Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Generation Indigo

 "Mistakes are, after all, the foundation of truth. If a man does not know what something is, is an advance in knowledge to know what she is not. "    [Jung]

  Sometimes ask me, "If you do not know what it is because it can not be what I think it is?"
  I usually respond and the person becomes very uncomfortable.
  Could give countless examples'll choose one that is talking louder, will speak on "supposedly" this generation is more intelligent than the previous one. The theory of such "Generation Indigo."  Click Here

  We do not have an instrument or efficient method to measure the intelligence of people today, and even if we had not give to compare with data from the previous generation childhood because they do not exist.
  Therefore, we have no scientific or philosophical basis to assert that in general this generation is smarter than the last.
  My daughters play with me on the computer since about 2 years old, clearly they have a lot of familiarity with this equipment and how the keyboard is composed of letters subsequent recognition of them when literacy is much easier.
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  I sincerely believe that I and my classmates from school if exposed to the same environment would achieve the same results.
  When I was born the TV was already popularized in Brazil and my knowledge of television programming was much higher than that of my father, of course I can not say that I was smarter than my father because of it.
  Wrote a text which spoke of torture that parents subjected the children until recently and now unfortunately observe that many follow linearly to the opposite, the child of 3 or 4 years totally dominates parents.
  Teenagers are super protected [No generalization] and once again I note that most of them have a much less efficient than the last generation intellect.

   Until recently they could start working at age 14, until 18 were already clever in many things nowadays that meet pushover guy with 20 years is no joke.

  The maturity that I and my colleagues had this to 16 hard to find in this generation overprotected and without maturity, that more comprehensive intelligence does not reach a satisfactory level.
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  I conclude that we must be very careful with those thinkers who induce us to think that this NATURALLY appearing superior or smarter generation.
  We were waiting for this "miracle" happen and relegate education to transform our children into citizens who accept the "differences" and cultuem "socialism".
  Notions that should be left to the family wants to take over the school, and algebra, history, geography, science and even Portuguese are relegated to the background, after this generation is made ​​of geniuses, "we just need to take care that are not homo phobic or sell to the monstrous capitalism and the horrifying practice market economy. "

  This generation has some skill with equipment of his own time as we had in ours.
  Besides the Internet [for example] reaches all age groups, no longer say that it is a world dominated by children and adolescents, in fact it never was.
  If we want this generation has an intelligence must have good quality excellence in educational systems and stop treating them as geniuses imagined a generation "Indigo" at the same time protect them from assuming responsibilities as before age 18 did not know absolutely nothing to do and can not be held liable for anything.

  It is paradoxical considering children as geniuses and protects them both, that valley in the genius does not know if the person arranges her civilly?

  A genius without a shred of organizational capacity or responsibility for their actions is more to be feared that encourage or admire.
  I stand in front until the volume of information that this generation has its responsibilities should be charged early.

  My daughter will do 11 years in March and did not admit that she does not know the harms of drugs or whatever pedophilia, it is not an "innocent and defenseless" Mind you do not know what you're doing with respect to these things.
  I can not see children as geniuses when I want to impose their will and how babies time to take responsibility.
  "Maybe," then I will continue this text, writing much missed, this was just an appetizer, meditate on what was exposed ...

"From the 80s, they started to get more and more.Children are spectacular. They are reaching out to help in the social, educational, familial and spiritual transformation of the entire planet, regardless of borders and social classes. "  Click Here


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