"Money can not buy happiness - for those who do not know what to do with it." [Machado de Assis]
Find out what gives us pleasure is very important because this is what the staff, many of our actions to those that do not find ourselves able to do.
When we read a sentence such as Machado has walked to the "conditioning" of charity, do not waste the generosity ...
Is that what makes us happy is what gives PLEASURE, whether the action is considered "noble" or not, yes, we went back to talk about types of spirits, and the nature of people.
These meditations on pleasure aims to understand the gears that move the world, sees the world as it is and not as it should be according to our will.
Suppose someone feel glad to be superior to the others, likes to humiliate others.
Comes that psychology almanac say that this person who humbles himself is repressed and unhappy, is it?
Will Tyson was unhappy or had a "false happiness" [as some scholars like to say] when knocked an opponent in the ring?
Does that politician that diverts millions, not sleep well at night and is an unhappy person?
If we understand better these gears can develop a more efficient in the sense that happiness is not one of the unhappiness of another.
We can develop efficient tools for the distribution of income and severe punishment for those who steal public money or we can wait for the "pangs of conscience" of politicians unhappy with his "unhappiness".
We can also pray that Jesus comes through the clouds bringing peace and justice for humanity.
However I've done this long ago, there have been advances, but well below our means.
Which brings us joy is PLEASURE, money makes it possible, easier to achieve.
What to do with pleasure? Let's be careful not to turn around monsters.
If we do not have this consciousness the Community has to act through laws lest we think only in our pleasure even though it cost the joy of another.
“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” [St. Francis]
We started the breast of our mother, this is necessary, possible and gives us pleasure.
If our mother die while we are nursing babies in it is no longer possible, regardless of our effort, faith and determination.
We want to breastfeed, but our mother after a certain time forces us to "drop the chest," regardless of our faith, effort or determination.
These "inspirational phrases" in most cases are so childish that it is amazing the number of people who abide by them.
Have you noticed how no lack of astrological predictions on the Internet full of these phrases inspiring?
In Brazil we have the example of soccer players Robinho, he took pleasure in playing ball and playing, it was not necessary, but it was possible.
He was born with a talent for football, was a gift, not something achieved with pain, suffering, stubbornness, insistence.
Playing football in the street, someone from the soccer liked what he saw and helped.
Have you ever thought it could be a pedophile or a murderer of children?
I had a friend with a lot of talent for football, played in several fields, many streets, went through many interviews, but no one came to help him.
My friend did what was necessary, did what was possible and his playing career was impossible ...
Yes ladies and gentlemen, we are talking about SEQUENCE OF EVENTS.
Try, strive, chase your dreams but do not behave like a failure if they do not happen, does not have this ILLUSION that your destiny is totally in your hands because it IS NOT!
Robinho appeared for an "angel" who took him to the Millan, my friend no one came, and it happened alcoholism.
My friend feels and behaves like a failure, because San Francisco can only be right to doubt the holy?
My friend began drinking heavily, it was his fault he had not tried hard enough.
I have no life of my dreams, dreamed of being a great writer.
I also feel a failure, but I'm far from being consumed by some defect, discovered long ago that my fate is not entirely in my hands.
It did not seem possible or necessary. The impossible happened?
"Decipher me or I'll devour!"
“If you do not wake up early, you'll never see the sun rising. If you do not pray, but God is always near, you'll never notice his presence.” [Paulo Coelho]
I see or not see the sun rising is something almost irrelevant to the happening of things. The Sun will follow its course and cause all the consequences even if I spend all day in
darkness of my room.
If I see the sun rise is an image that gives me pleasure I can wake up earlier, but this is going to change any event, just woke up early to see the sun rise and then go back to sleep.
In "MY" life came to this same conclusion with regard to prayer.
I prayed a lot and had the illusion that the "good" things that happened in my life were the result of prayer.
It's funny how we make something bad into good thinking that what happened could have been worse.
However, a bad event, it is... bad! Do not become good because it could have been worse.
You had a cancer, but could be cured and credits the healing presence of God in your life, since I have an illness became a good thing??
If you went to church and miraculously healed I understand, but it went through a long and painful treatment as may be said that prayer was the most important?
I noticed that the "chosen" do not need prayer, is that President Lula is a fervent believer as well? There is little study and reached the presidency!
For us creatures prayer is a waste of time, we are left to their own devices, some things succeed and others wrong because of a "sequence of events" where prayer is nothing more than placebo.
But if you like to pray, like Paulo Coelho like sunrise, pray and wake up early, feel the presence of God and observe the LOGIC moving away, disappearing into the event horizon ...
"Barack Obama is a failed president who has no more ideas, his excuses are running out, we will ensure that the time it ends well." [Mitt Romney] [O Globo]
If the dispute was in Brazil Mitt could say goodbye to presidency.
The Brazilian people would put in the wall like these reality shows.
I admire the Americans for this objectivity, this freedom of expression.
If Mitt is running for president is because he believes that an administrator can be better than Obama.
Why can not say this with all the letters?
Of course he exaggerated, who in their right mind can say that Obama is a failed political or personal?
In the USA who is a candidate for public office know buckshot coming from all sides.
If the guy does not have good arguments in defense and attack is best not to run.
Here in Brazil is boring. Even jokes about the candidates are prohibited.
We believe everything that the marketing team says the candidate!
How can such a thing!?
I did not like the Obama administration.
Not bad but it was far from good. Is regular.
I only approve a reelection if management was good or very good.
A regular administrator, may be elected if it does not another option, but Mitt seems a good option.
We are at a world that is very important that the USA have a great president.
Obama is not the guy. If he is elected will be the same which obviously is not good enough for the present situation.
China is not credible, neither is a Democracy.
Europe is comprised of many countries with many fragmented interests.
However the political arena is not the main problem can be circumvented.
The main problem is that Europe has a generation very badly used, its people want a "social welfare" much larger than the economy can sustain.
I really like Angela Merkel, but I feel that this alone in his judgment.
The English and American governments if they were attuned to the German government could give a right direction to the world economy.
Three major economies that have been tuned in the past, today is one who can save yourself.
Mitt Romney is the guy?
Unfortunately we can not know, have good credentials, but only time can tell.
Today is my opinion that Obama is not the guy for the next four years ...
There are some things I do for pleasure, others by necessity and others because they have good results.
In the past went to my mother's house, found a family there and we were in lengthy discussions.
With colleagues from school, work or church was the same thing, philosophy entered the conversation and the time was short.
liked, until I realized that the RESULT was none. After minutes or hours of conversation was nothing in people's minds.
In the hours following the debate or at most the next day, though they understand everything I had said did not change a comma of their procedures, their actions.
Need to spend the afternoon talking I do not have, nor am I a person who likes to talk a lot, I prefer silence. No results also do not have any pleasure in debating.
Between getting three hours chatting and sleeping, reading or watching a movie I prefer the other options.
Many colleagues and members of my family wish that my physical presence, they want to bounce ideas off "looking eye to eye".
They believe that I run this kind of confrontation, but who has already discussed with me knows I'm good in the debate face to face.
What discourages me is the lack of results.
With this Blog I can communicate simultaneously with many people, is much more efficient.
Speaking with many more people there is always the possibility that one absorb something.
And what result do I have? [Someone should be asking]
What would we know the great characters of the past if not for the texts?
Eg Socrates and Jesus never wrote anything. If others do not write about them not know either of their tickets for this planet.
The wind carries the words spoken, but written words if we ignore them we have to destroy them.
What I wrote last month I have no way out, other than a conversation is often where the "spoken by the unsaid."
Ladies and gentlemen I do not run away from discussion face to face I escape the lack of results, I prefer the written debate or is it better to go to sleep ...
Imagine if I had to have this conversation with many people who have passed through my life?
If technology allows me great comfort Blog and offers me the possibility of better results, which would LOGIC to continue my dealings in the past?
I'd like other people who take pleasure in small talk, nothing against it, only that this is a pleasure to them, NOT MINE.
Sorry ladies and gentlemen, I need to have some result.
Philosophy only makes sense if you can add some knowledge to allow an exchange of experiences, bring something that makes my life more efficient, which makes the other's life more efficient.
The change has no "obligation" to happen, but it must at least be "possible."
“The joy is in the fight, in the attempt, the suffering involved. Not in the victory itself.” [Mahatma Gandhi]
My "nature" is different from the nature of Gandhi.
I do not understand this taste for the fight, I believe that the struggle is sometimes a "bad" and others need an unnecessary evil.
This cult of suffering is so ingrained in people's minds that seems unchanged for most of them, then just write without claiming to be read or understood.
I like to December, for example, because it is a month of many celebrations, many smiles, the hate if it was a month of war, strife and suffering.
A thinker [not remember which one now] said that war is the failure of diplomacy, the victory of barbarism over INTELLIGENCE.
The Gandhian thought is an oxymoron, is against everything that Philosophy Mathematics brings us, let's talk about sex for example ... come with me!
Is there anything hotter than a sex couples wishing to get each other a lot?
Only you touch the woman she is boiling, the erection is so strong that it looks like it will rip the skin, yes, there is emotion, joy, victory is pleasure.
Think of a rape, fighting, suffering, victory is the weakest being enslaved, to be sure the rapist got pleasure, violence is their nature.
If the victim has a masochistic nature also experienced some kind of pleasure.
Ladies and gentlemen, you see the complexity of the PLEASURE? How is he related to our NATURE extrapolating the "linearity" of right / wrong, fair / unfair, good / evil?
I do not worship the suffering, I am abnormal? Gandhi is normal for worshiping the suffering?
I'm out of a set STANDARD, but if I am consistent with my NATURE because I am abnormal?
Abnormal would I go against my nature!
Say I have joy in the struggle and suffering.
“Educate children, so it is not necessary to punish adults.” [Pythagoras]
"Today I have a good standard of living and when people learn of my childhood very poor so I do not discriminate, are even more lenient with my boredom.
They say it's because of the past, I'm not naturally boring.
My family believes that if I had had a childhood best I would be less boring, more "loving" less "cold".
After some deep meditations scouring the depths of my soul came to the conclusion that I am naturally boring.
In the early years of school was a man isolated by my thoughts.
One day my father took me to school and I of course, as usual, I was in a corner away from everything near the wall until it was time to go.
That day my father argued with my mother about my difficulty socializing, my father thought it was the fault of my mother and my mother thought it was my father's fault.
I knew nothing until today do not understand most things, but did not want to see my father and my mother arguing.
From that day when my father accompanied me to school I approached a group of children and pretended to have many friends, when my father disappeared on the horizon satisfied I returned to my corner, observing life from afar, trying to understand its meaning.
I know being rich does not make me less boring.
If someone asked me now to spend Christmas in Paris with all expenses paid, just thinking about the shambles and handling at airports already gives me fatigue.
Prefer my share of money so I can spend more time doing nothing here in my house.
You see, my taste for money is the possibility of having more time to do nothing, but with much comfort.
Returning to the thought of Pitagoras.
If I was naturally violent, without much appreciation for the lives of others, would be the fault of my father, my mother, my education would change the "nature"?
If it did not work with the boredom and laziness, work with a natural lack of respect for the lives of others?
Pitagoras My dear, I envy his certainty that we are all naturally good, my soul feels unclean near her, I hope I'm wrong and you right, but what I notice is ...
There will always be need for punishment for some adults no matter how good the education, life there is no magic formula.
We are not naturally good.
"Born in Quinta do Sol, Parana, Dalva lives in the house of four floors and 400 square meters of inheritance left by her husband, a doctor who died of leukemia in 2003 at age 73. She went on to receive two pensions, with which it supports.”
"I believe in her innocence, we split up just because I thought she loved animals more than me," says Alves. In his spare time, Dalva usually crochet, telling stories to his daughter and, formerly, even dared to compose songs of MPB and nursery rhymes. " [Veja SP]
“the police raided and found near the place four bags with the bodies of 35 cats and four dogs wrapped individually in newspaper and rags.”
Dalva rent two quarters suggesting that their financial situation is very acceptable, I mean she is able to pay for many kinds of pleasure.
People brought her several animals, but still was not enough, she went wandering around town for more animals.
Realize why I was interested deeply the structure of thought PLEASURE?
What makes Dalva is absolutely illogical. Collapse dogs to kill them!
Suppose that these animals actually arrived in the terminal so she give them a quick and painless death could even be an act of mercy.
I'm not going into the merits of the procedure she used because I have no expertise, but clearly most of the animals arrived in good physical condition, so we discard the act of mercy and love of animals also.
Apparently she was not much time with the animals by subjecting them to torture her pleasure it seems was just watching life fade them.
I remembered now the testimony of an inmate who killed a girl who was stabbing "stolen" her boyfriend. She stood there watching the girl fade in blood and the way she narrated felt a great peace by doing this.
These days one friend said she feels the beggars are in the situation "embarrassing" to ask for alms.
Noting the pleasure I noticed that what compels an individual does not constrain other.
Therefore we can not say that the beggar feels some embarrassment in asking for alms.
I and most people do not like to be naked in public, even completely alone in the house will not feel naked, at least one I need to be wearing shorts, but there are people who feel very well on a nude beach.
Paraded as a model when I met several people who liked to walk completely naked without caring who was around, had a very nice model that was called attention for its flamboyance, even to comb her hair she was naked...
As this year I want a philosophy even more complex, take a deep breath and come with me!
It is suspected that Dalva has killed more than 1,000 animals and unfortunately she may have done a great asset to the City since she did not steal animals, but killed those who were helpless.
Many people gave the animals her to "get rid of a problem," few are interested in the real fate of the dog or cat.
I want to draw attention to the fact that animals like cats, pigeons and dogs are becoming a plague in the cities.
They are always offering me dogs and kittens and the story is always the same, "I already have two or three" my dog gave birth and I need to find a home for the puppies.
Why, if this problem of excess domestic animals is so obvious because rather than being sweetened with speech to respect the lives of animals does not take a more INTELLIGENT?
If you have a bitch and she does not want to procreate talk to your vet about it, stop pushing puppies for friends.
The animals that are roaming the streets must be collected and made sterile.
I personally I am tired of hearing this story that love is the solution for everything, but at the time of the difficulty the person playing your problem to another, or want to share with the whole society.
These days a Facebook participant said that dogs are like angels on earth!
These angels bite one person every hour in Sao Paulo [Brazil] and of every four individuals is bitten a child.
I'm not here defending Dalva and her strange and damnable pleasure, just want to draw attention to much of society is not in a mental situation much better than hers.
Respect for life must begin before it happens.
Dalva in the mind of the logic does not enter, we have to create laws too harsh for her to feel FEAR, so afraid that does not compensate its strange pleasure.
Already the company "animal protection" is a more complex case, these people hide behind speeches "love" and respect the life [I'm not saying that is consciously], allow animals to have offspring and the whole society has to help care for even the portion that does not love animals.
We do not have enough kindergartens for our children, our hostels are grievous, but our kennels so they have to be wonderful, great, because who does not love or loves animals is a monster ... I just like animals, sorry!
"Everything is so right, but it seems wrong!”
Child attacked by dog
"A man can not do right in an area of life while you're busy doing wrong in another. Life is one indivisible whole. " [Mahatma Gandhi]
When I read biographies of some big names of mankind discovered that no one is holy 100% or 100% evil. Yes, life is a whole, but with endless facets, endless "share".
Constantly we see terrible rapists who are reputable and good parents.
We see politicians who divert funds harming thousands of needy, but your friends are very generous.
We also have the flip side, men who are very warm outside and in your home are real monsters tormenting the lives of his wife and children.
I will not search, I'm not here to denigrate the memory of anyone, but if we search the life of Gandhi probably find several inconsistencies.
Once when I wrote about it I received an e-mail praising the text and saying that only Jesus went through this land without any stains.
In response I posted what the Bible says nothing of Jesus teens to their 30s. The last quote is when he was about 12 years and excite people with his speeches.
As a person with so much wisdom has not done anything relevant in 30 years of life!?
What does the Bible wanted to hide from us?
What is a person, everything she does good or all bad is it?
A person's life that is whole, his successes and mistakes.
Yes, it can be very sure of something while it is very wrong in another.
A very good wife may betray her husband with his best friend.
A good priest can not resist the temptation of sex and look for a prostitute.
A pastor that attracts many believers can not resist the temptation of easy money.
Finally, a doctor and monster everyone has a little bit.
Using the intelligence exalt the doctor and keep under control the monster ...
"A good man is not likely to happen any harm, either in life or in death." [Socrates]
There was a time that was very afraid to have an opinion contrary to that of a great thinker, more educated people were saying, "know who you talking about?"
There was a time that was very afraid to have an opinion contrary to that of a great thinker, more educated people were saying, "know who you talking about?"
I noticed an interesting thing, some people who live near the planned course and believe in a positive force of thought, they serve as reference for other people who think they will also strive and blissful.
Socrates lived like he wanted, doing what he enjoyed doing and was good at what he did, as did also died. Socrates lived close to that planned for your life and when he saw that he would be devoured by the society around him almost opted for suicide.
I have a colleague who loves playing football, he played very well, but never showed a great opportunity, was working in his father's company, he dreamed that travel the world had to settle for far less than that. He was a really nice guy and a talented player, could not pursue his dream came to alcohol and his character has not been as good.
Remember that earthquake that occurred in Haiti?
I wonder, is it only good men survived the earthquake in Haiti?
I saw a woman buried for four days, she could be rescued.
I think of other individuals who were under the rubble for four, five or more days and after much suffering were not lucky enough to be rescued.
For the woman who was rescued is easy to believe in the power of positive thinking or the divine help, but what about the hundreds that were not so lucky?
This woman had rescued a character better than the others, even children newly arrived in life?
Is the music of a singer from Brazil, Raul Seixas, who says:
"I should be happy to have home, car and going to the zoo the monkeys make popcorn ... but I find it very annoying"
I'm glad to have plenty in my home, but I understand Raul, would be even happier to realize that good character, positive thinking or a divine justice free us from all evil, but "thoughts do not match the facts."
"Socrates I'm sorry, but events do not choose good or evil character, in death I do not know, definitely not alive."
"If you want proof for the character of a man, give him power." [Abraham H. Maslow]
My first contact with this thought I think I was reading Confucius.
My memory is not good, it was something like this:
"Want to know the true character of a man? Give him power. "
This thought is very provocative because it makes me think of God.
If God knows the character of men because it gives power only to the good character?
We humans to err is excusable, there is so much wolf in sheep's clothing, but the talk of the omnipotent and omniscient God?
I stop to discuss with a person when he says that the Holy Spirit revealed to him something, there is no more debate before so superior a source of knowledge so I can only question the humble.
I ask all who call themselves "enlightened by the Holy Spirit," because God allows an evil character comes to power?
If it is because that allows us humans to blame law-abiding citizens, either by Stalin or Hitler.
When there is a sister or a Dulce Gandhi is God who gives power, when there is an Idi Amin is the humanity that is rubbish!
The Holy Spirit never enlightened me with these answers and people who "know" the answer did not think I could understand it then do not bother to explain.
Therefore I'm a fan of MERITOCRACY, if God does his part must have its reasons, this should not be an excuse for what I do not do my part to elect good stewards and hope for the prosperity of men of good character.
Logic tells me that God is living and in heaven and humanity should seek to have a good life here on Earth.
What? Do you prefer to wash your hands, praying to God and trust the state? Worse than this is not?
Do not be silly it can always get better and everything can always be worse.
If I have to fight to be the best, not enough for me to survive by instinct came into the world to LIVE WITH INTELLIGENCE!
To the civilized civilization to the barbarians barbarism ...
"The state will be our ruin."
In the current era is amazing the lack of good thinkers, talked much of the insanities of religion, but what about our economic insanity?
I am not speaking only of Brazil, I'm talking about the world.
We are in 2012 and have not yet realized the importance of electing good administrators!
Even in ancient countries in economic studies I see stumbling on basics such as NOT SPEND more than it collects.
All countries where the people start to think that the State is a Big Daddy in the end just there to work for the state as a premise should be the contrary, the state work for the people.
Nobody wants to know where the money comes from is to be able to decree a more "social achievement". The emergence of bubbles and bad debts is inevitable then you have to twist to die before the bubble burst because as those pyramid games, sooner or later someone will have to pay the bill.
Ireland, Greece, USA, Spain, Portugal ... the list goes on.
The people do not understand basics on "Wealth of Nations" is acceptable until the dough is mediocre, but also seem to elect people who do not demonstrate the slightest notion that print money without producing wealth is the same as painting paper without VALUE reaches be tragic.
The only country that thought its gargantuan power by breaking this basic rule of capitalism was the U.S., but capitalism does not forgive or empires, the greatest "sin" of a government deficit is to have the second greatest sin is to have constant surpluses [later I explain].
A little thought is not the current crisis of capitalism, he continues to produce wealth on a large scale in countries where there is FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY.
The crisis is emerging in this strange world mentality contamination of searching for an all-powerful State that we "save ourselves" what is the solution to all ills of humanity from the obligation of depression to happiness!
When you do push for a bullet train, a new football stadium or even a new hospital or school buildings sumptuous, find out the basics of where the money comes from.
Of course the government can print money, but only you as a society can produce WEALTH.
What? You do not care.
If you are in government or within the wealthy economic elite, everything will be fine.
If not ... God help you ...
I like American movies.
What I like most is the transparency with which they show their membership and by extension the human soul.
Fidels, Hitlers and Ayatollahs hide their worlds, control with an iron hand what "we" know them.
The American fly open his bowels in some films the Indians are the bad guys on the other is the pale face of genocide.
In "American Beauty" director digs deep in the deepest that exists in that society, a film about anything that talks about everything, drugs, homosexuality, pedophilia, money, luxury, poverty, alienation ...
In one scene the protagonist dreams of a teenage cheerleader. It is as if the camera for us to ask, who would not dream of that "American Beauty"?
Later the same camera makes us realize that it's just a child in a woman's body and you can not have sexual pleasure with children, at least for "normal" human.
In American films we see his thugs, the beaches of Malibu, the application and not enforcing their laws, their fat and their sculptural girls.
In series like "Law and Order", we become more skilled in American justice than our Brazil.
At CSI we are accustomed to seeing dead bodies and walk through all that you can make a man kill another.
American brothers to my admiration and respect.
God bless America and do not forget Brazil!
Terapia da Lógica
“A neighbor of the miss and college student Caren Brum Paim, 22, admitted on Friday that killed the girl. The model's body was found at a farm in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul in the mountains. Farenzena Eduardo, 19, told police an ex-boyfriend and that Caren murdered out of jealousy” [Terra / Brazil]
I was reminded of a statement of the "Red Light Bandit" in which he says he was angry and smelling those beautiful women who would never be him, then raped her ace.
In the case of this young man may even have been love, but out of the ordinary we will walk through another gap to the desire of BEAUTY.
Me looking at the deepest of my being come to the conclusion that one day even remotely thought to be gay, I have always admired tremendously feminine beauty, in a pre-teen was something even more intense because it was an admiration free up some sexual desire.
I was very shy and was very envious of colleagues who got a girlfriend, if she was beautiful I thought the place of that individual, how he was happy.
My mind is not the killer then never wished ill of anyone, but I remember the pain that was not having access to so much beauty.
At school I liked to sit near the most beautiful of the class, I do not even talk right, enough to be there close to the beauty.
I never know how far I can take a meditation, but the most amazing we never forget, combing the trails left by the feeling of love went to where it all began, the first time I was struck by this feeling and surprise ... HE WAS NOT THERE !
In the gym there was a girl who does not get out of my head, when it was thought to have crossed LOVE with this feeling, I remember one day seeing her stroking the face of a colleague, the day ended for me with 10 or 11 years was there I was wishing for death itself, I think that differs from the minds of killers who respect life and this action before a disappointment, want to kill the first, the others are depressed, or no longer want to live.
For the passion killers to end the presence of the loved one will also cease to exist, as for [say] "romantic" is better to die as to kill the beloved will not kill the memory of BEAUTY.
With the beloved living can still occasionally just to be near, just admire it. Killing the beloved does not make sense, since it would kill all our hopes proximity ... uh, the text will be long after I go.
"Man looks in the name of a principle which may despise the man. Invent another world in order to defame and defile it, in fact only captures nothing and makes nothing of a God, a fact called to judge and condemn this existence." [Niet]
I like the humanity, so much advocate without being blind to its faults, after all I am not "in love" with her, just like.
I even think of another world, but I am aware that I live in, so I try to make it the best.
Always defronto with thinkers who idealize a wonderful world after death to his fellow and a hell or nothing to his opponents.
Invent another world to disregard this.
Dress of glory to despise another man.
So I take my failures, I can not everything can indeed very little.
I take my stupidity, there are so many things I do not understand.
I would invent a world where I was saved, I would like to have answers for everything and dress of glory, but I just know that I know nothing and I feel even dumber inventing worlds, after all I am not God I am only a man, I have live with it, this is the observable reality.
People feel pressured when you have a disability, are left behind in some activity that needed to go well, but I will speak at a pressure that few understand and even more difficult to handle the "pressure of efficiency."
My first school was weak and when I was transferred to a stronger I was the dumb class, but disregard this phase is for another opportunity.
In the gym I was among the best, was among the most efficient and thought everything would be fine, but only increased the pressure, everyone is always looking for the best grade.
The last straw was when I got a B + and I was laughed at!
A student took the poor, was the only perfect score and was not mine.
The comedy is that he copied all of me in a moment of distraction [he distracted me] an alternative marked by mistake that cost me half a point.
Millions of things ran through my head, but what stood out was that a "neurosis" could not continue studying had ceased to be a pleasure or a necessity, has become an irrational competition with myself, "nobody can be better than me , this is what ALL hope. "
In my meditations mathematical realized that one of the doors for the use of drugs is this need to overcome to be what the group expects you to be.
In the group, in the club, you have to be cheerful, energetic, this is what the group expects of you, you're a straight face and grimace, but with a few beers ...
Let us pause here, today I'm not gay and text may be melancholy.
Do not use drugs to stay happy and do not want to infect others with my feelings of melancholy.
"We can not choose what you feel, but we can choose how to act."
Terapia da Lógica
"I can not choose how I feel, but I can choose what to do about it." [Shakespeare]
Sometimes I know it's inevitable, but we should avoid making decisions too quickly.
The feelings are always processed faster than reason.
Take a deep breath, count to ten and ask yourself: What is best for me?
Have you ever noticed that when we are in our house, close to bedtime everything that happened in the morning seems to have been a dream.
We know that time "it took" to spend at work, but I do not know exactly how much, remember the lunch hour, but it is hard to remember exactly what we eat or whom we met in the elevator.
It's amazing how quickly the reality becomes a dream and remember more of what we touched on what we thought at that time.
It is because we think little, mostly just remember, conditioned ourselves.
When the reality of everyday life smothering me realize I'm being taken over by feeling, by instinct, take a deep breath, I begin to think and remember the future, eleven o'clock, midnight, when everything is back to dream ...
Like when we're in the heat of summer and one day we do not know how to use those winter clothes.
I think when we die we will think:
It was all a dream?
"Save anger is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die." [Shakespeare]
I do not understand why we spend so much with the super villains carrying airplanes and spending tubes in strong schemes segurança.Por all the evil which we did resent them and want them to suffer, but because they have nothing to lose who we are suffering .
When there were those attacks in Sao Paulo (Brazil) remember hearing the testimony of an outsider who did not want to burn any bus, but it did not do so would be killed by his own comrades.
I was thinking that our license with evil terrorized by evil itself!
So great a deformity of our sense of justice that even marginal misses security.
A lethal injection would be something as simple and clean, but the resentful believe it would be very good for those who did a great evil.
I know who hide behind the message of "respect life" is a lie so accepted by everyone that passes as truth.
For most of the life of the victim does not have as much value as well say that "no one dies the day before, was the fate of" the villain is almost an avenging angel sent by God.
For other death was a gift, must suffer in the outlaw life.
We take the poison and hope that the bad guy dies of old age in prison while it will always commanding the crime and killing more people. What he has more to do? Become a good man?
Oh, come on!
"Once discovered, the jealousy is regarded by him who is the object of it as a suspicious authorizing the trick." [Proust]
The Philosophy of Mathematics does not help us to avoid the feelings, but allows give a "weight" to eles.Algo as far in food such sentiment can be useful, useless or bring us harm.
It's so annoying to be accused of a crime he did not commit.
To the jealous partner is guilty until proven innocence is punished before then commit the crime.
After much be punished adultery becomes a sort of reward for mistreatment.
We can not avoid jealousy, but if we can see how it is harmful it is easier to keep it under control.
After much control jealousy, almost no longer perceive me.
It's one of those things that makes people see me walking like a refrigerator, a monster.
Frankly I see no logic in a feeling that food is harmful to me and people I love.
Jealousy is a feeling that makes no sense, so are the monsters?
I always liked things to have meaning, it is my nature, I was born like that.
"Everyone feels clear ideas that are in the same degree of confusion as yours." [Proust]
In a lecture spiritualism heard something that struck me as bizarre, I struggled not to laugh, laugh even.
The speaker said that abortion should not be practiced, because the spirit of the fetus would obsidiar the woman who took the opportunity of a new reincarnation ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Okay the guy to be against abortion, but the argument is hilarious.
I wondered that "fétinho" chasing a woman and damaging your life, like that killer doll [Chuck?].
A colleague commented that after the matter told me [with all etiquette] that I was an ignorant man himself: "The fetus may be an older adult mind you."
So I laughed in his face: the old can be, but I doubt very adult.
Think about it: I'm William incarnation, it's all ready, but the woman who would be my future mother did not want me and cut my cheap, I'd better do?
Stay or go tormenting the woman behind a good and loving mother who was anxious for my arrival?
To an old friend ESIO this whole mess is quite clear, he would send me to study more Spiritist Doctrine.
I've studied, but it's all so damn confusing ... Proust, it's his fault ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Terapia da Lógica
"The only procedure more difficult than taking a life is ruled not impose it on others." [Proust]
I think that Proust did not speak of the rule that is part of our "nature" it is not difficult to follow, but still want to impose it on others.
I, for one, do not like alcohol, so drinking is not a rule that I follow without any difficulty, if all the factories shut the beer would not make me the slightest fault.
Since I do not like working, but it is a rule that I force him to follow.
These rules that "we are obligated" to follow are those that bring us difficulties and they are what we most strongly to impose on others.
To be a free thinker, you must leave "ourselves."
Many do not understand my views on drugs, my defense of its legalization.
I put myself in place of who takes pleasure in using them, preaching the extermino drugs would be something like preaching the closing of factories of beers.
IMPOSE my life would be ruled to others.
I notice that people who suffer the TEMPTATION to use drugs and do not use are those that argue more strongly their extermination, it happens that Philosophy in mathematics suggests that the extermination of drugs is not possible then the logical thing would be to control its use and not requiring that they get absolutely no use.
And you can not IMPOSE ruled his life for others?
Terapia da Lógica