Monday, February 10, 2014


  "The scary side of the oxide may be the lack of data on its reach in Brazil. Who focuses on the subject, said the drug affects all social classes. "There is no established profile user: it is used both by the poor by wealthier strata of the population as"   [Veja] Click Here

  Who is "migrating" to the overall oxy you already have crack the price
lower, 2 real, the drawing this, so we can not affirm that the oxy is creating a new demand of addicts, they remain the same, they're just saving ...
  I mean we can philosophically deduced that those who do not use crack, hardly use oxy.
  The magazine tells us that the oxy already exists in the Northeast for 20 years, I must confess that I thought was a new drug, however only reinforces what I wrote in a previous text, the risk of using this type of drug is well known, who enters knows exactly what will happen if your body is genetically prone to indulge in this type of chemistry.  Click Here
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  Analyzing Veja magazine you can see that its owner is against the regulation of drugs in this Letter to the Reader is clear, if the employee wants to keep his job is good to follow the convictions of the boss ... no problem with that.

  I argue that newspapers and magazines have to be free to have their opinions up, this business of impartial journalism is a thing of patrols "politically correct."
  Who has to know The filter is READER.

  I also argue that countries like Brazil, especially with such grandiose borders, bears no condition to leave on the cutting edge in the regulation of drugs.
  Just think how the government is pushing to get a seat on the UN Security Council, could put pressure on developed countries to treat the drug situation in a more rational, more efficient countries because the current model is a big FAILURE.
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  The View field filled with stories of families affected by drugs and for the reader who "thinks just" gets an impression of order to the world, so let some Mathematical Philosophy.
 If you make a field that has only families with people with AIDS also hear very sad stories, life is not easy and there are tragedies on all sides.

  I have a colleague whose husband has severe muscular dystrophy, is very sad, very painful.
  At one point the matter says that recent research indicates that in Brazil there are 1 million crackheads, really is a number written as impressive, but let's apply a basic math?
  Brazil has about 192 million inhabitants, of whom 115 million are in the age group 15-59 years would be the bulk of drug users. If you have 1 million users this means 0.8% of the population, that's right, there is not enough 1% of all consumers in Brazil.
  Crack is the most used, but we have other drugs used less because they are more expensive, they realize that the number I spoke to 5% in the text about drugs seems exaggerated until now?
  Demonize drugs and makes them totally illegal strike me want to kill mosquito with a cannon.
  The TRAFFIC "appears" to bring in more horrors than CONSUMPTION.
  The drug abuse affects many families and of course we are very sad stories, but the trafficking affects all of society and it is terrible.
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  Pulling the memory remembered 4 sad cases in my family[cousins].
  A hanged himself because he had a debt to the trafficker.Another died of AIDS, possibly injecting drugs. Another paraplegic possibly dispute this point of sale and another died with 3 shots in suspicious circumstances also trafficking.
  Have not had a chance to be admitted or the drug war killed 2, 1 and another crippled shared needle and also died.
  Philosophically it is clear that civilized society has to take account of this trade.
  I do not know of any bank or pharmacy that told him to kill someone for a debt.
  ANVISA could require quality standards and defining drugs that could not be produced.
  The tax money could be invested in excellent clinical recovery for those who exaggerated consumption as with spas for fat, uninterrupted and aggressive campaigns discouraging consumption as with the cigarette advertising ban ... finally THINKING about it would give develop great LAWS, but if we refuse to think everything is always harder.
  Rest assured that despite all our efforts many addicts lose their lives or have destroyed ...
  Welcome to REALITY, not Jesus promises that all will be saved.

  There will always be losses and build Utopias [invent reality] only worsens the situation.

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