that the photo had been on display in the window, I thought I was joking, but it was true.

  I thought, whoa am I cute!

  The girls were looking at me different happens that I was very shy, nor the courage to look into the eyes of a girl I had.
  I found a leaflet in the street and went into the selection of a mannequin course conducted by Senac, had a lot of people and after about 15 minutes the teacher saw me and asked me to stand, Economic thought, the guy will ask if I was lost in that place.
  Nah, he praised me in that crowd, I did not even know where to stick the face, this story is cool, but let's move forward in time once again.
 We are now in a trendy venue in Campinas the best academies in the region sent their best students and models.
  I represented the Elegance Fashion and academia.
  The first parade was beachwear my body was flawless and to differentiate tore me a T-shirt into thin strips highlighting every muscle that was not excessive, was in some ways a very good body.
  When I entered the public walkway came down, all around, jurors, the marquee guys ... what a wonderful feeling, even unforgettable.

  Of course at that moment I was only an "object of desire", but I assure you that rarely felt so good.

  When I see feminist group badmouthing women posing sexy clothes saying they are denigrating women posing as a simple object of sexist society gives up ... doh.
  Be beautiful, be desired is something so powerful, so wonderful that pitiful woman or man who has never experienced it in life even if it's a phase.
  Beauty has a very great power, especially women confuse the power of beauty to "draw attention".
  The woman makes a cut that makes it different and draws attention by being different, but not for being prettier.
  How many supermodels you know who has short hair?
  There are women who carry both the makeup and again "call attention" are not experiencing the power of beauty, the one where people thank for being near "gracing the look of them."

  When a man or woman put something very different, most often are objects of curiosity and not SEDUCTION.

  I had a very nice fellow, but her beauty stood out not so much because she put a ring in the nose of those kind cannibal Indians, where she spent the whole world watched, but as a curiosity.
  Of course for those who like everything there, but I'm talking about that beauty blockbuster that for transit and not that exotic causing uproar in only a small niche.
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  Well, that parade was in second place.
  As has become common in my life there have been many promises of success, ran far behind, I prayed a lot, and think positive ... in the end only got a picture frame
  I hope that women and men who are at the peak of his fitness and earn money to display it, seize this moment and know it lasts much.
  As feminists we are tolerant in various situations:

  Situation 1 - They were not born beautiful, or had some phase of beauty, this is boring.

 Situation 2 - Others have had their stage beauty, benefited greatly and today feel very envious of those who are at that stage, that's bad.

  Situation 3 - or are are beautiful and know not enjoy the moment, enjoy this power so fleeting feeling His PLEASURE, that sucks.
  Misuse of something that many would like, it is unfortunate, because when they realize their beauty phase may have passed.
  They'll never know how good it is to be an object of desire that discrimination so much fun.

"Only a woman can take the fun there is in sex discrimination."

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