Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mystery Lake

  "The less intelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him."    [Schopenhauer]

  In those days [Wednesday, June 29, 2011] happened a very strange accident in which two girls drowned in a creek.    Click Here
  Unlike other cases is that this was crudely filmed by a mobile phone, but the picture could be satisfactorily analyzed.

  The two girls like in a horror movie began shouting desperately, we can say that something scary was noticed by them, soon after one another and also sinks.
  At first it was thought a snake.
  Humm ... would be the weirdest attack ever witnessed by this type of reptile, two big girls being pulled about the same time ... nor Hollywood anaconda made such a feat.
  Suppose one has tried to save the other and realizing that he could not clung to drown her friend too!
  Look, philosophically it would be acting against every instinct of preservation, it is not impossible, but very difficult.
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  Quiet creek without much current, daylight, many people around and have not had any time to save the two girls!
  Death by drowning is not as fast, takes about 5 minutes.
  Later, firefighters rescued the bodies and said it was a totally drowning within the standards of this type of occurrence, the bodies had no marks of any bottlenecks, bruise or bite.
  If the first victim clung desperately on Monday right would be some bruising.

  If there were no pictures would be just another contradiction between the witness and the award of the firefighters case.  
  Would create ATTENUATING, were drunk, murder, emotional shock ...

  There's a picture on our way, on our way there is a PICTURE.

  Anyone who sees the video can not have doubt that the girls sink BEFORE saw something terrible.

  The image analyzed in a specialized laboratory identified a spectrum away from girls that pushing it up may seem like the head of a snake, capybara and caiman, happens that was not just a reflection in the water everything gets even more mysterious.
  The girls went too fast, without biting without strangling pulled at least one of the girls with amazing enough to drown her speed!
  If you want an answer ... I DO NOT HAVE!
  Who witnessed "prefer" to believe that was a different charge of all we know.
  Firefighters say it was a normal drowning.
  The images and scientific analysis does not corroborate or a note or another.
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  NOTE that not all suffer some interference and believe that you have this perception that they are always subtle, but life is not very accurate and negative forces can manifest more power than anyone can believe.
  With cameras everywhere hope more people are able to realize that I do not have words to explain.
  I believe some force "supernatural" and some power was present in that lake, a true MYSTERY.
  My friend Schopenhauer would find me very intelligent, even just my friend to keep me company these deductions so lonely.
  Yes, I know how much I'm risking.
  Some new information may arise and all call me a lunatic, has called me so much, I learned to not shake it.
  This text is ready now makes about 30 days could not be saved forever ... until we could, but they cry a lot out of my mind and then the file is a deafening noise, life and its mysteries ...

  "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. He is the source of all true art and all science.Whoever ignores this emotion, one that not more to think and fascinate not, is dead:. Their eyes are closed "  [Albert Einstein]
Notice that it is like having a "hand" holding the girl's face as the girl left the right look toward some "face".
As an "invisible" body was there, but provoke change in the water.
I know this is pushing it, but it seems that they are seeing something that no one else can see ...

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