Monday, February 3, 2014

Voice of the Heart

  "The reason is slowly, and with so many sights on so many principles that every time it falls asleep or goes astray. Passion makes an instant. "     [Blaise Pascal]

  Why Philosophy is to be practiced sitting on a bench
garden in a bar table, talking with family and friends, in a comfortable room or bedroom, amid the books in the library or browsing the Internet peaceful.

   If you have meditated much about a situation and come to a satisfactory reason can be imposed otherwise the passion will always follow what sends the "heart".

  If love always seek quality would be no problem in your heart to be the principal adviser, but love only tune on the radio that has its frequency, is blind to a station that has better quality or tap a more enjoyable music [favorable] to us .
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  I note that some people who commit crime or are those monstrous humans who do not give any value to the lives of others, which is driven by passion lose control of the situation.
  Every teen should meditate a lot about responsibility and difficulty of caring for a child.
  Should carefully observe all disorder that causes in life that his fellow unmarried and even that which kept mother's partner.

  Sixteen eighteen years old is to be experiencing love, sexuality, defining a profession below.Motherhood should only occur from about 25 years.

  If the woman absorb this rationality with great intensity, even now you are mad with passion or lust, will always come to your mind condom use or the correct use of the pill, if you do not have basic security conditions your mind will prefer NOT SEX .
  I am currently sorting these minds dominated by passion as inferior minds.   Click Here
  Not! I'm not calling inferior minds people moved by passion, in a sense we are all driven by passion.
  I myself have written several times that a man should not survive more than their passions, live without passion is to become undead, become zombies.

  Lower mind is one that can not efficiently direct your passion.

  What good you have one of those big cars is modern is always drunk, you lack clarity?
  The car can be all good, but his mental state sooner or later cause a great tragedy that can not be limited only to your life but others around you.

  Returning to the issue of pregnancy is almost impossible for a teenager who becomes pregnant archetypal fully with the consequences, this will only occur if she suffer or cause an abortion, otherwise a child will come to the world at no very favorable conditions.
  Often the child's grandmother be forced to engage in an ocean of problematic situations.
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   Prejudice is when you have a bad concept of a situation without presenting a logical argument, without thinking about it.
  Minds that I classify as inferior are not subject to any "pre concept" on my part.
  Have meditated a lot about this, have logical arguments, minds that let themselves be dominated by passion are or are inferior.
  "They're" not much less what to do if "are" still have lower ability to meditate, philosophizing, let life decide in an instant without thinking.

  If you are reading this text was in doubt whether it is lower ... do not worry, inferior minds has no doubt only "certainties."

  They sure for example that are not able to kill and would never kill, but when a situation that "appear to be" extreme happens ... kill without thinking, after all are driven by passion, do what the "heart" tells that moment. If his heart told him to kill ...
  Woman asks for "proof of love" and her husband is suspected of killing lover.    Click Here


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