"The brain of most people only works by the mechanism of reward and reward, and it offers practical metaphysics." [Nihil]
There you avoiding thinking just reciting what they read in some books and became STANDARD, seems a certain teacher I know.
Award and reward far as I know are synonymous then the theory is beginning based on a redundancy.
Let's bring the concept of PROFIT for this equation and realize that thinking is much better structured.
"However, to date, the most notorious example of the subspecies Homo sapiens is Homo Cro-Magnon, high stature, developed detailed tools (knife, spear, bow and arrow, etc..), And demonstration of artistic skills, enrolling some hunting scenes, as evidenced by cave paintings preserved in cave walls. " [Brasilescola]
Whereas humanoids on earth there are 1 million years and Cro-Magnon appeared 90,000 years ago can say that most of the time remain atheists.
Today I'm extremely out of time, but once I read a very interesting study linking art, religion and early bury our dead.
The Cro-Magnon not invented or imagined "spirits" were the first to realize the INTERFERENCE.
I imagine that some entity indicated a remedy to someone who would be "shaman" and that gave RESULT apparent madness.
The relationship of the Cro-Magnon with spirituality gave better results than they had all other humanoids who have not had the same perception, including [apparently] were enslaved and exterminated.
Of course I understand my ancestors, I also observe interference, does not seem to be allowing me to identify exactly how they occur, but note that Darwinism is not sovereign and logically should be.
After Mozart and Beethoven should not arise Macarena ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!
Darwin's friend is unfortunate, but the math is relentless I'm sorry too.