Being afraid of losing a loved one is good, but suffocates her with jealousy is bad. "Nobody may live your life for you. You will not have all options the world, but those that have will have to CHOOSE. "
I can not read Marx for over 20 minutes, I read Marx in dropper, a little at a time. I'm surprised that even today its ideology influences both humanity Michelangelo was an expert in painting and sculpture, "idiot" [mediocre] for everything, mathematically we can say that: SPECIALIZATION OF MICHELANGELO WAS A GIFT TO MANKIND.
Democracy little headway in China, but religion defies uncontrollably state power something that Stalin had already experienced. You ladies and gentlemen, the math is unforgiving, if atheism is a superior thought, more efficient, have had plenty of time to show that came so far only brought us more problems than solutions.
If money is perdition because the pastor asks for money? Should find a way to get along without it just asking for donations products. Reminded of Communists who speak ill of the capital, but like to have enough? Money is an evil communist and religious want to stay away from me. Of course I do not agree with this, so I adopted the dollar sign as my symbol, I think I will sew up my clothes on.
No use looking in Asia "enemies" of Americans. His main obstacles are within their own borders, I highlight two: 1 - The childishness of wanting to be the best at everything. 2 - Spend more than you make in pursuit of that utopia.
Even suicide has a phobia of death, but they see facing your fear, because it happened in their lives an absence of pleasure. Note that it is not the suffering that is opposed to pleasure is the phobia. [FEAR] For suicide phobia of living becomes higher than the phobia of dying.
Terapia da Lógica: Obrigação Social: "O prefeito Fernando Haddad sugeriu que os automóveis passem a financiar os coletivos. Na prática, o valor do litro da gasolina aume...
Quando o Estado intervém remendando a economia, fazendo essa correspondência entre preços, os cálculos de custos que já não são fáceis no Brasil ficam ainda mais complexos, na duvida o Empresário coloca a mais.