Monday, September 30, 2013

It is your Mother

"The human slavery reached its culmination in our time in the form of free wage labor."   [Bernard Shaw]
 Slave is a prisoner, captive under absolute subjection to someone, someone's property.
 The Communists to manipulate the masses say the wage is the new slave, and has a very hard worker and really feeling telling slave.
 I think a great exaggeration, a tremendous lack of sense of things.

 If these people had the habit of reading I recommend to comb that life was like a slave, you just do not belong, is another PROPERTY.
 Being a slave is need to work to survive!?
 Now, in the time of the cave man needed to hunt their food, build their tools? This was not a job that allowed him to survive?
 Adam taking it for a while [according to legend] received everything in little mouth all other humanoids had to produce to survive.
 I can not see this Communist society where work and he does not need to be there what would be fair compensation?
 There are good examples in Cuba or North Korea? The USSR was a good example? China is perhaps a good example of income distribution?
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 Capitalism in the law of supply and demand is almost constant.
 With the growing need for engineers this profession this highly valued in Brazil already in crisis in Portugal that this should be left to engineers who are not owned by anyone is free to come to Brazil.

 Tomorrow if you do not want to work your employer can not hang in the pillory or give you 30 lashes, if you are sick or will be discounted this day you DID NOT WORK.

 If you have some capital and a good idea can even be a boss so I can not locate where this slavery if you're free to come and go and if you do not belong to anyone.
 Including wage is every individual who works for wages and salary is not all down.
 An individual who earns 2000 dollars a month can have a better life now that kings of the past, for example can travel from Campinas to São Paulo in 2 hours thing D. Peter would take days.
  Can have real-time news from Japan thing that Princess Elizabeth would take months to learn.
 You can take an antibiotic and heal quickly from an infection that would kill Pharaohs ...
 When you go to work take this silliness slavery of your head, do not be manipulated by the communes, the "socialist".
 Huh? You do not want to have to work? Blimey! And blaming your boss or the company is that?
  Who blames his fellow workers or customers is that?
  Complains to his mother that he gave to the poor standing shaved his father ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Standing in Silence

"Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn."   [Bernard Shaw]
 I read a news where a man forgave the murderer of his daughters because he said "Jesus commanded to forgive all."
 All national praise, admire this man, I am silent, is I despise this man and his ideology.
 He said he "hopes" that the villain [perhaps touched by his love] never do this barbarism and turn to God.
 How to tell this man that Jesus did not forgive everyone?
 Buddhist, Muslim, Shinto, and even many who consider themselves Christians will burn in hell if evangelicals are right even this man who apparently is Catholic, for their idolatry has no salvation.

 I do not have to talk to the marginal, is a slag which is increasingly strong and bold thanks to these "good Christians" ever so sympathetic with them.

 Have you ever thought that girls are no longer children?
 So even the consolation of "the little children come to me" this parent may have.
 Will the girls had already accepted Jesus as their only Savior and were in right religion?

 Because the bad guys will still have time to turn into freedom or in prison and go to heaven while the girls may have received a ticket straight to hell, according to the belief of his father.

  When I see people so solidary with bandits no longer have the strength to say anything, just stand in silence.
 "I can do all who strengthens me."
 When I was a Christian always thought the best things when I heard this phrase to repeat like a mantra.
 I discovered that I can not all who strengthens me, I'm not like Mr. José Benedito not forgive the bad guy, or perpetuates wanted the death penalty, nor have the strength to bury my daughters.
 And you know what? Do not have an ounce of envy him only the eye with a deep silence ...
 Josely Juliana and rest in peace.
 Rotten fruit before it is ripe. Flowers savagely torn from life. One day we even arrived at dusk.
 When good is omit evil always wins, evil won again ...
Teens mourn at the funeral of sisters Wedge (Photo: Paul Toledo Piza/G1)

Friday, September 27, 2013


"The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother whether it is happy or not." [Bernard Shaw]
If happiness does not exist we can say that the unhappiness either.
 If we observe a person with a high degree of depression there will always be something that the cheerful, this joy can not be enough to keep your disposal for life, but for a few minutes will make you forget the sadness.
 Recently an actress threw herself from the balcony of the building, was making a children's play and, according to interviews with competence. So we can not say that suicide before his life was only sadness, I was totally miserable.
 Given all that we know Shaw can come into your mind and understand their provocation, just get the hype.
 A wedding 100% happy I did not know then say your marriage this 80% well, run the day to day do not worry too much about it, but when this off or has no time to wonder what is being betrayed or your partner should be better than it is.
 Realize that rather than take advantage of a situation that 80% you create good reason to be worried, sad?
 Focuses on the 20% who are not his golden dream.
 This relatively well in all his work, nothing too out of the routine, but in his free time to wonder what could be fired at any time or to members of the leadership "conspire" against you.

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Cybele believed he would never be "happy" as it was with the old boyfriend happens that they knew each other a short time, she lived good times "NO" it.
 We can even put this "illusion of happiness" in check since the moments were so good the guy 27 years would not jump out the window ...

 Shaw is telling us that this is a good time to ENJOY, if not well then tomorrow we will see what to do or whether it is better to forget and move on.

 Remembered the chorus of a song: "Do not ask me if tomorrow our love will exist not ask me because I do not know."
  Do not know much about tomorrow, do not know what we feel, what will happen.
  Today this well and we have strong evidence that tomorrow will not be the logic in worrying too much, even expecting the worst?
 Inevitably we will be eaten in many ways, like people who get sick, die, we grow old, we can also get sick anytime, accident, assault, job loss, a love that ends a friendship that goes away ...
 If we keep thinking about all the nasty that can happen to us live with fear.

 The worst of it is that it's an illusion is a reality, this fear is justified, bad things can happen anytime or fatally the future will bring.

 What if Cybele had not thrown off the balcony?
  Probably never forget the love is gone, but there was time to live another love, to see their children grow up, finish the children's play and start another.

 Who is always wondering if it is happy or not will always find that NO!

  Always miss something. The time I was wondering could be relaxing or enjoying the good time without major concerns.
 I know I'm not happy, do not waste my time asking me things I already know.
 Why am I not happy? Why, because they always lack something.
 My wife is well, my daughters are well, my work this well ... I'm not so great because everything around me would be great?
 Shaw just told me that satisfaction in this death.
 It is best to continue unsatisfied until a better idea ...

In photography
We are happy
I see by your side
Do not remember
Seems December
A golden year
Are golden years
Still want you
Bolero, our lyrics are banal
But as I hope

Thursday, September 26, 2013

About Crows

"Democracy is just replacing some corrupt by many incompetent." [Bernard Shaw]
 Some thinkers consider great friends as Socrates and Benjamin Franklin, other
are known / colleagues like Bernard Shaw.
 Say that Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, FHC, Margaret Thatcher, and many others were incompetent is not an observable reality.
 Besides the more in a dictatorship there is incompetence or corruption!?

 Democracy is not possible without free thought and wasted great ideas.

 What is more dangerous and devastating in men as Shaw is that they find themselves owners of the truth, only what they think is the right thing, are gods of wisdom then every idea that is contrary to it should be ignored or destroyed.
 In an empire where Shaw was the big shot I would be arrested or executed.
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 Shaw'm different, I showed that I agree with him on many observations, never kill or arrest Shaw for exposing his ideas is a very provocative thinker.
 I would not allow a Hitler was imposed by force massacring people free, but those who could convince to come under its domain I do not oppose a people should be free up to allow himself to be enslaved.
 Here in Brazil the majority of the population does not care what the politician is corrupt, should be free to make their choices even if I do not agree with them, I can try to convince them all that inefficiency generates corruption, but not take up arms to this.

 Let us leave the "guessing", go to the math does not recognize what is good or bad, only that it is more efficient and less efficient.

 The HDI figures show that democracies are the best places to live. Dictatorships comes second and least efficient is anarchy.
 Forget the name that governments call themselves, remember that East Germany called itself the German Democratic Republic.
 Democracy is made of strong institutions, judiciary, executive, legislature, but independent harmonic, and fourth power is a free press that is nothing more than people's eyes about the labyrinths of power.
 How do I know if I have chosen this guy representing me right if I have no news of her performance? I have to blindly trust!?
 Germany today is a democracy, China is an Oligarchy, Cuba is a dictatorship Somalia is an anarchy.
 In Democracies are where we find more transparency, less corruption and more competence in solutions to improve the lives of the people and in the end is what really matters, QUALITY OF LIFE.
 I read a lot Shaw, but we are not very compatible. Being a thinker who has bullet needle was very exciting, challenging and democratically could not fail to hear it.
 Even amid the mire born beautiful flowers, good ideas.
 I feed also discordant thoughts, they are not a waste to me, are just different thoughts.
 In life what is trash to some is food for crows ...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Take care Well!

"Few people think more than two or three times a year, I won an international reputation to think two or three times a week." [Shaw Bernard]
 Shaw magic formula for success was to think at least 2 or 3 times a week.
 I do not consider a thinker Shaw phenomenal, but it is very "provocative."
 In my mind the great success it has a more noticeable than the luck of Chance or some "interference", which I do not know.
 I know many must be thinking: "In his mind he is not phenomenal, but in my he is sensational."
 So I ask these people to come here and defend his ideas that are seen by them as well, this one is an open space, I'm not like that Shaw had no appreciation for Democracy.
 Mathematically I would say that silence is somehow consents.
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 Today may be the last day of his life, can be a special day where a very good thing will start to happen or can be a normal day without big news.
 I keep "spiritualist", is still the idea that brings more answers, closes equations.
 Therefore I believe that as a success for Shaw, Gates, Paulo Coelho ... is not decided here.
 I mean that one would be president Lula anyway, he confesses that the wear was so much that many times thought about giving up everything, but something impelled him to continue, the pressure was so great that he could not refuse.
It seems to me that some people are born marked with the "sign" [sign] of success. As we can not guess who is marked or not then we have to chase him as far as is reasonable.
 Logic tells us that you must be very careful so that accidents do not occur, so that you have at least another normal day without major news and parallel leave a door open for "success".
 Send resume to that company would like to work, study something you like and can see a good future, is perfect in something that has talent notice at least play the lottery ...

 We always have to leave a gap through which success can happen, but be aware that it depends less on us than we realize.

 We can have a maximum of judgment, common sense, leave a gap and twist [and pray] it happens.
 Do not act like a loser if that success does not happen as desired.
 We do not control how we feel then even if you feel loser DO WHAT HAS TO DO!
 Successes like Shaw are hard to come by, he thinks it was "conquered" by him, I think it was "gifted" to him.
 How can we know we should not force someone to present us. If the One who Controls decided to fame and fortune as did David Shaw, must have his reasons we can not question him.
 GOOD LUCK! That success happen in your life, it is my most sincere wish.
 If it does happen ... anyway CARPE DIEM!
 We can live well even if we do not achieve a great success, CARE UP WELL!

Take care of yourself!
There are dangers everywhere
And it is very delicate living
In one way or another
It is an art, like everything ...

Friday, September 20, 2013


"I asked everyone what makes a poor thing that besides never be neat, still can not behave pretty well, even though she has a good heart." [E-mail]
 We have this theory COMPENSATION deeply rooted in our minds: is ugly in compensation has a good heart.
 I even got stuck to it for a long time, remember that the end of a meditation solitude solid burst into tears, the pain was intense, indescribable.
 For those who watched the movie "Inception" may have an idea what I went through.
 It's as if all that world so "real" that existed around me was crumbling, turning to dust.
 It is exactly in this state that my mind is when a theory of such magnitude as the Compensation loses its meaning, is no longer observable.
 The pain comes from seeing everything you've built with much love and work as being destroyed in a major earthquake followed by a tsunami, not to be afraid of the future, how to rebuild the world?
 But no way, we have to move forward or rot along with the debris.
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 How am muscular people have "pre concept" I'm stupid, muscles can only be compensation for lack of intelligence!
 Okay, I'm not there very smart, but my stupidity is not proportional to the size of my muscles but I would be very stupid and comparing myself to the people around me I'm quite efficient at many things, I mean "mathematically" do not have consider me as little as smart and as you know the math is unforgiving.
 When we see a beautiful woman comes pre concept that is not very intelligent because intelligence in this ugly women as "compensation".
 Look, I've found each tribufu dumb to ca ... ramba!
 I have also met women beautiful and very intelligent.
 When I met my wife of course that body extremely tasty attracted me, but if I did not notice a brain good quality behind the green eyes would be only a few meetings.
 But the provocation of this text is: I'm sure that if I did not think my lovely wife I did not invite him to come out ... the first meeting did not happen.

 You ladies and gentlemen, compensation up there, but is not as comprehensive an immutable law of nature.

 Here in the Abyss of thoughts have not found an equation that could dispense Chance.
 Women have dumb, ugly and do not know how to dress.
 To advise the stupidity she sought his talent, his gift, everyone is "smart" in something, I met a colleague who had 18 years old face was dumb that it hurt, but it was sweet as a genius of painting, I hope you have been smart enough to develop his talent.
 Looking for gym if possible plastic.
 And to play dress advice from people who dress well in the opinion of others since the girl does not taste very keen
 To conclude the text is always good to remember that we do not give a damn for our appearance or opinion of others, clothe what we like and we act as we please, however I advise against such radicalism.
 We must live by the opinion of others, but disregards it completely is not a good deal for those who live in society.
 Life is not only made appearances, but do not be fooled, APPEARANCES ARE PART OF LIFE.