Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Terapia da Lógica: Democracia de Verdade !?

Terapia da Lógica: Democracia de Verdade !?: 2 - Em uma democracia de verdade: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ teletransporte   a) As questões fundamentais seriam decididas em p...

Sweet and Pure Spirit

It makes no sense, I'm a William be pure and good created by God and this blows me in a full body of impurities and evil!!!

If the good Lord wants me pure and good and I was so logic has in me "mess" with a biological body?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Diet philosophy

 Dieting is bad, but being too fat is worse. Finding happiness in this struggle against our nature is indeed a very bold proposal and little observable.
 Against gay people for being skinny, but "there that hungry" ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!

"The vices are, the madness of the virtues."

- Sister, I am fasting.
- “Reverend, I want to have a spirituality like yours!”


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just Like

   I came to the conclusion that if you want to do a lecture and please everyone, always talk about love, and always say that people are not loving enough.
   I've said that love moves the world.
   You who are smarter in practice prefer friendship is more tolerant, less demanding.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Psychopaths Are We

  "There are herbs that bad drown the good seed, but the negligence of the farmer." [Confucius]

  Killing is a will that have occurred to anyone, some perform this act, there is no disease that is a matter of taste and ability.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Exchange

   If nothing more than the loved one you care cares less about the FUTURE her and their children, the "civilized" society thanks.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Combat Drugs

"Brazil is the 2nd consumer of cocaine and derivatives, says study." [G1]

Brazil and the U.S. practice a method of healing where the disease is more serious!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Expensive cost

  "The Bible is a unique book, produced in the former East, which shapes the modern West." [Roger]


   Do not overdo it!

   How Western society is organized has more influences of Greco-Roman and Anglo-Saxon that the Bible itself.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Living in Anxiety

 "The fight is anxious for the happiness which gives misery to many people." [Hermogenes]

  I'll accommodating, I relax when the world is running out if I'm sleeping I wake up, I would not miss this time, people should be happy with so much suffering, as expected and desired, like to see people happy even if not understand their logic.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Invented pain

   Always expect the worst is to suffer twice, once on hold and another in the event and if the worst happens not spend hours or days inventing suffering.

   Many creatures are so efficient in inventing sufferings unlearn the pleasure of RELAXATION.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hate is a Lost Time

  "Do not make me do for free the only thing I can do charging." [Cacilda Becker]

  The time spent on pleasure is not lost and hating the world definitely does not give me any pleasure.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Work explored

  "I do not watch a worker explored, a slave or an expropriated as the Communists are fond of saying."

 Capitalism in wages and profits are governed by SUPPLY AND DEMAND in infinite possibilities TRADING

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Work

  I wrote something about this in the case of those miners in Chile, for me the "heroes" were those workers who refused to work in inappropriate conditions and yet remain anonymous and poor ...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Intuition vs. Reason

"When you want something, all the universe conspires for you to accomplish your desire." [Paulo Coelho]

   As we all find ourselves chosen then we propose that high standard of people who are actually chosen and frustrated in finding incapacitated, incompetent when in reality we are powerless.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ability to Love

        A good question is: Who has the most "ability to love"?

    An individual who is only capable of loving a person for life or who can have multiple loves?