Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Can not Forgive

  "Everyone says forgiveness is a wonderful idea until they have something to forgive."     [CS Lewis]


  I do not want this text to be a cliche about forgiveness, I want him to transcend into the depths of the Abyss, we meditate too deep, I'll try not to get too close to black holes thought, I'll leave powerful filters enabled, but the result is always a unknown, come with me!

  My ability to forgive is not very big, it's actually quite small.

  It turns out that the LOGIC tells me it's lack of intelligence persist in an action whose worst off will be me.

  You know that expression "to blow on a knife's edge" ?
  To get beyond it hurt your hand and awaken pity on someone?
  If being the target of the people is what gives you pleasure then the solution is so satisfying.
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  I do not forgive life, fate, Chance, Karma ... I do not know what, because I became unemployed after so much dedication, professionalism, honesty, competence, even in an age that things should already be heading for a some stability.
  Fortunately had already settled the apartment, but a daughter was 5 years old and the other with 3.
  I worked hard and my salary was not so good, but the hole that suddenly I was thrown was a cruelty of life so big that you can not forgive.

  I go forward, to be imagining all the good that could have happened is something like giving blow on a knife's edge, the past, the FACTS, will not change.

  Many people invent a reality, seek mitigating that everything was to your right, the famous "trials."
  I can not delude myself with it.
  Undoubtedly, if the company existed until today, my financial life would be better and how philosophy would not know how to be part of my life that I'm less poor!
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  I'll use an example of cars trying to better display.
  If another car pulled lightly on the bumper of my disorder to open a BO is so great that it is better to go ahead and pay for the losses.
  Not that I forgave the unfortunate happens that exact punishment, for compensation does not seem to compensate for wear.
  If the damage was more serious "forgiveness" does not happen, I would fire the competent bodies so I do not get into mischief.
  However if the citizen who hit my car left the scene without I could note the plate ... although I do not forgive the situation, I am powerless to seek a refund.
  We also have that if you get hit by a "Véia tin", the guy barely have money to put gas in her car fixed and imagine it.
  Note that the closer the forgiveness that I could get was the fault light, my injury was not as big then ... leave there.

  Losing my job was extremely serious, before such an occurrence was and am totally powerless to seek any punishment or compensation.
  I do not forgive forgive, but I have no other option than LOGIC move forward.
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  I know that religions and society Freudian at all times tell you how wonderful it is to forgive and be yourself, that's not a fallacy.
  I just want to reflect that maybe you just like I DO NOT have this ability to forgive.
  So what can I tell you?
  If you have the minimum that is, a small shred of ability to use forgiveness forgiving yourself.


  You my friend, come with me, go forward!
  Do not want to see anyone giving blow on a knife's edge, deserve to have as many as possible joys.
  Since I have to write the texts, I bring up these events, but are not memories that are mulling over my mind, now, now, did the best I could and stay ruminating events that can not be changed is like throwing sand in the eyes or on gears well lubricated.

  I will not thank where the tall grasses planted flowers.

  Nobody is perfect, but overall you did well and yet unpleasant things happened in your life, no point in just looking at the tall grass, even in steep places still find beautiful flowers, let's be lovers of flowers, those simple joys that do not need a big achievement for any, like coffee tasty and toasty bun now I will take my dejejum or tasty hug my daughter wishing utopia that his life has only flowers or at least has more flowers than mine.
  I do not have a great capacity to forgive, but I have an enormous capacity to wish good to all my little brothers of existence, life is not no joke.
  An excellent existence for all, a great day. Rest assured that when I look at you ... I SEE YOU IN FLOWERS.

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