Saturday, February 8, 2014

Paulo Renato

 "It's hard not to be sad when a good and efficient man dies, a chest pain that hurts." [William Robson]

ARCHIVE: Tuesday, June 28, 2011

  One of the best features of a leader is to bring together a good team.
  FHC certainly knew how to make it a big star and his government was Paulo Renato.
  My sincere condolences to the feeling of friends and family who will now be deprived of an excellent person and brilliant mind.
  What he did for education in this country was unprecedented in recent history.
  Against teachers, unions, parties ... it was for ALUMNI and even these were against him, but later, as seldom in this country to logic and common sense were the victors.
  Paul as few experienced isolation of seeing what few see.
  Died cheerful, dancing, a withering attack, almost a rapture solely dedicated to the saints, but Paul was just a man, an intelligent man.
  Envy you, what else can I do?
  I hope someday my death is as beautiful as yours, because in life I have no way equate myself to you.
  Paulo Renato, you never know who I am, anyway, HUGE HAPPY TO KNOW YOU!
  Go in peace MY FRIEND!

 "Later as Minister of Education - MEC for eight years served vehemently for a better structuring of the MEC. Programs such as Bolsa Escola, the creation of the National High School Exam -. ENEM allowed to create conditions that allow today many young people joining the public universities or even private with partial and full scholarships "  Click Here


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