Sunday, December 15, 2013

Danilo Gentili

  "I understand the old Jardins fear of the subway. The last time they came close to a wagon ended up in Auschwitz. "  [Danilo Gentili] Click Here 


  "Making mockery of philosophy is already to philosophize," said my friend Pascal.

I thought the funny taken from Danilo which has not found favor by everybody scolding joke. He had his freedom of expression curtailed, so that removed the joke.
  Withdrew because the joke?
  He does not strike me as the kind of person who has repented of ridicule he did, but as someone powerful must not have liked the joke was better cut it to not harm future contracts.
  I also would not hurt my professional and financial future because of a joke, it would not be logical or intelligent.
  As I am a failure professionally and I do not see prospects of success do not have much to lose, paradoxically can give me the "luxury" to say what can not be said Danilo.
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  Even when we can not make jokes about the Holocaust?Even when we have to keep this open wound without allowing healing?

  If it was Rafinha Bastos [he's Jewish] who had made ​​the joke, okay, it would be considered intelligent, witty, but as the joke was made ​​by a non-Jew ... was tasteless!
  The Holocaust took place more than 60 years, will not long past time for this wound to heal to the point where we can at least make a joke?
  I would think the bad taste to joke with the slaughter of Royal one, everything is very recent, the wound is open NATURALLY, but life goes on would be rather pathetic demolish the school.

  I write a lot on this blog already laughing too hurt me, what should I do to stay forever reliving the pain?

  I know what I have suffered and do not want to relive, knowing that suffering gave me makes you smile, even make fun.
  Have often praised the Jewish people, but this time give a negative point for all those who felt directly attacked by Danilo.
  Now we have to consider the Jews as a people better than everyone else, because if you say anything they may be offended we are being racist?
  We should put us in our place of inferior beings, "differentiated" creatures, is it?
  Look, I do not know of any Brazilian who has at least been a soldier in a Nazi concentration camp, even in Germany these people are already becoming rare piece.
   Drawing a parallel to realize how this plan is comprehensive of thought:

  Everything is very strange in my mind because if I make a blonde joke calling her stupid, okay.
  Now, on the very same joke I put a black then the house falls, the joke now becomes tasteless and non-bailable, crime worse until I hit the blonde.
  Such sophistry of political correctness are increasingly with "Ares" of curtailing freedom of expression, something very communist to a capitalist like me.

  You know what happened when the mulatto swallowed a fly?
  Got a higher IQ on stomach on the head ... 

  Uh, was not amused? Understand.
  If it was a blonde alright, but how mulatta turned racism.
  Replace with a blonde or Portuguese and laughed, meanwhile ... I cry.


The man is perfect, it is the likeness of God.

Less prepucio.

This has to cut

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