“I, for my part, I guess - like all lucky, and like all Buddhas, he [Christ] must have "asked permission" for a long time, so you can go crazy.
To be filled with divine ecstasy and be happy with it.” [Nihil]
Well, I have no memory of life before and my expertise are not chosen because I am clearly not one of them.
Speaking as a creature I would say that this theory we choose our trials not make much sense.
Let's assume that I am stingy and spend my entire existence so. When I desencarno as if by "charm" understand that being hard bread is a great moral failure trials and choose to redeem my dues of previous existence, who knows me become a philanthropist.
If the "charm" only occurs when I'm not in the flesh so that I embody?
If the spell can occur while incarnate then why the "High Spirits" waited my disincarnation to awaken my consciousness leaving me accumulate more debts, harming other souls?
If I am failing to take the exam for a driver's Transit Authority that will determine my next review, I have some choice as to find another driving school, but my choice or will be greatly limited.
So this story that I chose to be poor or have infantile paralysis or even being gay is a theory that needs a lot of faith and faith is something that I have not.
Have a thought is better structured if any spiritual authority to determine under what conditions will be born regardless of my will.
Let's do one more assumption: I was a tyrant in a past life, just my opinion was important, now, if I died with this thinking is that I wake up with him in another world. So an authority determines that I be born without the ability to express my opinions so that "maybe" I realize the importance of freedom of expression.
But let's stop here, from this point we enter a very complex logic that few understand. This business of choosing trials is just one more idea diseased brains to justify the suffering, more a cult of suffering.
Thankfully, our scientists do not pray for these doctrines. I learned today that a woman with AIDS can have healthy children using the right treatment. So the spirit may have chosen to be born with AIDS, but we do not let ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
If I believe in something, I prefer to believe that "High Spirits" would help us in curing diseases and not determining.
Some days I feel so cowardly! Previously only had fear of going to hell, now even the "sky" scares me.
Annihilation has never been so comforting ...
"All propaganda has to be popular and accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those who want to reach." [Hitler]
At the time I was spiritualist, I never really understood that communication blistered the "spiritual mentors"
"It is not the docile companion that requires your immediate understanding more fraternal. Is that still struggle to tame the ferocity of anger within the chest. "[Message YaBB]
"Taming the fierceness of wrath", until everything is well cute, but that is encheção sausage is.
With time also started to annoy me with this preaching to be more understanding with esquentadinhos leaving more docile in the background.
I have written what I think about the parable of the prodigal son pathetic.
I believe that good people should be more united, spend too much time trying to turn the bad into good when they could spend their energy to help those who are already in a good way.
Example: If a minor has committed a crime should be very strict with him, impose much discipline, without this giving more love and understanding. Other smaller realize that the game is hard and will think 10 times before committing a crime.
Let's keep our love and understanding for that teen student, a good son, respectful of others' property, our best attention should be directed to the good, to the docile.
The way this crime pays and be good to be sucker!!!
I have never been friends and Hitler, Marx is also another I've never been with nuzzles him, but in the world of thoughts could not find someone who is 100% wrong because there is someone who is 100% sure.
I've been criticized for writing so bereft without hard words or empolação:
"- Who says you have read so many classics your writing borders on ridiculous." [Comment from a reader]
Well, I've gotten used to write well, think it's not too late to change, but I DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE.
I like to write in a simple way so that anyone can UNDERSTAND the idea even if you do not agree with it. I noticed that many people do not read the "classics" for not understanding anything that is written and not despise philosophy.
Occasionally meeting acquaintances who tell me, "I only know that I know nothing."
It's nice to see that they know who said it and know all the philosophical depth of the sentence.
“I like living. Sometimes I feel really, desperately, madly miserable, racked with sorrow, but even with all this I understand that being alive is a grand thing.” [Agatha Christie]
Not yet developed this taste for life, maybe because I miss working on that I like, something that her friend Christie visibly succeeded and had a resounding success.
But I have my family, friends, health, abundance ... then life is pretty nice to me today. A friend Christie gives this testimony of this "existential vacuum" that is within each of us, me taking any illusion that something might one day get rid of any torment or distress. Neither money, nor love, nor religion, nor logic, nor professional success ... is the Abyss within us.
Again we are faced with the idiocy of war or the cult of suffering, we can not eliminate the "dark side" or that we want, reminded of Yin / Yang, the "harmony of opposites" said our friend as well Pythagoras.
When I'm wildly miserable, racked with sorrow, write more text, sleep a bit, read as much as something delicious, I'm filling up of small pleasures that affliction pass.
Most of us want to empty before the magical solutions, or the next attack physically or with words, want to forget the emptiness with drugs or any other addiction.
When the effect of attitude transloucada passes the emptiness is there, bigger and stronger, offended more, drink more, get lost ... more
Nobody better than me or my dead friends to understand how hard it is to be human, we are not gods, we are not prophets, we are only human.
Brother to brother I say that maybe it's time to look ahead to the Abyss. Understand that the existential void born with and you will bury you, so with Niet, Hitler, Socrates, Einstein.
No matter how many puzzles to decipher, will inexorably devoured. And what comes next? Now, it can be anything, including nothing.
Decipher puzzles is good because it helps us to escape from the cult of suffering, not being overwhelmed by madness, fanaticism.
Where the void is perceived, try not to surrender to "the dark side", fueling the more negative things. The empty while we humans will always exist. The emptiness just can not get bigger than LIFE, when this happens it's time of death to happen, do not die before life ends ... for that rush, how to make sure that there is a light at the end of the tunnel? What assures us that light is not a train coming at us ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Live while you can!
"It's harder to shake the faith than knowledge, love is less subject to change than respect, hate is more enduring than aversion, and faith is absolutely determined to believe that two wrongs justify a hit, and she will not let facts or reason blocking his way. "
"Christianity is an invention of sick brains." [Hitler]
Christianity in its message of aid to others, tolerance, justice is as beautiful as any other doctrine which preaches the same thing, but considering some of its foundations is really an invention of sick brains too.
Who ever heard of a father killing the innocent son to pay off a "debt" of sinful humans, due to this divide Father himself!!!!
Now if someone owes me $ 2,000 I charge the actual debt or forgive the person, work to make my daughter pay a debt that is not her thing is crazy, the diseased brain, as well as Hitler realized.
If other doctrines also has message assistance to others, tolerance and justice and there with the permission of God, for Christ or Christianity would be the only way??
LOGIC has not, does not make sense.
"And faith is absolutely determined to believe that two wrongs justify a hit, and she will not let facts or reason to block his path."
Once the contaminated brain is unlikely to be healthy again, what reason can do is to value the hits in practice everyday and just let the absurdities in theory there inside the temples ...
If Jesus was resurrected on the third day and we had no news of his death then this mathematically alive, a rational Christian believes that Jesus lives for us, the diseased brains believe that he died for us and his blood sacrifice was the high point of God's love .
And you? Worships rationally or is just another SICK BRAIN as many of our Muslim brothers or countless other religions?
Is not it interesting that for "heaven" there is only one way [Christianity], but to "hell" there are many? [Other religions allowed by the Father]
"Decipher me or I'll devour!"
“In the eternal war mankind becomes great - in eternal peace, humanity will be ruined.” [Adolf Hitler]
I do not know what kind of interference occurred for Greece failed to produce such brilliant minds, but no doubt that at one time was a place very especial.Eles also realized that many men [spirits?] Has this need for achievement, need a challenge them to give meaning to life. And before this observation developed one of the greatest inventions of all time, the SPORT.
Undoubtedly one of the greatest Greek legacy to humanity were the Olympics.
The soldiers remained trained, astonished the tedium of sameness, unloaded their testosterone in sporting challenges and stayed with the mind free to philosophy.
Hitler also wanted to use the Olympics to prove the superiority of "Aryan", but the math of things is relentless and showed that this was an illusion of superiority Hitler and the German people.
A scientist seeking a cure for a disease, in a sense, in this war against a virus, this face a great challenge.
A businessman who works hard to keep your business well positioned in this market face a big challenge.
A woman who is trying to win his great love is facing a big challenge.
A child who is learning to walk this face a great challenge.
The father who bears the routine work to bring good quality of life for your family with this great challenge.
Anyway ladies and gentlemen, the war is a challenge which we need not barbaric.
Practice some sport, ballroom dance, cheer for a team, there are numerous ways to occupy ourselves with challenges without killing people or destroying other peoples.
Think about it, would we be better invading Paraguay, annexing this territory in a terrible bloodbath?
Would not it be better than Brazilians and Paraguayans vote for good government and live in peace and plenty, leaving testosterone to dispute the Libertadores or the World Cup, to dispute Mis Universe valley.
Spain won the 'war' Cup, there was a great challenge, everyone had fun [more ... hahahahahahaha Spaniards], no blood, no wildness, no people ruined.
We've wasted too much time with wars, unfortunately we still have to maintain armed to the teeth, as many still think like Hitler.
Still can not do what is right, just give up the war and seek peace and harmony.
If we can not do yet, at least not lose sight of what is right.
[Believe it, life will be even cooler, needs neither faith, is the purest LOGIC is the math of things ...]
"The biggest revolutionary change in the world would be unthinkable if their motive force, instead of fanatical, yes, hysterical passion, had been merely the ordinary virtues of law and order." [Hitler]
Hitler and other thinkers argue this thesis that war is more efficient for technological progress that peace. Another kind of cult where the suffering can only be "a better person" if we suffer enough, go through many trials.
If the thesis of Hitler was "mathematically" right across the Netherlands with its law and order would be a disaster as a nation and Somalia with all its anarchy would be a great power.
When a stone humanoid edged believe they were hunting for more power in thinking that in war, this flint proved efficient to fend off enemies, but this was not the main purpose or initial.
The man had the desire to fly the balloon and airplane were seeking to accomplish this desire eventually were also efficient for use in war.
There we discovered the atom War. Around 450 BC Democritus theorized about it already. Dalton theorized in 1803 the first models ie not owe the existence of nuclear plants to violent event of war.
Are not convinced yet?
I'll have to once again appeal to my daughters, there I go again ... exploit children HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
By the theory of Hitler the best way to educate my daughters would be with a lot of discipline, many trials, physical violence and minimal or no demonstration of affection or love.
My youngest daughter is 7 years old, reads well, has a letter much prettier than mine, well mastered his cell complex, already have a good sense of civility by not throwing trash on the street and not mistreating animals besides respecting what belongs others. No, she is not unlike many other girlfriends at the same age and in the same school.
And you know what, taking a husky or another, in 99% of the time was treated with care and love.
Long time Germany is in peace, its scientists are still working and registering patents in partnerships with other nations. Their children study in good schools, their young are not devoured by war and the adults have a great life expectancy... sucks it's grape Hitler ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
On this beautiful Saturday in the city of Campinas wish everyone much PEACE AND LOVE!
Technology definitely does not need war!
"The ambition is universal men live reaping what ever planted." [Adam Smith]
The 1988 Constitution allowed any woman over 60 or a man over 65 has the "right" to receive government pension even if they have never contributed to the pension plan.
These days I wrote a text touching this subject and people scolded me saying that Brazilians are many others who have already paid taxes.
However, other taxes paid, but did not contribute to the pension plan. I also pay all other taxes as an employee and am required to contribute to the pension plan.
Please, I'm not crying out against these people, they receive a minimum wage, are mostly elderly people who have worked in the field or in informal services. It is better to see the tax money in hand these people that corrupt politicians and businessman.
Only one thing is one thing and one thing is something else. With increasing life expectancy these people like it or do not represent a large hole in the public accounts. They could at least prove thanked, but they speak as if it were an obligation of this generation [my] pay them this benefit.
Likewise I see people putting children into the world as if they are doing a great favor for humanity, someone has to tell these people that we are almost 7 billion now, if there's one thing this world needs is not more humans.
If each couple has two sons for the population to grow and stop being all rats consuming the planet's resources.
Sex're released, you can have sex at will, satisfying her desire to be a parent and a child or two to bring the world into good condition. As you can see, no suffering, very pleased, happy and well-treated children, ecosystem under control ...
If we want to reap good things is good start planting good things.
"The public education should be the first objective of the government."
"The ability worth little without opportunity." [Napoleon]
Until I have a good head for writing, but I thought if I had not had the opportunity to be literate?
In a sense I would not have been early in the company of my friends killed and lose much time reinventing the wheel. I mean not knowing what my friend Socrates had thought I would lose my time pondering what had already been thoroughly reflected.
See what Napoleon said things in 1800 that our people and rulers in 2012 yet not fully realized.
But Napoleon was not original, these thoughts about education and opportunity comes from Ancient Greece.
The mass is mediocre, but has TALENT and these can be improved with EDUCATION. I mean that Mason weak ideas, full of prejudices and with a very short life, well educated will not become a better person, a genius, but society can gain a great engineer and a civilized citizen.
The filet mignon of education is to discover its best brains in the nation, the ones that really make a difference, set new standards of excellence.
A very small portion of our people have access to good education from childhood, wasted talents and geniuses, remember that intelligence does not choose crib and "strangely" is not defined by genetics.
A couple fool can generate a genius and a couple of geniuses can generate an asshole being the genius that is rare and the education our best method to mine this rare jewel.
In the second war there was an allied effort to bring together the best scientists, without worrying about nationality, color or creed. Mathematically we won the race for the atomic bomb, who won the war was a "higher intelligence."
Ladies and gentlemen, our talents and our geniuses can turn us into a great and powerful nation with excellent quality of life, but we lack EDUCATION.
Napoleon was more a brilliant mind swallowed up in madness, the abyss is hard to keep sane long, but Abyss Abyss is always full of surprises, but even here the very madness of pans REASON.
Archive: 08/08/2010
Contrary to what many think the Roman empire was not defeated by an invading army, he was defeated by his greatness, was TOO BIG difficult to manage.
Was so great that around 280 was divided into East and West.
Yes gentlemen, many generations after Christ it was still going strong.
Constantine before a battle which his army was outnumbered had a vision of a cross and heard a voice saying to him:
My Pace est cum Vos. . . In Hoc Signo Vinces, "My peace is with you ... with this sign conquer." And indeed, so gave up.
Days later, on October 28, 312, a little before having to cross the Milvian Bridge on the Tiber River, waging another battle to be able to reach the center of Rome, heard a voice again. This time she ordered him to remove the imperial eagle of the Roman shields, putting another symbol in place. Constantine immediately provided the amendment by posting them in the letters "chi" ("c" in Greek, which had the form of a cross) and "rho" ("p" in Greek), who came to the Greek initials of Christ soon surmounted by the crown of thorns. The enemies were crushed in estreituras bridge.
It's my friends, Jesus forgot leseira the first century church to play rough again, the rest of the story everyone knows, unless Protestants who built his world of dreams and fantasies somewhere in the remote past, but He also knew that in Controls in time to take advantage of this feature of Protestantism who opted for when the Catholic Church was TOO BIG to be administered, but this is another story ...
Occasionally I meet people very proud of their wealth. I understand this pride when wealth came from hard work, much effort or even when it was a fluke well spent.
I get confused when the person was born with a silver spoon and think over all poor for the simple fact of being rich. But the wealth has not been conquered by her, she was simply born into a wealthy family. You can not even say it took a stroke of luck in life, for she is the daughter of someone important and nothing will change this fact.
No! I'm not saying who was born rich should feel bad for it, has more advantage is that the winds should not worship the suffering.
Just do not see why this person feel "superior" in relation to one slum. She should be put in place that you were born with difficulties and fraternally provide you the help possible.
I do not feel a superior being compared to someone who was born blind and also I will not feel bad for having good vision. Of course I like to see well just do not see how to fit the word pride in it, I can thank a maximum God or the proper sequence of events in nature.
Putting me in my place irmãzinho blind would make everyone enxergassem, this is not possible I can assist you whenever possible, I do not see where the piercing would help myself and also going blind, the blind leading the blind has much logic.
Make no mistake, I notice that William has people who are above the others, just do not think that this superiority is revealed in financial conditions that a person was born.
I believe in our trenches of greater poverty, higher brains are being wasted for lack of opportunity. While idiots come to power by having well-born.
Before finishing this text once again ask you not to think linearly, "poor is always good and bad always rich." Think in 3D, intelligence does not look good for cradle born, remember that idolized as Christ was born in a manger?
Christ was a choice, regardless of our charity would do exactly everything he did and achieve all the success they achieved.
I write for the creatures, those for which your charity can make all the difference in the world between a fruit with a chance to mature or that will soon rot.
Live long and prosper you that water to the thirsty and food to the hungry I bless you with all my heart.
Help our brothers in need should not be proud, but natural in us. Not with an air of superiority, but a realization fellowship, we are all human this is a fact that we can not change ...
"Religion is an excellent weapon to keep the people quiet."
"Death is a dreamless sleep and maybe without awakening." [Napoleon]
Often I see thinkers want to summarize the life of a great character story in one sentence and preferably a phrase that justifies its ideology.
So atheists like phrases that suggest Einstein's atheism and religious phrases like Einstein suggest that spiritualism.
I notice that Einstein had a long life and I realized just like "interference". For some time believed that the perception of such interference was the result of some "conditioning ancestor" and that does not stand up to an observation logic, this should have been his atheist phase.
Nor can we say that Napoleon was an atheist for life, but many of his acts were committed when he was atheist FACT. He used religion as a powerful weapon that kept the people quiet and not to believe in an afterlife wanted the world at his feet here and now.
Of course Napoleon had a brilliant mind like Einstein and not maintained atheist for life. How any of us ever had many doubts and died with them.
Napoleon once spoke about a puzzle that accompanied it. He understood someone dying for a leader who was living there before the troop, but Christ had died for so long, because people still die for him?
"Decipher me or I'll devour!"
"Pride is a feeling of satisfaction with the capacity or conduct or a high sense of personal dignity. In Portuguese the word Pride can be viewed as both a positive and negative depending on the circumstances. Thus, the term "may" be used wrongly as a synonym of both pride and arrogance as to show dignity and pride. " [Wikipedia]
What kind of pride we have our father was gay?
This word "Pride" and the concept that make her one of the things that make me more disoriented in the maze of letters.
I like the definition: Satisfaction by ability or achievement; self esteem.
Ex: I am proud to have settled my apartment, it took a lot of discipline and determination was undoubtedly a great CONDUCT, financially speaking, was my greatest achievement.
I am proud to have given a home to my daughters, if he had not able to make a roof for my family or children would not find me WORTHY of being a father.
If my father were gay do not know where I can fit a realization that it depended on me. Having my self esteem because of this also does not close the equation.
My dad can be a great artist and as an achievement was not my no reason for a personal pride, but having a famous father and rich course would improve my self esteem.
My daughter is 10 years less new, let's assume that it will become a great doctor, let's assume that she pays all her studies, I can have the pride of self esteem will be very good to have a doctor in the family, if I did not contribute I can not have anything with the pride of accomplishment, it would be illogical.
If my daughter is a lesbian doctor, because even I have to be proud of their portion lesbian? It was an accomplishment or my vai improve my self esteem?
Give me reason, take me ARGUMENTS.
[Ponder pride is very complex, and if you give time back to the topic is interesting]
"Between a government that makes people evil and that consent, there is some shameful complicity." [Victor Hugo]
For a multitude of individual thinkers is virtually free of any liability. Almost everything is an "ancestral heritage" of which the citizen is a victim.
They like to justify any current event condemnable as the result of some oppression of the past, so that people of Maranhão electing corrupt politicians is free of any guilt, because they vote so because "ancestral legacies". Funny that like mobiles, motorcycles, cars, things that in theory should be discarded before the donkey and cart.
Even voters in many regions blackmails a politician: "- If you get me 2 bags of cement all my family vote for you."
Remembered now a thing of the past when a work that came to Pernambuco did not like the election season here in SP, she said that in Pernambuco could be so much here and only saint and a rally or another.
I told her we could other things, roads, schools, health centers, police on the street. Shirts and caps prefer to buy in stores.
I know some will now say that the girl was "conditioned" to it, but I noticed that she chose this. Very pretty with a councilman was involved and knew very well take advantage of it, came up with a bike "paid" very easily compared to the salary he earned in the company.
Then the voter corrupt politician that does not know their shenanigans? Sure you do and even wonder, because if in power would do the same.
After not understand why politicians are not in Brasilia, sometimes in Brasilia should do its job to fight for the common good of all the people, but know that our people are selfish, others that if they see what is important is the individual get an advantage shown. If a politician wants to stay in Brasilia with all the perks have to buy the vote of BASE with a job, medical help, some bricks to the wall.
Before the elections arguing with a lawyer who wanted to convince me to vote for the group that he supported realized he was fully aware of the ideological and administrative inefficiency of their group at the end of the conversation he told me:
"- William I know you're right, but it is this group that has brought me good customers, they need to remain in power."
I thought to myself, and the common good be damned, sad tropics ...
"But I ask that within his reign I have a long life, if vai close my heart do not close my mind."
A good order.
The ideal is to balance reason and emotion, but if I had to give up the ability to love or think, undoubtedly would like to stay with the quality of thinking.
One of the reasons I stopped attending religions is precisely this proposed abdicate think loving God without question.
Thinking I might admire and love a God, but it would not be love without thinking it would be a PREDETERMINATION.
Example: I create chickens to be slaughtered and sold, given that this is so. I can not say that chickens die for love of me.
Get it?
One thing is Brazil engage in a war, I think that Brazil is right and fight for my country if only to death.
Another thing is the general talk that I simply have to go and fight it if I do not kill me ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Emotion and reason can and must go together, but if we decide that we creatures seem to me that the reason brings better results.
"My dad is gay and he is really cool. His father is not gay. Sad your case." [Ricky Martin]
Martin said this in an interview with Veja carefully and call heterophobic who may be indicted as homophobic ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
According to Martin, a gay father is the best thing that can happen in the life of a child.
I find it so sad to see abandoned children in daycare that if I had any power transform nurseries in places of excellence. Who worked there should go through rigorous testing to verify that the person loves children enough to give much love to the orphans.
I worry so much about the kids and watch the tragic situation that our daycare until I favor the adoption of children by gays, all so they can live with dignity and surrounded by love. But I confess it's like in the case of abortion, it is an idea that I dislike, it's just a lesser evil.
In the case of Martin he adopted children, had "manufactured" them with your money.
Do not want to go through this loophole to judge his attitude, he can have money and did. A liberal like me has no arguments to condemn it. It is a pleasure and I'm sure your children will be well treated.
What annoys me a bit is this air of "superiority gay" he is keen to pass, as if being gay was the pinnacle of human evolution.
I believe that if my daughters had to choose between millions of Martin and I turn gay they preferred me to stay straight.
Martin can close your world pink, but your kids will hardly find a different reality here twenty years ago when they are adults.
I think it will always be cajoled by millions of his father, but the sincere friends will say:
"Your dad is cool, it would be better if it were straight."
Mother is not a disposable woman.
"Some people go through the forest and only see wood for the fire." [Tolstoy]
Archive: 04/07/2010
Did you know that 60% of the total area of Japan is forested?
With 127 million people and a third of the world economy was expected devastation unprecedented.
I know people think linearly and can only go from one extreme to another.
Amazon depleted or left untouched?
Neither one nor the other, as I said, we know enough not to leave that area without the presence of the state, a lawless land.
In Rio de Janeiro where forests had been built shacks and we can say that in many places the river is a much more lawless land that Amazon, with trafficking and corruption, nor the right to come and go is respected, where neither the police enter without tight security.
As you can see, there are no magic formulas. The absence of the rule can occur both in the city and in the field and also in forests.
We use intelligence, common sense, or not.
We need to inform us about the Amazon, we vote for people who have good projects to Amazon.
Those who wish devastates it or leave it untouched radicals that are already ready to be excluded from the list of rulers.
INCRA and FUNAI are organs that have a history of unbelievable incompetence and corruption, are now almost a parallel of "NGO" with his cronies MST PT.
Elections are there to question her about what candidates propose to INCRA and FUNAI.
If you do some sort of compliment to these institutions risque ... the list of rulers.
We must urgently reformulates them, bring them to the reality of 2010.
Note: I will delete this text, but I want to expose him one last time, my congratulations to the Japanese brothers and my condolences for the death of the reason the Brazilian people. Amazon still much wealth will be burned as firewood or "sanctified" delivered to the Indians, but in the end we all know that will only burn firewood which enrich the few good catch of time.
"In my search for answers to the question of life, I felt just like a man lost in a forest."
"Some people go through the forest and only see wood for the fire." [Tolstoy]
These two thoughts of Tolstoy can lead us to many loopholes, I'll get a chance and see where it takes us.
Listening to certain thinkers comes the image of hell as being a huge boiler that keeps running the resort that is heaven.
Lucifer because God does not eliminate the need for boiler operation. So everything is doom, until we sin in thought.
It is no wonder that those who are "saved" [with acquired right to live in the resort] to look at the forest and only see the wood for the bonfire eternal.
A shorts, lipstick, dance, drink, carnival, is a movie ... all the way to perdition.
I already know the electricity so if I were God I can not imagine sending someone to the boiler by trivial things. In serious cases like murders I would rather propose a "fresh start" a refresher.
With all the complexity of life is clear that a fire or other is almost inevitable, but it is always brief never eternal.
Walking through the woods like to admire the different shades of green, and the flowers, ah! the colors, that yes these are worthy of a God. And the perfumes? A good God invading all our senses. You can hear the poet sang:
"I stand with the purity of the response of the children, is life, is beautiful and it is beautiful."
"A successful marriage requires a man to be deaf and blind woman." [Socrates]
Women talk too much, it is difficult for a man who does not annoy them with this feature.
For women to be together is to be talking to the man being together ... just being together even in silence.
These men that hinder their partners stay with other women do not realize the size of the mess they are causing in their lives.
The woman needs to talk and the only rival its height is another woman.
My friend Socrates thought that being deaf enough, but the woman wants answers either "discuss the relationship," the woman not only wants to talk, wants you to talk to her ... ô hell HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Therefore encourage your partner to have many friends, let alone talking to her friend is better, you will already get her tired then yes you can get the same level of ability to talk.
Yeah, I know this is a dirty trick, but now they say we do not pay even better clothe the shoe.
What? You prefer to keep women away from those gossipy girlfriends, fine.
For every man there is always a boring nice guy around, at least cool with the other woman with whom he's always plenty to talk about, but this part of his friend Socrates already rather that women were blind to the infidelity of husbands ... Socrates this! What a figure!
Neither saint nor prophet, but MAN!
"The universe is a harmony of opposites." [Pythagoras]
Pythagoras was born 570 years before Christ. Obviously at that time we owned a lot less knowledge than we have today so I am much less strict with my friends these long dead and more accurate with the "Enlightenment" here. If Marx had given his ideas in 300 BC I would find him a genius, but as delivered in 1800 AD I consider a lousy observer of humanity and their movements.
The word Mathematics (Mathematike in Greek) came up with Pythagoras, who was the first to conceive of it as a system of thought, fulcrado in deductive proofs.
1-Life is like a concert hall: one enters, one sees and goes up.
2-A full and complete wisdom belongs to the gods, but men can desire it or love it becoming philosophers.
3-Cheer up for having to endure the injustices, the real misery is to commit them. [Wikipedia]
Speak the truth, who lived so long ago we clearly we are facing a thinker formidável. We never know for sure what is legend or fact occurred, but possibly he traveled the east and as I realized the connotation greater yin / yang the which he described as "harmony of opposites."
At the time that Pythagoras lived could declare themselves atheist without suffering bad consequences could even establish a school of this thought, as an example. At the time I live I can declare myself an atheist and to be admired for this, but Pythagoras was a spiritualist and I'm spiritual.
The mathematics of Pythagoras could not get spirits of the equation. The math has evolved a lot and still can not get spirits of the equation.
Socrates was born some 100 years after Pythagoras, speaking against religion was not so easy, but Socrates was ready to die then what would stop him from declaring himself an atheist if this reality that had OBSERVED?
On this beautiful Sunday my tribute to these two great free thinkers, they perceived the INTERFERENCE, I also realize ace.
Niet and Marx are celebrated "modern thinkers", sympathize with many ideas Niet not stand mediocrity of Marx.
I always felt very old then let me align myself with the old folks, the new is not always better and more efficient, so that inventions that did not work, the order of God and the spirits are inventions that did not work or do not correspond to an observable reality.
Pythagoras and Socrates, thinkers spectacular, you never know who I am nonetheless delighted to know them ...
"The aim of this text is not talking about love, not about pleasure, but to what extent we feel FEAR."
Before proceeding Recall the concept of Yin / Yang, flee the common place of good / evil, concentrate on "potential difference" that causes MOVEMENT.
Being afraid of sex is bad, but be afraid of sexual intercourse without condom is good.
Fearful of losing a loved one is good, but suffocates her with jealousy is bad.
Being afraid of the responsibility that is a good child, this responsibility is not bad.
We must seek a balance. Avoid getting the pleasure of stay paralyzed by fear is bad, but to surrender to pleasure also is catastrophic.
To live well is to succeed in this balance between fear / pleasure.
Exemplify: Do you like Bingo, but fears losing all your money, why, aside part of their income for this pleasure, the time spent on pleasure is not lost.
Set aside 10% of their salary not to play, but for your PLEASURE, if your pleasure is the game then PLAY!
If you can not impose limit for this game then being engulfed by addiction, STOP PLAYING!
If you are a "chosen" do not follow your instincts and everything will be fine, but if you do not let that creature's instinct to command your life, be very careful with the paralysis of fear or the "temptation" of pleasure, yes, the goal is NOT SUFFER.
Now, if you worship the suffering forget this nonsense, forget balance, forget logic, forget reason, suffer and be happy, just do not forget one thing:
"No one can live your life for you. You will not have all the options in the world, but that will have to CHOOSE. "
"The concept of atheist is questionable. Everyone believes in something, although this is not something called a god of a particular religion. " [E-mail]
I do not see the definition of atheist as something as questionable as well. Atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of God, argues that we are just biological machines arose by chance. As I have said many times, in any meditation could eliminate the existence of Chance.
Religious people do not accept the existence of chance, everything has been designed by a creator then use sophistry to say that even atheists believe in "something". Atheists believe in many things, but not by God or spirits that are ATHEISTS. If you believe in God or spirits would Theists.
Sophistry = Specious argument that is intended to deceive or to silence an opponent; deception.
Soon, questioning the concept of atheist because he "believes" in biology, chemistry or physics or even subjective things like "willpower" or perseverance can only be considered a sophism.
"Even young atheists are more difficult to educate since communication to use with them is different from what most people can use."
I do not quite understand why "education" has to be this walk on eggshells.
Then a spiritualist has to fill care to speak to a young atheist or what happens? He turns gay ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
I speak here of the relationship with my daughters not to be talking about alienating subjectivities, I believe what I believe then PRACTICE.
Again we need the theory of "different types of spirits." My daughters enjoy swimming and I'm sure they would love that I tease in the pool with them, which has only a detail, I do not like swimming.
Never stepped on eggshells to talk most things with my daughters. They are people who enjoy swimming and I accept them so they know that I do not like swimming, and I accept that.
If I stay with FEAR talking to my daughters about my feeling, that would require me to go into the pool and would be needless suffering. It could also invent an excuse at all times and be a liar.
If my daughter if I declare myself an atheist spiritualist to declare it ... simple.
Before my daughter want to be myself in front of me, I want my daughter to be herself, the necessary "masks" to let the outside world.
I know that sincerity should not be exposed to fire and sword nor between me and my daughter, a full sincerity prevents a good social life, but we have not exaggerated in too be honest, we're always walking on eggshells to speak to the next.
I apply the sincerity in my life the best I can, you know? People end up getting used and when they want me looking for an honest opinion.
One of these days my dear brother asked me to review a film which he liked very much, I did not like the movie and went straight and honest in my analysis. My brother was not upset with me, he wanted a serious and analyze what had been, he knows I'm SINCERE, already accepted me as well.
What has hurt my brother was a falsehood, hypocrisy, as has happened to most of us.
Do not base the education of my daughters walk on eggshells, but in sincerity, in logical argumentation.
When you reach a certain level of friendship with a person already warn:
"Be careful what you ask vai because I not take heed to what I will answer, I'll just be honest and logical."
"The best cure for love is still that medicine eternal: love reciprocated." [Niet]
I accept Niet, I see people who want the jackpot and get the jackpot when "queasy" award enjoaram say that is because it was not true??
I do not understand this logic that what is true should last forever.
I think the best way to forget a great love is experiencing it ad nauseam, now if you could not even win his great love then leave for plan B to find another, but plan B is rarely more efficient than the the plan, always longing that love is not what happened.
I know that thinkers put "love" in an idealized and unattainable level, I prefer to treat it like any other feeling in framing the "mathematics of things"
I've met several women who had folly for a man, lived intensely that relationship, but that there was a wear and pull over in a way that sometimes turns into repulsion.
Because love should just say it did not happen? Now if we lasted 2 years logically say that the woman's love for this man lasted 2 years, why not?
Speaking with men I wonder what is better: to have desired that woman in our bed until the end or sexual desire never spend a kiss?
So if you loved someone and had his love reciprocated won the main prize. If you will stay with him until death that is pretty cool. If only lasted 2 years, it was still good to have lived, time spent with pleasure is not lost.
If you have repented of love because love is over, or if you're afraid to love afraid that love does not last forever, understand that pleasure is the force counteracts fear and not suffering.
Nothing lasts forever, nor love, nor diamonds.
The aim of this text is not talking about love, not about pleasure, but to what extent we feel FEAR.
To be continued ...
“But atheists are among the best people I know.
It has noble spirit, ideals and untouched, which will never lose its purity.” [Nihil]
The big disadvantage of thinking linearly in the Abyss is that we have little vision of the whole. It's like being on a straight road with a large truck in front of us and even as we drive cars in front of us we could not see much beyond. Thinking in 3D is float the various planes of thought, have a holistic view of things, riding a helicopter observing the bottleneck or where the traffic flows better.
You're behind the truck, "sees only the atheist who wants to see or not see," let's float? Come with me!
The extent to which a thief who steals says Catholic and a Catholic church can indeed be considered a Catholic?
He might want to be, can be said to be, may seem to be a Catholic, but his ACTION stealing the church demolishes any pretense of his being Catholic FACT.
My friend would say Shakespeare "to be or not to be", but in this case it is mathematically easy to say that the citizen is not Catholic.
While it is unfortunate, until we can say that a guy who blows himself up in the name of Allah is a religious, but a guy who commits larceny say religious is pushing it too. What religion tells murder and rob their advantage?
The killer Suzane may even turn out to be religious, can say religious, may seem religious, but religion can say that she followed? But the math tells us that in fact Suzane was an atheist.
A pastor who thinks only about money, it can be an atheist who saw in religion a chance of a big deal, but let's stop here, the Abyss is an extremely dangerous place, if all you know are atheists academics or elite thinking [as they like to believe] ... good for you.
My friend Socrates already warned me about the difficulty of bringing people into the light when they became accustomed to the darkness of the cave. Exit the cave is a very personal decision, you see only the atheist who wants to see as for me ... the math is unforgiving of things since I left the cave for so long that I really obvious.
Atheists of FACT are not among the best people I know, sorry!
"Even you thinking linearly and know a little of my friend Darwin would have to say that religious thought was an EVOLUTION."
A fellow atheist was so angry with this my insinuation that although he has not said directly, that gave way to read your mind how much I thought he was a jerk.
"- This is why you will not work in life, says things that have nothing to do ..."
Seeing his degree of mental despair until I could retreat, but it was somewhat annoying with their superiority atheist and caught me on a bad day then I threw him the following riddle:
Okay, I'll accept your hypothesis that spiritualists are lower then I must admit that the success of the religious should be credited the help of spirits, gods.
Soon, Greeks and Romans were inferior beings, but they were greatly helped by spirits or once again an amazing coincidence always leaves in the religious position of advantage?
"- I'll think about it then give you an answer."
Hopefully today, I will send you an e-mail?
If you are still in doubt, know that it is perfectly normal here in the Abyss there is no certainty only "truth of the moment."
If you have faith pray. The math shows that we are more evolved and efficient.
I do not pray because I do not have faith, so I did not bring RESULTS good, but I'm not the measure of all things, by the way, I am clearly an exception to the rule.
I am hated by atheists and religious, everybody hates William... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [We get used to it]
I have the love of my brothers, mother, wife and daughters, an hour has been more than enough, not everyone hates William, THANK GOD!
"In manufacturing and craftsmanship, the worker uses the tool; factory, he is a servant of the machine." [Marx]
For Marx the legwork peasant or artisan is liberating and enslaving labor with machines.
How could it be, I'm a freak for Marx, I like machines. I worked for a long time in a factory wearing glasses and was part of the regular work the machines so despised by Marx.
In which I wore put more names, remembered now call Cristine a machine to put hinges, over time we inevitably "intimate" and called Cris. I had one of those problems like "everybody hates William," the foreman looked at me askew free until one day I came to question what was that thing of "Cris move on"?
By an unfortunate coincidence the bride called the guy and he called Cristina Cris ...
Explained the accident, I asked a thousand excuses and we became great friends, but I lost the habit of naming the machines.
I like the machines because they save us much legwork and everyone knows that I am not come to work any more redneck ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
I know Marx never caught on was so heavy that I bum or more. I at least regulated machines, Marx nor this.
At work and at home much of the time step in front of the computer, but would not trade this 'slavery' freedom to plant coffee or pick cotton.
I never had skill with crafts. Even though the theories of Marx never worked out or I'd be screwed in hard work. Working without good machines I feel really tired ...
"Whereas humanoids on earth there are 1 million years and Cro-Magnon appeared 90,000 years ago can say that most of the time remain atheists."
In some meditations mathematics shocked by his exposition simple, objective, but which reaches a depth that shakes foundations already standardized on the minds of other thinkers.
I was ecstatic and believed it would be easy to spend other people my conclusions, but as you know, my thoughts never brought anything good [interference?], However is my pleasure and time spent with pleasure is not lost.
Although everyone has the ability to think in "3D", most of the time they spend thinking linearly, here in the Abyss is a very poor method of thinking, the individual is easily reached by madness or fanaticism engulfed by standards outside an observable reality , thought lost greatly in quality.
Meditate on the paragraph was highlighted, realizes that only 9% of our existence here on Earth in "behave" as religious and that these 9% to 90,000 years happened here and not in our beginning. Our technological advancement while religious was [is] unprecedented, as if suddenly we had eaten some fruit ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Even you thinking linearly and know a little of my friend Darwin would have to say that religious thought was a TREND.
Going a step further to 3D can agree with our friend Nihil mathematically that atheism is an archaic thinking.
The "moment of truth" is that religious thought, the perception of "invisible" at the top of this pyramid and not based on how many, many thinkers preach.
But let's stop here, the Abyss is dangerous for anyone who still thinks linearly I am not responsible for lost souls ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Not totally misguided atheists, like blind dog days of CHANGE [not so much the place but the "default"].
Given what the math shows us what would be his "moment of truth", the thinking atheist is superior to the spiritualist?
"Decipher me or I'll devour?"
This is the nickname given to a resident of the Village at Gilda Santos. His great achievement?
Have 5 daughters! Said the reporter so thrilled "bravery".
Maria has more to be proud of, your daughters too "warlike" filled the blockhouse with more children living in terrible conditions.
Calm, still are not thrilled with such bravery, one of her daughters is in the seventh month of pregnancy, now, do chorus turning into the report women heroines who show so little regard for life.
The article says that the high crime in Vila Gilda is the result of the abandonment of the Government [society] those kids. At no time touches the lack of responsibility of their parents.
This is more the kind of matter that turns my stomach, so just watch TV, especially if you are eating something.
I watch the Marys, their daughters and all couples in the world being made irresponsible heroes, warriors. Especially after the story became more Maria Warrior a good example to follow. And those teenagers selling crack in the alleys? Now the warriors have nothing to do with it, is not the fault of the government that takes care of their children. The warriors have given their best opening her legs for anyone without worrying about pills or condoms.
I confess to you that I have more admiration and respect for prostitutes by marias warrior's life. Bringing a child into the world to live in a village Gilda is a slutty I have neither sorting, is just heinous crime.
Seeing stories like this is that unfortunately had to stand in favor of abortion, a lesser evil before the monstrosity that these women make to the applause of many around him.
I have a certain disdain for pregnant teenagers, everyone thinks is beautiful, I think it's a shame. If it is the first child to me is bearable, accidents happen, but now is the second "fatherless" almost can not look at the face of the citizen, just keep thinking about the disadvantage that the child will have birth and I'm very depressed.
All children should be born loved and desired by his father and mother in a dignified survival was better but not born ...
We marias other warriors in our society should someone start screaming how much they are negligible, but the loneliness sound reaches me, I desperately shouting alone, no one hears me, but weep for our children, "fruits that rot before they mature."
I try to do my part, I try to somehow help these children, but I can so little. Not every charity in the world can replace a good father and a good mother.
My condolences for the death of reason in all this world Vila Gilda.
Live long and prosper with good parents, these are my HEROES.