Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wealth of Nations

  "The wealth of a nation is measured by the wealth of the people and not by the wealth of princes."      [Adam Smith]

  Just like all the monarchies Marxist government experiences always
descambaram for the elite very good catch surrounded by rich and poor citizens without freedom everywhere and soldiers, many soldiers and revolutionary guards.

  "Concentrate income is characteristic of the whole economic system that" I "know.
  In all empires, monarchies, theocracies, in various forms of administration always occurred income concentration.
  What you see in movies about kings and queens surrounded poor peasants is very real. "  Click Here

  The Brazilian government nationalizes companies indirectly using excessive taxes and fees.
  Companies can always suffer blackmail the government, because no pass the comb of a tax audit, sometimes it is not in bad faith, the complexity of the collection is so large that always escapes an irregularity.
  It is only the government and point their guns to commit larceny:
  "I pay a bribe or fiscalizo you."
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  I will talk about an occurrence that does not know where it goes, I'm here hoping for the best knowing that also may well become a very intricate evil corporatism for the nation.

  If the PT could only work in the government who were linked to good catch is exactly what happens in high positions of appointment in which only comes who is allied or affiliate, may be even terrorist.
  It turns out that in Brazil we have fortunately the requirement to tender for the majority of positions in government or state-owned enterprises.
  Any time that you can not deny that working for the government is the pinnacle of the labor market.
  Workload, benefits, wages, indirect benefits.
  Bradesco and Itaú are large banks, but it is difficult to find any bank that keeping the same office prefers to work in these banks at the Bank of Brazil.
  Contests for even lowly positions are played with highly qualified people who do not see the same benefits as the private sector.

  Before you demonize private enterprise remember that to survive she needs to provide good services and have PROFIT.
  The Government is not obliged to provide a quality service and any financial difficulty just making more money or raise taxes preference.

  This or a law requiring private health plans to meet certain deadlines for procedures as a result of examinations and admission has been approved.
  Great, wonderful. Will the Government will impose the same terms?
  If you will start a business is subject to business license, inspection of the building, however once read an article that in many buildings the government has not issued nor the occupancy permit!
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  Returning to the main focus we observed that a simple administrative technician "gazetted" had to eliminate many competitors to be there.
  Mathematically we can say is that a person with memory or knowledge well above the average population for the same function or even a professional above the market average. ["IF" the questions of the test were well planned and appropriate]

  How the Government will be filled with this "intellectual elite CONCURSADA" occupying many positions?

  I twist to make it increasingly efficient with great ideas emerging.
  I, for one, can not hold a job below a certain standard of quality.
  Something like those European immigrants who arrived in Brazil and have greatly improved our crops, the standard quality of them [even without much effort] overlapped with ours.
  That wealth is measured by Brazil's wealth of its people and not their rulers ...

  With so many talents invading the state just improve a little our vote and maybe we will have a state work efficiently for us .

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