Dream, desire something is a lot different to fly on the wings of illusion situation.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Wings of Illusion
If some kind of illusion sustains your life I think you should start looking for something more useful, more practical.
Dream, desire something is a lot different to fly on the wings of illusion situation.
Dream, desire something is a lot different to fly on the wings of illusion situation.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Temple of Spirit
"If not atuas as you think, you're thinking like atuas finish." [Blaise Pascal]
Supposing that this is our spirit and essential part then it is logical to think that he must have predominance over the body's needs.
The body is the temple where dwells (or is temporarily trapped) the spirit. Robson William
For purposes Philosophical we consider this premise that text as completely true to the extent that the body's need outweighs the spirit.
When I finish eating my body rolls 2 asks a third and even a fourth, especially if you are healthy.
Turns out my spirit knows this automatic body wanting to build up energy so that the information will not become effective satiety in my brain after about 30 minutes.
Then two things occur to me to eat the third or fourth roll:
1st) To accumulate energy my body automatically slows the information of satiety that will be sent to the brain, then, from the second roll for 30 minutes can eat with "will" how many rolls fit in our stomach and the greater the stomach more rolls will be able eating.
2nd) It turns out that the will can be credited to the spirit because the body has no will but NEED. We desire to do what pleases us so "spiritually" also eat for pleasure.
Not to eat 4 rolls and end up fatter can use some features:
Chemically can give the body a blocker of appetite autopilot disconnecting the accumulation of energy.
Know why these drugs are not very effective?
Because appetite suppressants do not act in SPIRIT. The spirit has SOUVENIR OF PLEASURE to eat 4 rolls.
Excluding persons with genetic great failure of fat problems is blaming the body for a spiritual problem.
The body after satiated [with 2 rolls] in 30 minutes this information reaches the brain if you do not stop eating after that time the devil is in you ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Just kidding, your spirit is being sucked by pleasure and you are blaming the innocent body.
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My good friend Blaise is saying that his action [eat] this commanding his thought, as you share the guilt of eating as a necessity of the body creates the ILLUSION that your body dominates the spirit.
This thinking is very deep, I know that few would support getting exposed to it then leave for another day.
We go to a party who may be useful to you even if you can not understand the more complex philosophy.
I described to you the essential part of the process that leads to eating 3 rolls, an action that causes frequent become the miracle of the multiplication of
As you already know the process THINK BEFORE ACTION her fat!
Create some sense this spirit shameless and eat only 2 loaves.[William, boastful and arrogant +]
For 30 minutes you will have to fight the body's need and willingness of the spirit, after which time only against SOUVENIR OF PLEASURE.
I while "spirit" already do this procedure with all the food so after eating 2 loaves in 10 or 15 minutes I already feel satiated.
Ride a plate of food not very full and even feeling like eating anymore, not like.
After 20 minutes I already feel satiated.
If you're already a very spoiled spirit ... there goes a hint:
After eating 2 rolls replace eating for another PLEASURE "not engordativo."
Will gossip with the neighbor, walk the dog, watch novel, read a book, watch porn, or the church will pray ... finally something that does not expend energy does not bring more to your body, is worth discussing until the G+.
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I no longer have that kind of problem, but we assume that the buns are spectacularly delicious, spent 30 minutes still want to eat more, alas, I sit at the computer and write a text replacing a calorie treat other non-caloric.
Could also eat 2 more rolls and did not eat lunch, eat fruits low calorie.
So if the spirit does not THINK fattening body.
Try to be less stupid. If you can not ... surrender to the pleasure of eating at all now make extra large coffin ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
If your action does not start in thinking then you will only start to think when you have already performed the action.
His thinking comes [when it comes] the trailer of an action not thought.
"Spirit does not think the body suffers!"
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With 350 kg man is buried with the help of tractor |
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wealth of Nations
"The wealth of a nation is measured by the wealth of the people and not by the wealth of princes." [Adam Smith]
Just like all the monarchies Marxist government experiences always
descambaram for the elite very good catch surrounded by rich and poor citizens without freedom everywhere and soldiers, many soldiers and revolutionary guards.
"Concentrate income is characteristic of the whole economic system that" I "know.
In all empires, monarchies, theocracies, in various forms of administration always occurred income concentration.
The Brazilian government nationalizes companies indirectly using excessive taxes and fees.
Companies can always suffer blackmail the government, because no pass the comb of a tax audit, sometimes it is not in bad faith, the complexity of the collection is so large that always escapes an irregularity.
It is only the government and point their guns to commit larceny:
"I pay a bribe or fiscalizo you."
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I will talk about an occurrence that does not know where it goes, I'm here hoping for the best knowing that also may well become a very intricate evil corporatism for the nation.
If the PT could only work in the government who were linked to good catch is exactly what happens in high positions of appointment in which only comes who is allied or affiliate, may be even terrorist.
It turns out that in Brazil we have fortunately the requirement to tender for the majority of positions in government or state-owned enterprises.
Any time that you can not deny that working for the government is the pinnacle of the labor market.
Workload, benefits, wages, indirect benefits.
Bradesco and Itaú are large banks, but it is difficult to find any bank that keeping the same office prefers to work in these banks at the Bank of Brazil.
Contests for even lowly positions are played with highly qualified people who do not see the same benefits as the private sector.
Before you demonize private enterprise remember that to survive she needs to provide good services and have PROFIT.
The Government is not obliged to provide a quality service and any financial difficulty just making more money or raise taxes preference.
This or a law requiring private health plans to meet certain deadlines for procedures as a result of examinations and admission has been approved.
Great, wonderful. Will the Government will impose the same terms?
If you will start a business is subject to business license, inspection of the building, however once read an article that in many buildings the government has not issued nor the occupancy permit!
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Returning to the main focus we observed that a simple administrative technician "gazetted" had to eliminate many competitors to be there.
Mathematically we can say is that a person with memory or knowledge well above the average population for the same function or even a professional above the market average. ["IF" the questions of the test were well planned and appropriate]
How the Government will be filled with this "intellectual elite CONCURSADA" occupying many positions?
I twist to make it increasingly efficient with great ideas emerging.
I, for one, can not hold a job below a certain standard of quality.
Something like those European immigrants who arrived in Brazil and have greatly improved our crops, the standard quality of them [even without much effort] overlapped with ours.
That wealth is measured by Brazil's wealth of its people and not their rulers ...
With so many talents invading the state just improve a little our vote and maybe we will have a state work efficiently for us .
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
I Can not Forgive
"Everyone says forgiveness is a wonderful idea until they have something to forgive." [CS Lewis]
My ability to forgive is not very big, it's actually quite small.
It turns out that the LOGIC tells me it's lack of intelligence persist in an action whose worst off will be me.
You know that expression "to blow on a knife's edge" ?
To get beyond it hurt your hand and awaken pity on someone?
If being the target of the people is what gives you pleasure then the solution is so satisfying.
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I do not forgive life, fate, Chance, Karma ... I do not know what, because I became unemployed after so much dedication, professionalism, honesty, competence, even in an age that things should already be heading for a some stability.
Fortunately had already settled the apartment, but a daughter was 5 years old and the other with 3.
I worked hard and my salary was not so good, but the hole that suddenly I was thrown was a cruelty of life so big that you can not forgive.
I go forward, to be imagining all the good that could have happened is something like giving blow on a knife's edge, the past, the FACTS, will not change.
Many people invent a reality, seek mitigating that everything was to your right, the famous "trials."
I can not delude myself with it.
Undoubtedly, if the company existed until today, my financial life would be better and how philosophy would not know how to be part of my life that I'm less poor!
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I'll use an example of cars trying to better display.
If another car pulled lightly on the bumper of my disorder to open a BO is so great that it is better to go ahead and pay for the losses.
Not that I forgave the unfortunate happens that exact punishment, for compensation does not seem to compensate for wear.
If the damage was more serious "forgiveness" does not happen, I would fire the competent bodies so I do not get into mischief.
However if the citizen who hit my car left the scene without I could note the plate ... although I do not forgive the situation, I am powerless to seek a refund.
We also have that if you get hit by a "Véia tin", the guy barely have money to put gas in her car fixed and imagine it.
Note that the closer the forgiveness that I could get was the fault light, my injury was not as big then ... leave there.
Losing my job was extremely serious, before such an occurrence was and am totally powerless to seek any punishment or compensation.
I do not forgive forgive, but I have no other option than LOGIC move forward.
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I know that religions and society Freudian at all times tell you how wonderful it is to forgive and be yourself, that's not a fallacy.
I just want to reflect that maybe you just like I DO NOT have this ability to forgive.
So what can I tell you?
If you have the minimum that is, a small shred of ability to use forgiveness forgiving yourself.
You my friend, come with me, go forward!
Do not want to see anyone giving blow on a knife's edge, deserve to have as many as possible joys.
Since I have to write the texts, I bring up these events, but are not memories that are mulling over my mind, now, now, did the best I could and stay ruminating events that can not be changed is like throwing sand in the eyes or on gears well lubricated.
I will not thank where the tall grasses planted flowers.
Nobody is perfect, but overall you did well and yet unpleasant things happened in your life, no point in just looking at the tall grass, even in steep places still find beautiful flowers, let's be lovers of flowers, those simple joys that do not need a big achievement for any, like coffee tasty and toasty bun now I will take my dejejum or tasty hug my daughter wishing utopia that his life has only flowers or at least has more flowers than mine.
I do not have a great capacity to forgive, but I have an enormous capacity to wish good to all my little brothers of existence, life is not no joke.
An excellent existence for all, a great day. Rest assured that when I look at you ... I SEE YOU IN FLOWERS.
Monday, February 10, 2014
"The scary side of the oxide may be the lack of data on its reach in Brazil. Who focuses on the subject, said the drug affects all social classes. "There is no established profile user: it is used both by the poor by wealthier strata of the population as" [Veja] Click Here
Who is "migrating" to the overall oxy you already have crack the price
lower, 2 real, the drawing this, so we can not affirm that the oxy is creating a new demand of addicts, they remain the same, they're just saving ...
I mean we can philosophically deduced that those who do not use crack, hardly use oxy.
The magazine tells us that the oxy already exists in the Northeast for 20 years, I must confess that I thought was a new drug, however only reinforces what I wrote in a previous text, the risk of using this type of drug is well known, who enters knows exactly what will happen if your body is genetically prone to indulge in this type of chemistry. Click Here
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Analyzing Veja magazine you can see that its owner is against the regulation of drugs in this Letter to the Reader is clear, if the employee wants to keep his job is good to follow the convictions of the boss ... no problem with that.
I argue that newspapers and magazines have to be free to have their opinions up, this business of impartial journalism is a thing of patrols "politically correct."
Who has to know The filter is READER.
I also argue that countries like Brazil, especially with such grandiose borders, bears no condition to leave on the cutting edge in the regulation of drugs.
Just think how the government is pushing to get a seat on the UN Security Council, could put pressure on developed countries to treat the drug situation in a more rational, more efficient countries because the current model is a big FAILURE.
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The View field filled with stories of families affected by drugs and for the reader who "thinks just" gets an impression of order to the world, so let some Mathematical Philosophy.
If you make a field that has only families with people with AIDS also hear very sad stories, life is not easy and there are tragedies on all sides.
I have a colleague whose husband has severe muscular dystrophy, is very sad, very painful.
At one point the matter says that recent research indicates that in Brazil there are 1 million crackheads, really is a number written as impressive, but let's apply a basic math?
Brazil has about 192 million inhabitants, of whom 115 million are in the age group 15-59 years would be the bulk of drug users. If you have 1 million users this means 0.8% of the population, that's right, there is not enough 1% of all consumers in Brazil.
Crack is the most used, but we have other drugs used less because they are more expensive, they realize that the number I spoke to 5% in the text about drugs seems exaggerated until now?
Demonize drugs and makes them totally illegal strike me want to kill mosquito with a cannon.
The TRAFFIC "appears" to bring in more horrors than CONSUMPTION.
The drug abuse affects many families and of course we are very sad stories, but the trafficking affects all of society and it is terrible.
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Pulling the memory remembered 4 sad cases in my family[cousins].
A hanged himself because he had a debt to the trafficker.Another died of AIDS, possibly injecting drugs. Another paraplegic possibly dispute this point of sale and another died with 3 shots in suspicious circumstances also trafficking.
Have not had a chance to be admitted or the drug war killed 2, 1 and another crippled shared needle and also died.
Philosophically it is clear that civilized society has to take account of this trade.
I do not know of any bank or pharmacy that told him to kill someone for a debt.
ANVISA could require quality standards and defining drugs that could not be produced.
The tax money could be invested in excellent clinical recovery for those who exaggerated consumption as with spas for fat, uninterrupted and aggressive campaigns discouraging consumption as with the cigarette advertising ban ... finally THINKING about it would give develop great LAWS, but if we refuse to think everything is always harder.
Rest assured that despite all our efforts many addicts lose their lives or have destroyed ...
Welcome to REALITY, not Jesus promises that all will be saved.
There will always be losses and build Utopias [invent reality] only worsens the situation.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Mystery Lake
"The less intelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him." [Schopenhauer]
In those days [Wednesday, June 29, 2011] happened a very strange accident in which two girls drowned in a creek. Click Here
Unlike other cases is that this was crudely filmed by a mobile phone, but the picture could be satisfactorily analyzed.
The two girls like in a horror movie began shouting desperately, we can say that something scary was noticed by them, soon after one another and also sinks.
At first it was thought a snake.
Humm ... would be the weirdest attack ever witnessed by this type of reptile, two big girls being pulled about the same time ... nor Hollywood anaconda made such a feat.
Suppose one has tried to save the other and realizing that he could not clung to drown her friend too!
Look, philosophically it would be acting against every instinct of preservation, it is not impossible, but very difficult.
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Quiet creek without much current, daylight, many people around and have not had any time to save the two girls!
Death by drowning is not as fast, takes about 5 minutes.
Later, firefighters rescued the bodies and said it was a totally drowning within the standards of this type of occurrence, the bodies had no marks of any bottlenecks, bruise or bite.
If the first victim clung desperately on Monday right would be some bruising.
If there were no pictures would be just another contradiction between the witness and the award of the firefighters case.
Would create ATTENUATING, were drunk, murder, emotional shock ...
There's a picture on our way, on our way there is a PICTURE.
Anyone who sees the video can not have doubt that the girls sink BEFORE saw something terrible.
The image analyzed in a specialized laboratory identified a spectrum away from girls that pushing it up may seem like the head of a snake, capybara and caiman, happens that was not just a reflection in the water everything gets even more mysterious.
The girls went too fast, without biting without strangling pulled at least one of the girls with amazing enough to drown her speed!
If you want an answer ... I DO NOT HAVE!
Who witnessed "prefer" to believe that was a different charge of all we know.
Firefighters say it was a normal drowning.
The images and scientific analysis does not corroborate or a note or another.
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NOTE that not all suffer some interference and believe that you have this perception that they are always subtle, but life is not very accurate and negative forces can manifest more power than anyone can believe.
With cameras everywhere hope more people are able to realize that I do not have words to explain.
I believe some force "supernatural" and some power was present in that lake, a true MYSTERY.
My friend Schopenhauer would find me very intelligent, even just my friend to keep me company these deductions so lonely.
Yes, I know how much I'm risking.
Some new information may arise and all call me a lunatic, has called me so much, I learned to not shake it.
This text is ready now makes about 30 days could not be saved forever ... until we could, but they cry a lot out of my mind and then the file is a deafening noise, life and its mysteries ...
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. He is the source of all true art and all science.Whoever ignores this emotion, one that not more to think and fascinate not, is dead:. Their eyes are closed " [Albert Einstein]
Notice that it is like having a "hand" holding the girl's face as the girl left the right look toward some "face".
As an "invisible" body was there, but provoke change in the water.
I know this is pushing it, but it seems that they are seeing something that no one else can see ...
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Paulo Renato
"It's hard not to be sad when a good and efficient man dies, a chest pain that hurts." [William Robson]
ARCHIVE: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
One of the best features of a leader is to bring together a good team.
FHC certainly knew how to make it a big star and his government was Paulo Renato.
My sincere condolences to the feeling of friends and family who will now be deprived of an excellent person and brilliant mind.
What he did for education in this country was unprecedented in recent history.
Against teachers, unions, parties ... it was for ALUMNI and even these were against him, but later, as seldom in this country to logic and common sense were the victors.
Paul as few experienced isolation of seeing what few see.
Died cheerful, dancing, a withering attack, almost a rapture solely dedicated to the saints, but Paul was just a man, an intelligent man.
Envy you, what else can I do?
I hope someday my death is as beautiful as yours, because in life I have no way equate myself to you.
Paulo Renato, you never know who I am, anyway, HUGE HAPPY TO KNOW YOU!
Go in peace MY FRIEND!
"Later as Minister of Education - MEC for eight years served vehemently for a better structuring of the MEC. Programs such as Bolsa Escola, the creation of the National High School Exam -. ENEM allowed to create conditions that allow today many young people joining the public universities or even private with partial and full scholarships " Click Here
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Generation Indigo
"Mistakes are, after all, the foundation of truth. If a man does not know what something is, is an advance in knowledge to know what she is not. " [Jung]
Sometimes ask me, "If you do not know what it is because it can not be what I think it is?"
I usually respond and the person becomes very uncomfortable.
Could give countless examples'll choose one that is talking louder, will speak on "supposedly" this generation is more intelligent than the previous one. The theory of such "Generation Indigo." Click Here
We do not have an instrument or efficient method to measure the intelligence of people today, and even if we had not give to compare with data from the previous generation childhood because they do not exist.
Therefore, we have no scientific or philosophical basis to assert that in general this generation is smarter than the last.
My daughters play with me on the computer since about 2 years old, clearly they have a lot of familiarity with this equipment and how the keyboard is composed of letters subsequent recognition of them when literacy is much easier.
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I sincerely believe that I and my classmates from school if exposed to the same environment would achieve the same results.
When I was born the TV was already popularized in Brazil and my knowledge of television programming was much higher than that of my father, of course I can not say that I was smarter than my father because of it.
Wrote a text which spoke of torture that parents subjected the children until recently and now unfortunately observe that many follow linearly to the opposite, the child of 3 or 4 years totally dominates parents.
Teenagers are super protected [No generalization] and once again I note that most of them have a much less efficient than the last generation intellect.
Until recently they could start working at age 14, until 18 were already clever in many things nowadays that meet pushover guy with 20 years is no joke.
The maturity that I and my colleagues had this to 16 hard to find in this generation overprotected and without maturity, that more comprehensive intelligence does not reach a satisfactory level.
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I conclude that we must be very careful with those thinkers who induce us to think that this NATURALLY appearing superior or smarter generation.
We were waiting for this "miracle" happen and relegate education to transform our children into citizens who accept the "differences" and cultuem "socialism".
Notions that should be left to the family wants to take over the school, and algebra, history, geography, science and even Portuguese are relegated to the background, after this generation is made of geniuses, "we just need to take care that are not homo phobic or sell to the monstrous capitalism and the horrifying practice market economy. "
This generation has some skill with equipment of his own time as we had in ours.
Besides the Internet [for example] reaches all age groups, no longer say that it is a world dominated by children and adolescents, in fact it never was.
If we want this generation has an intelligence must have good quality excellence in educational systems and stop treating them as geniuses imagined a generation "Indigo" at the same time protect them from assuming responsibilities as before age 18 did not know absolutely nothing to do and can not be held liable for anything.
It is paradoxical considering children as geniuses and protects them both, that valley in the genius does not know if the person arranges her civilly?
A genius without a shred of organizational capacity or responsibility for their actions is more to be feared that encourage or admire.
I stand in front until the volume of information that this generation has its responsibilities should be charged early.
My daughter will do 11 years in March and did not admit that she does not know the harms of drugs or whatever pedophilia, it is not an "innocent and defenseless" Mind you do not know what you're doing with respect to these things.
I can not see children as geniuses when I want to impose their will and how babies time to take responsibility.
"Maybe," then I will continue this text, writing much missed, this was just an appetizer, meditate on what was exposed ...
"From the 80s, they started to get more and more.Children are spectacular. They are reaching out to help in the social, educational, familial and spiritual transformation of the entire planet, regardless of borders and social classes. " Click Here
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Drugs and Basic Math
"The causes do not determine the character of the person, but only the manifestation of this character, ie the actions." [Schopenhauer]
I believe that if I lived in a war zone where coexisted
with many deaths, killing would be easy for me.
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Flower of Cocaine |
However'd do anything to get rid of this situation, turning the place or go somewhere where there is no war.
No pleasure in killing, it's not part of my character, kill only out of necessity.
Like any young man I also had access to drugs, cigarettes and drinks, but never made use of any of this not to be part of my character.
My character requires clarity and intoxicate my senses never thought to be a good solution, though sometimes up and thought I needed.
So lucidly bother, I confess that to support certain days some exciting going very well, but feel guilty, guilty of what?
To go against my character, my NATURE.
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I may go against my nature since I observe a logical reason, that makes my life more efficient, how to kill if required.
So when I hear that friends took a couple for "bad way", or that the drug destroyed the life of a person no longer see any reason to continue a debate.
The guy did not seek the drug, it magically went to meet her?
The guy had no good friends to choose only the bad?
People want to convince me that I'm not normal with respect to the character.
Because I had friends with junkies and not drugged me with gay and non-gay come with alcoholics and do not drink ...
I mean that for every "friend" that calls for drug has ten others saying not to use, warning of the danger of addiction, is the father, the mother, the teacher, the media, the church ...
Why blame the drug for the bad character of the person?
"Decipher me or I'll devour!"
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Let's walk a few houses beyond the comma, I've met some people who used drugs and have no way to say they were bad character.
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Flower Opium |
As far as I could see[what I see and looks away]worked well, were lively, used drugs over the weekend, but I could tell in a few days when they used to have animo to work.
Public people have already confessed that they used some type of drug, the artists of the 60s and 70s many used Rita Lee, Ney and others.
Gilberto Gil, the former Minister of Culture said that the move to London, took "hundred-odd acids", but only marijuana served to him as a "flannel in sentimental and musical lens.""Every time I smoked, disengaged something," he says, commenting on the effect of the drug. Click Here
Like they all have passed the 60 so philosophically and scientifically can not say that all drugs cause terrible destruction for all.
Ney goes on to say that drugs previously had more QUALITY and you know what?
I believe him without any supervision over the production process and in the hand of the marginal reaching the final consumer today should be a waste.
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Note that I'm showing you that the vast majority of the population does not want and does not use drugs or that it was offered for free, everyone knows the risk and many do not really have any attraction to this kind of pleasure afforded by drugs, not more than that all who use drugs have their lives destroyed by them.
Given the above [with much pessimism] I'd say 5% of the population would have serious problems with drugs and some inevitably will have their lives destroyed while others will need to seek treatment too.
What bothers me is that mathematically because of 5% submit the rest of the population to this drug war.
With a REGULATORY on a Morro do Alemão would 5% of addicts, their families suffering horrors ... certainly is something very sad.
It turns out that 5% of addicts are there even without any regulations.
Today 100% of the Morro do Alemão suffers from the drug war that is being pessimistic even we increase the number of addicts to 10%, then 90% of the families who have no involvement with the drug abuse suffering with TRAFFIC .
The traffic brings more harm to society than the drug itself.
I find it fascinating that the USA [were more efficient when]tried to stop the production of whiskey and came to the same conclusion, mankind will not stop drinking just because the Puritans in power want.
The trafficking of drinks brought more harm than beverage consumption itself, not to mention made in illegal stills quality drink that reached the final consumer was a poison, many died or had sequelae of lead contamination.
Whatever! If despite all the warnings my daughter became an addict would not be logical to extend the suffering of my family for the entire condo, my daughter is not innocent, you know the risks, it makes the bed of nails and all tenants have to pay with the consequences with little feather from my daughter!
Seems to me that we are taking a very special treatment for addicted persons prone to addiction or to the detriment of people who are not subject to drug use.
This should be urgently reconsidered.
If the USA were in their good times would already be leading this new approach, but my American siblings are misguided in many things regarding the drugs could not be otherwise. ['s having a breakthrough in regulating cannabis]
And China? Now China. She practices a wild capitalism, this 300 years behind in terms of free and efficient thought, does not come out of that bush bunny ...
"Smoking marijuana is illegal in China, but as cannabis is a major industry in China (textiles, ropes etc..), The cultivation of Cannabis is legal. So it is technically not illegal to possess marijuana. However, the police do not necessarily follow the law, then they can cause you trouble if you get caught, so be careful. A point in favor is that Chinese police usually do not disturb tourists. " Click Here
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